After many many months and demonstrations of the importance of mobility capital (and the absence of the administrative type of it!), John’s books are packed….

John’s books are still at Lancaster University Library. But not for much longer! We are preparing to pack and ship them this summer and to…

This was a fantastic day at Wilfried Laurier University, organised by Judith Nicholson and her colleagues. The presentations and discussions on how we teach and learn…

(Em)Powering Mobilities: Cities/Architectures/Justices Aalborg University, Centre for Mobilities and Urban Studies, 29-30 August 2018 Deadline for abstract submissionhas been pushed to 16 May 2018. See here…

A brief summary from the first Latin American Mobilities Research Network School Presentations and Programme Dialog and conceptual contributions. The panel “Caminhos para o estudo…

Melina Piglia’s Autos, Rutas Y Turismo explores tourist practices and experiences in Latin America from the 1930s to today(?). We’re looking for someone to volunteer…

Monika Büscher and Bianca Freire-Medeiros are working to establish a John Urry Library section at the University of São Paulo (USP) Monika is just about to…