Media engagement
- Culpeper, J. 2017. Words, words, words: The hunt for Shakespeare’s neologisms. (English and Media Centre) EMagazine. February issue, p.59-61.
- BBC Four TV documentary, 12th November 2019, Scuffles, Swagger, and Shakespeare: The Hidden Story of English. Presented by Dr. John Gallagher. Includes an interview with Jonathan Culpeper.
- BBC Radio 3 Podcast, 17th July 2019, New Thinking: Shakespeare’s Language. Presented by John Gallagher.
- Folger Library, Research Bulletin January 2018 Edition.
- Culpeper, J. 2017. Shakespeare’s Language. (English and Media Centre) EMagazine. September issue, p.53-55. (
-, 2017. Writing Tips from Shakespeare – Lancaster University’s Language Detectives
- Sociolinguini, 2017. Lancaster University Corpus Linguistics Summer School Day 1
- THE, 2016. Grant Winners – 11 February 2016. Times Higher Education.
- Perales, G. 2016. New Project Will Determine If a Rose By Any Name Was Still a Rose. New Historian.
- Sherlock, G. 2016. Lancaster University to explore Shakespeare Language. Lancaster Guardian.
- Sherlock, G. 2016. Lancaster University to explore Shakespeare Language. The Visitor.
- McKenzie, L. 2016. My winning proposal: Putting Shakespeare together.
- Heritage Daily, 2016. Was it all Greek to the Elizabethans? Heritage Daily.
- Lancaster University, 2016. AHRC award to create a new Encyclopaedia of Shakespeare’s Language. Lancaster University.
- Murphy, B. 2016. Technology, Shakespeare, Linguistics, and Combatting Terror.
- Culpeper, J. 2016. Encyclopaedia of Shakespeare’s Language Project: A Methodological Journey. CASS.
- AHRC, 2016. Shakespeare’s Language. AHRC.