Age: 30
Family background:
I come from a working class background. I am the youngest of three siblings. My parents separated in my teens and I lived with my mum, occasionally having contact with my father. A major influence in my family background was my grandmother on my mother’s side and I am particularly close to my brother. I have four children.
Work and/or community experience:
I am a Community Organiser, working to engage and support individuals groups and organisations in community participation and the development of actions and/or projects designed to change communities for the better.
Reasons for interest in the project:
To further my knowledge and experience of community engagement. I am interested in community development both on a personal and professional level. I feel that taking part in the project will develop my professional ability and add insight to my training. Travel and culture appeal to me on a personal level. I am a curious person with an adventurous spirit. I am also aware of implications for my personal life and my community, both of which have suffered as a direct consequence of legislation and decision making processes that ordinary people have no power or influence over. It is in my best interests to research and analyse the impact and effect of such matters.
Opportunities/ideas to explore during the project:
Can the project open debate on innovative ways to deal with common issues?
Can participants with different cultural and personal backgrounds find ways to work together to benefit both communities?
Will participants find routes to promoting social justice/equality and how can a group overcome inevitable barriers within group dynamics?