Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Lancaster University
Fellow of the British Academy
email: E.Shove@Lancaster.ac.uk
On this site you will find references to books and papers that I have written, materials from previous projects – including the extraordinary lecture and exhibition of ideas; details of current PhD students and links to bits of online writing and a few other things I’m involved with.
The Practice Theory at Lancaster web site is worth checking if you want to know about publications and events on that topic.
I was PI of the DEMAND (Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand) Centre (2013-2018). The DEMAND web site has many resources, including some short animated films setting out some of the centre’s main ideas.
I came to Lancaster in 1995 as deputy director of the Centre for the Study of Environmental Change and was director of the Centre for Science Studies for a couple of years before joining the Sociology Department in 2000.