Category: DClinPsy policies

Trainee disclosure of mental health and psychological difficulties

Programme ethos

The Lancaster DClinPsy programme recognises that all trainee clinical psychologists are human beings, who have potential to experience mental health difficulties or psychological distress during training. People also may have experienced such difficulties prior to training, and may be accessing mental health services or have accessed services in the past. Experiences of mental health difficulty and psychological distress may include low mood and ‘depression’, ‘anxiety’, voice hearing, extreme stress, and others.

It is recognised that training to be a clinical psychologist can be challenging and trainees may experience adverse life events in their personal lives that impact their well-being during the course of training. On placement, the supervisory role involves exploration of how a trainee feels in relation to their work and support with managing this. Trainees’ ability to identify when their well-being is negatively impacted is an important skill, and trainees are encouraged to talk with their tutor pair and placement supervisor, and access support as needed (see section on Support in the programme handbook). When necessary, trainees can be referred to access support from Occupational Health within their employing Trust, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (LSCFT). Trainees might also need to take leave for reasons relating to stress or mental health difficulty (see section on Absence from work in the programme handbook).

Although experiences of mental health difficulties can be difficult and distressing, the insights they provide can be valuable to clinical psychology trainees. Such experiences may help equip trainees to work with individuals experiencing mental health difficulties, to understand what it is like for others to access mental health services, and to understand how mental health difficulties are seen within a cultural context.

The programme welcomes trainees sharing current or previous experiences of mental health difficulty at relevant times during training, such as during Selections interviews, teaching, placement supervision, or in discussion with the tutor pair. It is recognised that disclosing such experiences can be difficult, particularly for those who have had experiences of being stigmatised or ‘othered’ because of their experiences. The programme aims to promote a culture whereby these disclosures and contributions are valued and normalised. Trainees’ disclosure of mental health difficulties or use of services will not be assessed negatively, and should not be conceptualised negatively by others who contribute to the programme, including other trainees, staff, external teachers, and placement supervisors. In the event that a trainee feels their experiences of mental health difficulty are being seen negatively, it is encouraged this is fed back to the programme through the appropriate channels. For example, if this takes place during teaching the trainee could feed this back through the teaching feedback form, a member of programme staff with responsibilities associated with the teaching day, or to their clinical tutor.


When a trainee discloses current or previous personal experience of mental health difficulty or access to mental health services during training, this would usually be kept confidential between the trainee and the person or people with whom they have shared this information. When the person who is being informed thinks there is a need for this to be shared, they should discuss with the trainee in the first instance. The trainee’s preference for what they do and do not give permission to be shared should be respected, and followed wherever possible. There are occasions when it might be necessary for the person who has been informed to encourage the trainee to share this information with an appropriate person, particularly if they are concerned about the trainee’s current well-being. For example, if a trainee’s ‘buddy’ is told that the trainee is struggling with difficulties such as stress and anxiety, the buddy might encourage the trainee to speak to their clinical tutor about this. If the trainee does not want to share the difficulties with anyone else, the person who has been informed should be sensitive to the possibility that their own perspective on the issues might be impacted by societal biases e.g. internalised racial biases. They should consider that the person themselves is often the best judge of what they need. However, there may be occasions in which the person informed has a professional responsibility to share some of this information. For example, a placement supervisor who is concerned about a trainee’s well-being and the impact of this on their placement work might need to share their concerns with the trainee’s clinical tutor. In such an event, the psychological contract set up between the trainee and supervisor should be referred to for how best to go about this in a collaborative and sensitive way. The trainee should be offered support from the clinical tutor and placement supervisor, and next steps should be considered collaboratively. The trainee’s clinical tutor may also share information with the clinical director as needed. This is because the clinical director is line manager to all trainees and clinical tutors.

Trainees should be aware that due to nature of the profession they are training in, it is possible that they will meet someone through their training who they have seen before in a personal capacity. For example, a clinical psychologist who has offered them psychological therapy might teach on the programme. In such an event, the clinical psychologist is bound to follow HCPC guidelines with regard to the confidentiality of service-users, and any contract/agreement surrounding confidentiality between the trainee and the other individual should apply.

Parental leave trainee checklist

This checklist will be relevant to trainees who are expecting to become a parent. It includes those planning to take maternity, paternity, shared parental, and adoption leave. Please note that not all bullet points are relevant to every situation. The term ‘parental leave’ is used in places to include all types of leave for this purpose.

When you find out you are expecting a child

  • Read the LSCFT Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Policy and Procedure document. This provides additional essential information. The document can be found in the Handbook here
  • Fill in LSCFT pregnancy risk assessment form with your clinical tutor as soon as you inform your tutor you are pregnant. This needs to be completed monthly.
  • Check all Trust specific policies and Covid policies for how pregnancy impacts work e.g. whether it impacts going into placement in person.
  • Ensure you are familiar with the policy for taking sick leave, and agree with your clinical tutor and placement supervisor who you should inform of pregnancy related medical appointments, or official meetings concerning adoption.
  • If taking adoption leave, you need to complete an application form and provide written confirmation to your employer within 7 days of finding out about the match for adoption from the agency. See Section 8 of the policy.

