Call for papers on Food environments and health is LIVE NOW. You can find more details on the link here. Our very own Dr. Jasmine Fledderjohann is part of the guest editorial team, and will be editing this Special Collection from BMC Medicine on food environments and their impact on public health.
Project team presenting at British Sociological Association - Virtual Annual Conference 2024: Crisis, Continuity and Change Dr. Charumita Vasudev will be presenting a paper entitled - What a ‘Good Mother’ Eats : Food Choices, Sacrifices and the Politics of Provisioning. This paper discusses how socially constructed ideals of a 'good mother' affect women's daily choices, […]
Project team will be presenting at the British Journal of Sociology Conference, 15-16 April 2024, LSE, UK Dr Ankita Rathi will be discussing her paper titled 'Food Insecurity, Labour Precarity, and Debt in India Links between Debt and Social Reproduction' in the upcoming BJS conference. Dr Swayamshree Mishra will be discussing her paper titled 'Research with […]
Project team presenting at Population Association of America (PAA 2024), Annual Meeting Dr. Charumita Vasudev will be presenting a paper entitled - Understanding the demographics of food insecurity: A praxis-oriented reflexive approach . The paper questions the focus on objectivity in demographic research and suggests methods to generate data that is closer to the lived realities and […]