Explores how male and female Disney characters in Frozen and Moana use language (specifically impoliteness strategies) to produce and maintain gendered power relations as well as transgress normative social manners. Data is primarily quantitative with limited detailed linguistic analysis qualitatively. This paper would be useful for those interested in comparing male and female characters’ use … Continue reading Benabdellah (2018) Impoliteness strategies and gender differences among Disney modern protagonists
Author: Vicky Strong
Bergman (2015) Happily ever after
Investigates the development of the use of stereotypical feminine language over the span of 60 years in Disney’s Cinderella (1950) and Tangled (2010). Mostly quantitative data analysis focusing on the frequency of stereotypical feminine language features identified in both films. Considers context in the discussion of the results. This paper would be useful for those … Continue reading Bergman (2015) Happily ever after
Bertović (2019) Gender differences in Disney princess movies
Examines the speech of male and female characters and how language features have changed over time in six Disney films from 1950-2016. There is qualitative analysis of specific linguistic features across each film with script excerpts being provided where appropriate. Politeness/impoliteness features are also examined. Quantitative analysis provides a general insight into how language use … Continue reading Bertović (2019) Gender differences in Disney princess movies
Dahlberg-Dodd (2020) Voices of the hero
Examines the presentation of hegemonic masculinity in anime aimed at adolescent boys and its change over time. The study looks at the use of pronouns and the phonetic performance of protagonists and how these respectively relate to gender performance. This paper would be useful for those interested in the relationship between linguistic content and phonetic … Continue reading Dahlberg-Dodd (2020) Voices of the hero
El Chami (2020) Gender and race representation in Disney
Takes an intersectional approach through content analysis of three Disney princess films from 2009-2016 featuring female leads of different races. Examines stereotypical women’s language forms (specifically empty adjectives, super polite forms and interruptions) seen in cross-sex interactions between female leads and male characters. Examples from scripts are provided. Results also consider the racial differences between … Continue reading El Chami (2020) Gender and race representation in Disney
Garibashvili and Lazviashvili (2021) Verbal and nonverbal discourse of male characters in animated movies
Analyses discourse (verbal and nonverbal) of male mice characters in two films: American – “The Great Mouse Detective” (1986) and Georgian – “Tsuna and Tsrutsuna” (1955). Looks at nonverbal displays of masculinity through character design as well as textual analysis of the character’s speech and how they portray masculine personality traits, both positive and negative. … Continue reading Garibashvili and Lazviashvili (2021) Verbal and nonverbal discourse of male characters in animated movies
González Vera (2012) The translation of linguistic stereotypes in animated films
Investigates the Spanish and English translations of Dreamworks’ animated films Shrek and Shark Tale, examining the ways in which the Spanish translation of the films further enforces or rejects stereotypical gendered language, when compared to the original English version. Qualitative analysis focusing on chosen salient examples from the script with an in-depth critical linguistic analysis. … Continue reading González Vera (2012) The translation of linguistic stereotypes in animated films
Halttunen (2022) “She’s the greatest earthbender I’ve ever seen!”
Examines the presentation of female agency in two characters (Toph and Azula) in the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, looking particularly at multimodal features. Mostly qualitative analysis incorporating both visual and linguistic features through a critical stance. Linguistically, specific vocabulary and politeness strategies were analysed and evidenced with script excerpts. This thesis would be … Continue reading Halttunen (2022) “She’s the greatest earthbender I’ve ever seen!”