Prof. Edward Laird


Mail Department of Physics, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YB, UK


Aug. 2022-present Professor of Experimental Physics, Lancaster University, UK
Co-director of the Quantum Technology Centre
Mar. 2018-Jul. 2022 Lecturer in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Lancaster University, UK
Apr. 2013-Feb. 2018 Senior Fellow, Department of Materials, University of Oxford, UK
Oct. 2009-Mar. 2013 Postdoctoral Researcher, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (Advisor: Leo Kouwenhoven)
Aug. 2002-Sep. 2009 Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Harvard University, USA
June-Sep. 2001 Summer Student, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
June-Sep. 2000 Summer Student, UKAEA Fusion, Culham, UK


2009 PhD in Physics, Harvard University, USA (Advisor: Charles Marcus)
2005 MA in Physics, Harvard University, USA
2002 MPhys in Physics (1st class hons.), St John’s College, Oxford, UK

Teaching and supervision

Oct. 2013-present Supervisor of 6 DPhil students
Summer 2013-present Supervisor of various undergraduate summer students.
2018-present Lecturer, “Classical Mechanics”, Physics Department, Lancaster University
2017 Lecturer, “Quantum and Statistical Mechanics”, Materials Department, Oxford University
Oct. 2015-Jul. 2017 Undergraduate physics tutor, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Aug. 2006- Jan. 2007 Teaching Assistant, “Introduction to Laboratory Research”, Department of Physics, Harvard University


2019 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
2013-2016 Non-stipendiary Fellow, St Anne’s College Oxford
2009 Royal Commission of 1851 postdoctoral fellowship (declined)
2009 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship (declined)
2006 Newcomb Cleveland Prize of the AAAS
2002 Purcell Graduate Fellowship, Harvard University
1999-2002 Casberd Scholarship, St John’s College, Oxford

Other professional activities

2024 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition “A quantum view of the invisible universe”
2022 Chair of committee, Condensed-matter quantum technology on the hunt for dark matter minicolloquium at CMD29 conference
2021 Chair of organising committee, Quantum matter at ultra-low temperatures conference
2018-19 Chair of organising committee, UK Quantum Dot Meeting 2019
2017-18 Oxford Innovation Society Fellow
2016-17 Co-organiser, UK Quantum Dot Meeting 2017
2015-present PhD examiner at Oxford, Lancaster, Cambridge, Sheffield, Copenhagen, ICFO (Barcelona), Delft
2015-18 Consultant, Oxford University Consulting
2012-present Reviewer for several grant agencies
2011-present Reviewer for Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Science Advances, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review B,  Nano Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Review of Scientific Instruments, Physica E, Cryogenics, etc.


Invited seminars and colloquia

2023-10-11 University of California, San Diego (online seminar)
2023-05-03 King’s College London, UK
2023-03-27 CAPP, Institute for Basic Sciences, Donjeong, South Korea
2023-01-31 University of Bordeaux, France
2022-10-25 Warwick University, UK
2021-11-17 University of Central Lancashire, UK
2021-11-05 Purdue University, USA (online seminar)
2021-11-03 Durham University, UK
2021-05-25 Warwick University, UK (online seminar)
2020-10-26 Sheffield University, UK (online seminar)
2020-06-29 Aalto University, Finland (online seminar)
2020-02-07 ICFO, Barcelona, Spain
2019-05-16 University of Oxford, UK
2018-11-06 University of Regensburg, Germany
2018-04-27 York University, UK
2017-12-03 University College, London, UK
2017-10-11 National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK
2017-03-31 IST Austria
2016-11-07 Basel University, Switzerland
2015-10-28 Strathclyde University, UK
2015-10-26 Heriot-Watt University
2014-11-7 University of Stuttgart, Germany
2013-11 University of Cambridge, UK
2013-06 Lancaster University, UK
2013-05 RWTH Aachen
2012-11 Eötvos University, Budapest, Hungary
2012-05 University of Oxford, UK
2010-10 Materials Colloquium, University of Oxford, UK
2009-05 Delft University of Technology
2009-05 University of Oxford
2009-05 University of Cambridge