Early on after finding out you are expecting a child

  • Consider the policies around maternity, paternity, shared parental, and adoption leave (as relevant) and begin to think about what type of leave you might want to take, how much, and when you want this to start.
  • Paternity leave needs to be applied for at least 28 days prior to commencement of leave, by completing the application form, and submitting it, along with a completed SC3 form (available on
  • Shared parental leave needs to be applied for at least 8 weeks prior to the start date. See section 6 of the policy for details of information that need to be provided to the Trust.

No later than the end of the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth

  • Obtain a completed Mat B1 form from a midwife or doctor before this date.
  • Complete the Application for Maternity Leave with your clinical tutor and/or the clinical director. This application form is available on E-HR Infopoint via the Trust Intranet. The information filled in is not binding at this stage. Scan the completed Mat B1 form and send these two documents to your clinical tutor and Ruby Mitchell.
  • Decide which date you are intercalating from and apply to intercalate from being a student for the period of mat leave (but not annual leave) via Jen Whitfield.
  • Discuss Keeping in Touch (KIT days) or Shared Parental Leave in Touch (SPLIT days) with your clinical tutor. Trainees can take up to 10 KIT days while on maternity or adoption leave, and up to 20 SPLIT days while on Shared Parental Leave. These days can be taken back in annual leave. Inform Kate Swift if you intend to take any KIT or SPLIT days.
  • Think with your clinical tutor about how you would like to use the annual leave you accrue. There is some flexibility and it can be carried over to the following year.

Shortly before commencing parental leave

  • Consider whether you might like to be connected with the ‘part time/bespoke’ cohort and discuss this with your clinical tutor or ask the part-time cohort tutor, Emma Munks.
  • Let Christina Pedder know whether you would like to stay on your cohort’s email distribution list while you are on leave or whether you would like to be removed from it.
  • Consider with your clinical tutor whether you would like to return to the programme on a full-time or part-time (usually 0.7) contract.
  • If you are awaiting assignment results, let your clinical tutor know whether you would like to receive these while on parental leave or when you return.

While on parental leave

  • If arrangements need to be put in place for your placement when you return to training, arrange a meeting with your clinical tutor or the placement co-ordinator to discuss this several months before the placement is due to start.
  • Meet with your clinical tutor a few weeks before you return to training to discuss arrangements for coming back. If you are breastfeeding, this might include thinking about facilities for expressing e.g. a room and a fridge at the university and placement and agreeing a plan for sorting this out.
  • Arrange an ITP for when you return to training to review training plan and re-set deadlines.
  • Let Christina know your return date and which email distribution list (if any) you want to be added to.
  • Think through any other issues that need to be considered prior to your return e.g. which teaching days you will be attending, if any, and discuss with your clinical tutor.
  • Prior to returning, or just after returning to work, discuss with your tutors any key changes that have occurred on the programme that you need to be aware of to ease your transition back to work.

