Last Updated on 21/03/2022

Services within the Northwest area which are considered able to provide successful practice placements are contacted in good time prior to the start of the placement to seek offers of placements. Approaches for placement offers are coordinated with the other two north west programmes who also seek placements within the same geographical area.

When a placement is offered it is subject to checks to ensure that it is fit for purpose according to the following criteria (the relevant HCPC standards of education and training will be referenced by number after each of the below):

  • Does the placement have the potential to meet the learning needs of the trainees at the specific point in their training (e.g. are there enough appropriately qualified staff available in a small service to supervise and support the trainee, or does a third year placement have access to work suitable to address any gaps remaining in the trainee’s learning?) (SET 5.2; 5.6; 5.7)?
  • Will the placement provide a safe and supportive environment for the trainees (SET 5.3)?
  • Is the placement situated in a service which has all the necessary governance and assurance frameworks in place to ensure the safety and promote the wellbeing of clients and trainees, including appropriate policies and procedures around equality and diversity in relation to trainees (SET 5.5)?
  • Are the prospective supervisors appropriately registered (SET 5.9)?
  • Have they undertaken appropriate training as supervisors (SET 5.8)?

HCPC Standards of education and training
Supervisor oversight and quality assurance of supervision processes – allied health professionals