
Latest Information as of 11th September 2024.

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Each presenter is allocated a 30-minute slot with a 20-25-minute presentation that will be followed by a 5–10-minute general discussion. Speakers and session chairs should meet in the training room at least 5 minutes before their session.

Thursday 12th September
Times Details Room
09:30-10:30 hrs Conference Registration LCC Lounge
Session 1 – Parallel Sessions
10:30-12:00 hrs Parallel Session 1A – Insider Trading

Chair: Matteo Vacca
Support: Olga Kolokolova

LCC Training Room 2
10:30-12:00 hrs Parallel Session 1B – Financial Crime Around the World and Market Quality

Chair: Jeffrey Yang
Support: Reka Lantos

LCC Training Room 3
12:00-13:15 hrs Lunch Break LCC Lounge
13:15-13:30 hrs Welcome and Logistics: Olga Kolokolova, Chair in Finance (LUMS) LCC Training Room 2
Session 2 – Keynote (Plenary)
13:30-14:30 hrs Keynote Speech: Alan Jagolinzer, Cambridge Judge Business School Manipulative Influencers and Systemic Risks

Chair: Igor Goncharov
Support: Reka Lantos

LCC Training Room 2
Session 3 – Parallel Sessions
14:45-16:15 hrs Parallel Session 3A – Manipulation in Option Markets and price discovery

Chair: Melay Dey
Support: Reka Lantos

LCC Training Room 2
14:45-16:15 hrs Parallel Session 3B – Banks and Financial Advisors

Chair: Valeriy Sibilkov
Support: Olga Kolokolova

LCC Training Room 3
16:15-16:30 hrs Refreshment Break LCC Lounge
Session 4 – Keynote (Plenary)
16:30-17:30 hrs Keynote Speech: Simran Singh and Efthymios Rizopoulos, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) AI in combatting complex market abuse

Chair: Olga Kolokolova
Support: Reka Lantos

LCC Training Room 2
18:30-19:00 hrs Drink Reception
Lancaster House Hotel
Foodworks Lobby
19:00-21:30 hrs Conference Dinner
Lancaster House Hotel
Foodworks Restaurant
Friday 13th September
Times Details Room
Session 5 – Parallel Sessions
09:30-11:00 hrs Parallel Session 5A – Machine Learning and Manipulation Detection

Chair: Ioane Muni Toke
Support: Reka Lantos

LCC Training Room 2
09:30–11:00 hrs Parallel Session 5B – Information Disclosure

Chair: Junli Zhao
Support: Olga Kolokolova

  • Quoc Nguyen, DePaul University
    Moving Targets (with Lauren Cohen, Harvard Business School)
  • Erik-Jan Senn, University of St.Gallen LongFinBERT
    A Language Model for Very Long Financial Documents
     (with Tri Minh Phan, University of St.Gallen)
  • Junli Zhao, City University of London
    Specialization and Integration in Markets for Financial Information (with Giovanni Cespa, City University of London, Wei Zhao, Renmin University of China)
LCC Training Room 3
11:00-11:15 hrs Refreshment Break LCC Lounge
Session 6 – Keynote (Plenary)
11:15-12:15 hrs Keynote Speech: Utpal Bhattacharya, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The Dark Side of Investments

Chair: Olga Kolokolova
Support: Reka Lantos

LCC Training Room 2
12:15-13:30 hrs Lunch Break LCC Lounge
Session 7 – Parallel Sessions
13:30-14:30 hrs Parallel Session 7A – FHT and Crypto

Chair: Sebeom Oh
Support: Reka Lantos

LCC Training Room 2
13:30-14:30 hrs Parallel Session 7B – Climate and ESG

Chair: Markku Kaustia
Support: Olga Kolokolova

LCC Training Room 3
14:30-14:45 hrs Refreshment Break LCC Lounge
Session 8 – Parallel Sessions
14:45-16:15 hrs Parallel Session 8A – Market Manipulation

Chair: Xinyu Cui
Support: Reka Lantos

LCC Training Room 2
14:45-16:15 hrs Parallel Session 8B – Manager’s Incentives and Misconduct

Chair: Hanzhang Zheng
Support: Olga Kolokolova

LCC Training Room 3
16:15 End of Conference