Call for Papers: Philosophically Analysing the Role of Service Users in Psychiatric Research

Lancaster University

28th of June 2022

Keynote Speaker: Şerife Tekin (Online)


Individuals with psychiatric diagnoses have pushed to play a meaningful role within psychiatric research. This has been studied and discussed within the social sciences and disability studies. There has been some recent interest in the topic by philosophers (for example, Friesen et al 2019; Bueter 2019; Cooper 2017; Tekin 2020). This workshop will bring together philosophers interested in service user involvement in psychiatric research.

Philosophy of psychiatry, philosophy of science, ethics and other areas of philosophy can help us understand and raise questions about what diagnosed individuals can bring to psychiatric research. Philosophy of science and psychiatry could shed light on the advantages and limitations of service user research and they could suggest and critique methodologies. Ethics and political philosophy could highlight if there is a right to service user research and consider non-scientific benefits to service user research. Philosophers have also drawn upon epistemic injustice recently to analyse service user research. Abstracts could be on these topics and other philosophically relevant areas.

Deadline: Anonymous abstracts of up to 500 words should be sent to by the 16th of May.

Speakers may present in person, with transport within the UK and accommodation being offered, or may present online.

Call for Papers: Philosophically Analysing the Role of Service Users in Psychiatric Research