‘Traduttore traditore’: s/he who translates betrays. Literally and figuratively. Words are embedded in social and material practices, and often, in the mismatches between languages, there is domination. STS is substantially, perhaps largely, written in English. What does this imply for
EASST 2018 Conference: Important Deadlines
Here are the deadlines for the EASST 2018 Conference: 08/11/2017: Deadline for panel (and workshop) proposals 08/12/2017: Communication of accepted panels, opening of CFP 14/02/2018: Deadline for individual paper abstract submissions (end of CFP) 14/03/2018: Accepted papers published on the website
EASST 2018 Conference theme: ‘Meetings’
The 2018 EASST conference theme is: Meetings: Making Science, Technology and Society Together. Here’s an excerpt from the call for papers: ‘the politics of meetings is not a choice between doing or not doing relations, but rather to think about which actors
EASST 2018 Conference: Theme Announced
It’s now been announced: the theme of the 2018 EASST Conference at Lancaster will be Meetings: Making Science, Technology and Society Together More details about the conference theme will be available shortly. And please visit our dedicated EASST Lancaster
Carbon capture and alternative energy: how do they interact?
On the one hand there are mitigation technologies for removing greenhouse gases from emissions. On the other hand there are alternative sources of ‘green’ energy. But how do they interact? Does investment in mitigation technologies reduce investment in alternative energy? How do