Registration for Philosophically analysing the role of service users in psychiatric research, an online conference, 28th of June, Lancaster University.

To attend online please email me for the zoom link (Sam Fellowes,

Below is the schedule (all times are British Summer Time (BST)):

9:00, Teri Warner, The curse of ‘scientificity’, a Feyerabendian perspective

9:30, Mirjam Faissner, An ontological argument for service user involvement

10:00, Roy Dings, Who knows what? Expertise-by-experience in (Dutch) mental health

10.30, Break

11:00, Astrid Fly Oredsson, Am I making you uncomfortable?

11.30, Sam Fellowes, Service users and the limits of objectivit

12 midday, Lunch Break

13:00,  Juliana Hoyos Garcia, Epistemic injustice in the construction of psychiatric diagnoses

13.30, Kathleen Lowenstein, Interrogating vulnerability: service user perspectives and research ethics

14:00, Anne-Marie Gagné-Julien & Sarah Arnaud, The new self-advocacy activism in psychiatry: towards a scientific turn

14:30pm, Break

15:00, Holly Harris & Anna Di Giandomenico, Passive to proactive service user engagement and relational autonomy

15:30, Bennett Knox, A dilemma for hermeneutical pluralism in psychiatry

16:00, Keynote, Şerife Tekin, A model for participatory research in psychiatry

Philosophically analysing the role of service users in psychiatric research