Submission Guidelines

Students are welcome to submit an original piece, or a former piece of coursework.

Students may wish to submit any of the following:

  • An article of 3,500 – 6,500 words
  • A creative-critical piece (if your creative piece is too large/ three-dimensional then photographs may be used, but must be accompanied with a critical commentary of reasonable length)
  • An interview (with relevance to your area of study)
  • A book review (of a critical publication, or new literary work)

However, re-submitted coursework must match the following criteria:

  • Students must state which module it was originally submitted for and their tutor’s name.
  • Students must show that they have responded to staff feedback by including a 100-400 word statement responding to the essay feedback.
  • Re-submitted coursework will also answer an argument/ contain an original title, not use the questions written in handbooks. Essays from half-units where the student creates their own question, not pre-set essay questions will be given more weight and valued for originality.
  • Masters students are welcome to submit previous undergraduate work (e.g. a chapter of their third year dissertation).

When you are articles are submitted please attach the following as separate documents to your email:

  • “LUX Cover Page” – downloadable here: Cover Page
  • Your abstract (300 words max.).
  • Your article – this must be anonymised in order to perform a blind peer review.
  • If adapted from a university assessment (essay; creative project; etc.) please also include a summary (100-300 words) of how you have taken on board tutor feedback.
  • If you are including images/ tables include these in the body of your essay, but please also attach images as separate jpegs entitled “Figure 1, 2, 3… etc.” as appropriate.

Please send your articles to If you have any queries regarding a potential submission, do not hesitate to contact us at the same address.