Previous Parties

2023 Intellectual Party

We returned to running the Intellectual Party ‘in person’ in 2023, back in Bowland North at Lancaster University

The programme for the event can be found here.

Intellectual Party Programme 2023 – FINAL (2)

2022 Intellectual Party – online

Intellectual Party/Summer Conference 11th to 13th July 2022

The full programme

The winner of the three-minute thesis competition was Joana Salles, from Manchester University. ‘Ageing-in-place in a gentrifying neighbourhood: redefining spatial justice for older people through the urban commons.’

The winning entry to the PhD on a Plate was the delicious PHon-Do Dessert

The Grand Finale is impossible to describe.  However, we can share some extracts from this event which focused on the importance of non-academic impact.

A 1.5 minute video of the arrival of the policy makers
A 10 minute video on writing a good impact plan: with Joanne Wood and Daisy Jones.
The script of Joanne and Daisy in conversation
The script of a meeting of users to evaluate an impact plan for research on everlasting life.
A 1 minute video of the departure of the policy makers

Finally, a few verses on impact

One from Bob and Daisy

Impact. Impact. I hear researchers say
A fancy translating game they do play
But please do not ever dismiss
The proper importance of this
As knowledge exchange is needed today

And one from Corinne, chief scientific advisor, and someone called William

If there be nothing new, but that which is
Hath been before, how are our brains embraced,
Which, labouring for invention, bear amiss
The second burden of an impact case!
O, that record could with a backward look,
Even of five hundred courses of the sun,
Show me your impact in some antique book,
Since mind at first in character was done!
That I might see what the old world could say
To this composed wonder of this frame;
Whether we are mended, or whe’r better they,
Or whether revolution be the same.
O! sure I am, the wits of former days
To subjects worse have given admiring praise.

As these images suggest, the event was a fine combination of interaction, networking, talking, listening, puzzling and fun.

THANKS to all organisers, contributors and participants.

2021 Intellectual Party – online

This was a fast-paced online event with around 50 participants. This is a picture of some of the organising team, at the end of the party.

The winner of the three minute thesis competition was RekaTölg

The Grand Finale was hosted by Dr Stanley Blue and Dr Basil Germond, and featured two short films (6 miins each). One was of a seminar on Pr cat ice Theory at Lancaster, featuring Purr Bourdieu, Michel Foucat, Ted Catzki and poor Marcel Mouse. The other was a writing consultation between Joanne Wood and Charlotte (a PhD student potato).

These are fantastic films, well worth viewing for years to come.

2019 Intellectual Party

You can find a copy of the Final Programme if you want to get more of a sense of the event.

Photos from 2018 Intellectual Party

(Final Programme and Book of Abstracts for this event)

Photos from 2017 Intellectual Party

Photos from 2016 Intellectual Party IMG_2475


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Check photos from Intellectual Party 2015:  intellectualparty2015-2

Photos from 2014 Intellectual Party 



Pictures from Intellectual Party/Summer Conference 2013

Previous conferences 2007-2012