Invited conference and school presentations

2024-01 Quantum Devices for Ultra-Low Background Particle Detection Experiments, SNOLAB, Sudbury, Canada
2023-04 (Quantum) Physics and Machine Learning Workshop, Obergurgl, Austria
2023-04 Hybrid Quantum Technologies Workshop, IST Austria
2023-03 UK-Korea Bilateral International Meeting 2023, Yongpyeong, South Korea
2022-09 “Superconducting quantum technology and the search for dark matter”
European Microkelvin Platform User Meeting, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia
2022-06 “Cold quantum technology and the search for dark matter”
IoP Low Temperature Group workshop: Quantum Technologies for Fundamental Physics, London, UK
2022-05 “An atomic clock in your pocket”
How is small different from big?, Oxford, UK
2021-01 Frontiers of Nanomechanical Systems 2021 (online)
2020-10 “Colder, quieter, faster: electronics at millikelvin temperatures”
Quantum Technology Innovation Network: Cryogenic Electronics (Online event organised by the Knowledge Transfer Network)
2020-09 CMD2020 (Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society), Madrid, Spain (postponed because of Covid.)
2019-12 Workshop on Molecular Quantum Technology, Puerto Natales, Chile
2019-09 Testing the large-scale limit of quantum mechanics, ICTP Trieste, Italy
2019-07 NT19: International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials, Würzburg, Germany
2019-05 “Optomechanics with carbon nanotubes”, British Optomechanical Research Network Kickoff Meeting, Nottingham, UK
2019-04 “A coherent nanotube oscillator driven by electromechanical backaction”, Conference on Quantum Measurement: Fundamentals, Twists, and Applications, ICTP Trieste, Italy
2019-01-16 “A coherent nanomechanical oscillator driven by single-electron tunnelling”, Quantum Networks and Non-equilibrium Systems, Obergurgl, Austria
2018-11-22 “A coherent nanomechanical oscillator driven by single-electron tunnelling”, Zurich Instruments Quantum User Meeting, London, UK
2017-04-11 “Resonant optomechanics with a vibrating carbon nanotube and a radio-frequency cavity”, Nanomechanics at Low Temperature: from classical to quantum, Nottingham, UK
2017-04 “Towards microwave-to-optical conversion in molecular ensembles”, Networks: From Classical to Quantum, Obergurgl, Austria
2016-02-17 “Electrical Readout for Quantum Devices”, CDT Quantum Technologies Spring School, Windsor, UK
2015-10-05 “Nanomechanical resonators built from carbon nanotubes” Experimental Tests of Quantum Reality conference, Oxford, UK
2014-03-14 “A spin-valley qubit in a carbon nanotube”, IWEPMN Kirchberg, Austria
2013-10 “A spin-valley qubit in a carbon nanotube”, Oxford Quantum Science and Technology conference
2013-05 “A valley-spin qubit in a carbon nanotube”, Spins in Saclay, France
2013-02 “A valley-spin qubit in a carbon nanotube”, S3NANO Winter School, Windsor, UK
2012-10 “A valley-spin qubit in a carbon nanotube”, Physique Quantique Mésoscopique, Aussois, France

Contributed conference presentations

2022-09 “Coherent oscillations of a vibrating carbon nanotube”, Oral presentation (selected), Photon 2022, Nottingham, UK
2021-04 “A coherent mechanical oscillator driven by single-electron tunnelling”, Oral presentation (selected), New Physics at Low Temperatures (online)
2021-03 “A coherent mechanical oscillator pumped by a suspended quantum dot”, Oral Presentation (selected), Quantum Dot Day 2021 (online)
2019-09 “A coherent mechanical oscillator driven by single-electron tunnelling through a suspended carbon nanotube”, Oral Presentation (selected), Quantum, Atomic, and Molecular Physics (QuAMP), Birmingham, UK
2019-07 “The spin resonance clock transition of the endohedral fullerene 15N@C60“, Oral Presentation (selected), Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials, St Andrews, UK
2018-01-24 “Spin and valley transport through carbon nanotube double quantum dots”, Oral Presentation (selected), UK Quantum Dot Day 2018, Sheffield, UK
2017-09 “Spin resonance clock transition of the endohedral fullerene 15N@C60”,  Oral Presentation (selected), International Conference on Quantum, Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics (QuAMP), Glasgow, UK
2017-09 “Spin and valley transport through carbon nanotube double quantum dots”, Oral Presentation (selected), Advances in Quantum Transport in Low Dimensional Systems, London, UK
2009-03 “A few-electron triple quantum dot incorporating two fast charge sensors”, Contributed Presentation, APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA
2008-03 “Hyperfine-mediated gate-driven electron spin resonance”, Contributed Presentation, APS March Meeting, New Orleans, USA
2006-03 “Effect of exchange interaction on spin dephasing in a double quantum dot”, Contributed Presentation, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, USA

