Teach-Learn-Share enables the sharing of best practice by recognising synergies that exist across different disciplines (at a meso-level). This approach recognises the foundational similarities in the aims and objectives about teaching and learning, irrespective of the discipline. These include:

  1. The pedagogical approaches which underpin the design and delivery of curricula and methods of teaching, learning and assessment;
  2. The foundational aim of promoting student engagement through the use of excellent methods of  teaching, learning and assessment;
  3. The desire to maximise positive outcomes and experiences for students during their studies;
  4. Developing employable, enterprising, digitally literature and socially aware individuals who understand how to work collaboratively in a multicultural and globally interconnected world;
  5. Recognising the importance of scholarly activity as a driver for continuing professional development.

Teach-Learn-Share harnesses these meso-level synergies by bringing together people from across faculty’s and disciplines.  At the same time,  it recognises that developing excellence in teaching, learning and assessment needs to take into account the potentially unique teaching and learning challenges experienced by particular disciplines (micro-level issues).  By focusing activity on both meso- and micro-levels Teach-Learn-Share aims to create engagement with key scholarly knowledge while recognising and responding to disciplinary differences, in order to enable the design and delivery of the best modes of teaching and assessment and to develop exceptional graduates.

Dr Sarah Brearley SFHEA is a Senior Lecturer in Health Research and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education in the Faculty of Health and Medicine at Lancaster University. Dr Casey Cross SFHEA is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Department of Management Science and Bowland College Principal