We are pleased to announce a research seminar, jointly hosted by the Centre for Science Studies and the Centre for Technological Futures, exploring how practices of decoloniality might contribute to just futures in relation to the digital and what questions this opens up for social science research more widely.

The seminar will feature contributions from Dr Hameed Chughtai (Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University) and Dr Andrea Jimenez (Information School, University of Sheffield), jointly discussing issues related to data decolonial justice futures from their recent and ongoing work in the field of Information Systems. Dr Jimenez will reflect on the impact of decolonial approaches on digital design practices and their subsequent influence on justice outcomes. She will share insights from a research project around water and data justice in Lima, Peru, and explain how we aimed to co-produce knowledge and navigate the tensions that come with designing digital technologies. Dr Chughtai will discuss broader theoretical and philosophical issues related to decoloniality using decolonial critical hermeneutics and offer insights to advance the scholarly debate in information systems and social science.

If are interested in joining, please consider attending in person if possible, however if you would like or need to attend remotely, please email Joe Deville (j.deville@lancaster.ac.uk), the CSS Director, for the Teams link.

Event details

  • Thursday June 27th, 1-2pm
  • Management School West Pavilion, Lecture Theatre 14
Data, information systems and decolonial justice futures
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