Other invited talks

2023-05-23 Pint of Science, Kings Arms, Morecambe
2022-05-10 Pint of Science, Crafty Scholar, Lancaster
2022-01-19 Solihull Sixth form College
2021-10-01 Furness and South Lakeland Astronomical Society
2021-07-02 Lancaster University Condensed Matter seminar (online seminar)
2021-04-14 Faculty of Science and Technology Science Week, Lancaster University
2020-06-20 Oxford Instruments NanoScience Virtual Roadshow
2019-11-05 Materials Science Institute Colloquium, Lancaster University
2019-02-07 County College Shorts series, Lancaster University
2018-12-18 Faculty of Science and Technology Christmas Conference, Lancaster University
2015-11-19 Oxford Instruments Quantum Computing Webinar
2014-11-26 Subject Family Talk, St. Anne’s College, Oxford
2013-10 Presentation to Oxford Materials Undergraduate Society
2009-02-10 Kids’ seminar, Harvard University


2025-27 ARC-MAC: A robust condensed-matter miniature atomic clock
Innovate UK as PI
2025-28 Quantum Information with Mechanical Systems
EPSRC as co-I
2022-24 ParaPara: A quantum parametric amplifier using quantum paraelectricity
2021-24 Sub-miniature atomic clock
LocatorX, Inc. as PI
2021 Electron-beam fabrication for quantum devices
Lancaster University Material Science Institute as PI
2020-24 Quantum Sensing for the Hidden Sector
STFC as co-I
2020-21 A magnetic resonance imaging microscope
Joy Welch Educational Charitable Trust as PI
2020-24 A portable condensed-matter atomic clock
Future Aviation Security Solutions Industrial PhD Partnership as PI
2019-24 Vibrating carbon nanotubes for probing quantum systems at the mesoscale
ERC Consolidator Grant as PI
2018-19 A carbon nanotube force sensor for magnetic resonance microscopy
Royal Society Research Grant as PI
2018 Quantum control of electronic and electromechanical devices from room temperature to millikelvin
Lancaster FST fund as PI
2018-23 From Nanoscale Structure to Nanoscale Function (NS2NF)
EPSRC as co-I
2017-21 Efficient quantum device tuning using machine learning
NQIT DTP studentship as PI
2017-20 The Nature of Quantum Networks
John Templeton Foundation as co-I
2016-17 A miniaturised atomic clock based on endohedral fullerenes
EPSRC institutional sponsorship as co-I
2016-18 Bench-top experimental test of gravitation as an observer of quantum states
FQXi as co-I
2016-19 An extensible simulation and test platform for quantum and quantum enabled technologies
EPSRC as co-I
2016-17 Electronics for nanodevices
2014-15 Fast, sensitive electrometry using quantum devices in optimized circuits
EPSRC Institutional Sponsorship as PI
2014-18 Fast, precise electric field sensing using quantum single-electron devices
DSTL PhD studentship as co-I
2014-18 An atomic clock based on endohedral fullerenes
DSTL PhD studentship as co-I
2013-16 Experimental tests of quantum reality
Templeton World Charity Foundation as co-I
2013-17 Marie Curie Career Integration Grant
European Union as PI
2013 Electrical readout and control system for carbon-based spin qubits
EPSRC Institutional Sponsorship as PI
2013-18 RAEng postdoctoral fellowship
Royal Academy of Engineering as PI