For each of the two online workshops we convened a page on Padlet to share resources with, and amongst, participants. Whilst these pages remain accessible only to those who registered, please find links to a selection of these resources below.


Workshop 2: Notes from the Paradox Portal


Pirate Care | Mapping Mapping activism at the intersection of “care” and “piracy”

#FreedomToCrawl | Accommodation for asylum seekers in Scotland


Kathryn Cassidy’s book chapter: Everyday bordering, healthcare, and the politics of belonging in contemporary Britain (2018) | Open access version


Empire’s Endgame: Racism and the British State (2021) by Gargi Bhattacharyya et al.

Empire of the Senses: The Sensual Culture Reader (2004) Edited By David Howes

Uncertain citizenship: Life in the waiting room (2021) by Anne-Marie Fortier


Scotland in Lockdown | Rapid research project on impact of lockdown on marginalised groups


Workshop 3: Notes from the Future Portal

Care Initiatives

Doctors of the World’s Safe Surgeries Initiative

Social Prescribing


Joy Spiliopoulos’ Policy Brief: How can the NHS recruit and retain migrant nurses after Brexit? (June 2019)  | Background report


Justice for Simba Campaign | Reporting on Simba’s story | Video of demo


Ouvrez les Frontiers – Tiken Jah Fakoly