The main objective of delivering the right amount of capacity, at the right moment and with the maximum efficiency to better serve the air traffic demand, comprises the following sub-objectives:


Take full advantage of the airspace potential using sectors’ shapes that are suited for optimal workload distribution across a configuration, increasing the resiliency of sectors and sector configuration plans.


Improve the demand capacity balancing  using machine learning to enhance traffic prediction at the 8–24-hour range, and to determine/compute the sectors’ configuration providing the required capacity.


Provide fine-tuned solutions to real-time operation exploring different traffic scenarios, based on traffic predictions constructed from flows.


Being able to automatically determine the optimum level of airspace usage, measured in terms of capacity, using artificial intelligence techniques.

Complementary to these goals,


Explore the use of machine learning and more in general artificial intelligence for demand capacity balancing, paving the way for its widespread usage