Parental leave planning for Clinical Tutors

  • Read LSCFT ‘Maternity, Paternity & Adoption Policy and Procedure’ Trainees can locate the current version on LSCFT intranet and share with tutor. It is also in the handbook.
  • Fill in LSCFT pregnancy risk assessment form with trainee as soon as they disclose (located on intranet, and appended to this document). Can have 2 forms.  One for placement, one for everything else.  Or different sections of the same form.   For first risk assessment it is good to meet trainee with supervisor to complete factors related to placement.  Then just meet trainee alone monthly to review risk after that, unless placement issues are salient.
  • Send all LSCFT pregnancy risk assessment forms to Katherine to then forward to LSCFT.
  • At 20 weeks the trainee gets a MatB1 form from midwife to prove they are pregnant. They scan this and send a copy to Ruby who sends it to LSCFT. Ask to be copied in.
  • Time off for any pregnancy related medical appointments is given.
  • Time off is also given for adoption leave and meetings, training & approval panels prior to being matched for adoption. Flexibility is needed due to the nature of the process. See Section 8 of the policy.
  • Trainee applies to intercalate from being a student for the period of mat leave via Jen Whitfield. Jen sends the clinical tutor the form to sign and we send it back to her.
  • Keeping In Touch (KIT) and Shared Parental Leave in Touch (SPLIT) days:
    • KIT days (up to 10 if taking maternity or adoption leave) are expressed in hours so days can be divided up.
    • Trainees can take up to 20 SPLIT days if they or their partner are taking Shared Parental Leave.
    • KIT and SPLIT days are taken when trainee wishes but course needs to know in advance (trainee tells Kate/Annual Leave admin).
    • Trainees get extra annual leave if they work a KIT or SPLIT day, to take whenever they want in the year they return.
    • They can take as few KIT or SPLIT days as they want.
    • As trainees are employees, and not students, on KIT or SPLIT days they can’t do university type work as they wouldn’t be insured e.g. thesis data collection or thesis supervision.
    • Trainees keep their access to university emails and library facilities whilst intercalated.
    • KIT/SPLIT time is used for catch up meetings with tutors (and/or Anna Daiches) whilst off. Also, speak to Emma and Jo A re placements, for meeting with the new cohort or attending cross-cohort days, or catching up with programme developments.
  • Trainee completes an Application for Maternity Leave with you and/or the clinical director before 25 weeks of pregnancy. This application form is available on E-HR Infopoint via the Trust Intranet. It states any intentions re length of maternity leave. Nothing, however, is binding at this stage.
  • AL is accrued during maternity & adoption leave. AL can be carried over to next year if not taken, but not the following year.  Usually added to maternity leave, so the maternity leave ends earlier than a year but time is extended by AL so the paid period of leave is longer. Tutor to email ‘NHS annual leave’ about annual leave plans, and also date of return to work and wte.
  • On Appendix 1 form it asks if trainee would like their pay to be evened out across all days of maternity leave so that the time when statutory maternity pay kicks in is factored into all pay packets. Then the trainee gets the same pay throughout their absence.
  • Trainee may only get statutory maternity pay if pregnant within first 26 weeks of training and with no prior NHS experience. Length of service determines maternity pay – Section 5 of the policy explains this in detail.  Prior NHS employment counts as continuous employment for this purpose.
  • Ask trainee if they plan to divide maternity leave entitlement with partner so it’s ‘parental leave’. Can be taken in blocks with gaps, for example. See Section 6.2 of the policy for more information.
  • Shared parental leave requires consultation with partner’s employer. Partner does that part.  Might be a financially good idea if partner is entitled to occupational parental leave pay where the trainee is recently appointed and would only get statutory maternity leave pay, which is much lower.  Partners can take the leave at the same time as each other.
  • Should trainees wish to return part time this will be considered in relation to the flexible working policy, and agreed via line manager. Currently the typical part time working pattern is 0.7 wte, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • If trainee is coming back 0.7wte, it might be a good idea to connect trainees with ‘part time’ cohort before maternity leave as lots of people in that cohort have tackled similar decision-making processes already. Emma is that cohort’s tutor so email her.
  • Trainee can choose to stay on their cohort’s email distribution list to see what they are up to during maternity leave. They can also choose not to be.  Christina manages the lists, trainee to contact her.
  • If trainee taking a year off, meet up with them after 6 months in case arrangements for return need to start behind the scenes e.g. placements. Put a date in the diary before mat leave commences. Check which communication method trainees prefer e.g. personal email.
  • Meet trainee a few weeks before they resume work to firm up arrangements and welcome back.
  • ITP on return to work to re-set deadlines. Update trainee on any developments on the programme whilst away.
  • Let all relevant staff know the trainee’s plans so e.g. small group sessions can include them and assessment co-coordinators are aware. Also let Christina know so trainee can be included in invites to teaching.
  • If assignments have been submitted prior to taking maternity leave ask if they would like to receive outcome while on maternity leave. Email Emma and Claire A to notify them.

LSCFT risk management form for expectant mothers

Programme-level learning outcomes & objectives

In order to meet the HCPC Standards of Proficiency for the relevant part of the register, at the programme level the Lancaster University DClinPsy programme has adopted the learning outcomes required by the British Psychological Society (BPS), which are designed to meet these standards. The following extract outlines the learning outcomes.

Extract from the Standards for Doctoral programmes in Clinical Psychology:

2. Required learning outcomes for accredited doctorates in Clinical Psychology

2.1. Clinical psychology programmes will vary in the emphases they place on work with particular clinical groups, therapeutic modalities, curriculum content, non-therapy skills, training methods etc. This is healthy and promotes diversity and richness within the profession. It ensures programmes can be responsive to regional and national priorities, opens up opportunities for some programmes to coordinate and complement their efforts and offers prospective applicants choice of programmes which best suit their own preferences, learning style and goals. Similarly, trainee clinical psychologists within programmes may follow a range of training pathways depending on practice placement experiences, research undertaken, optional modules chosen etc. Thus whilst all graduates will demonstrate core standards of proficiency, with transferability demonstrated across the range of clients and services as specified below, some variation in individual strengths and competencies will be both inevitable and desirable.

This context means that whilst the BPS will accredit programmes as meeting the standards required for their graduates to be eligible for Chartered status, it will be incumbent on programmes to validate the specific portfolio of skills and competencies of graduates in a way which is transparent to employers and commissioners of services. Whilst programmes are free to develop their own portfolio format, examples of how this might look are contained in Appendix 1. These examples should be seen as indicative, rather than prescriptive.

2.2. Overarching goals, outcomes, ethos and values for all programmes include the following:

By the end of their programme, trainees will have:

  1. A value driven commitment to reducing psychological distress and enhancing and promoting psychological well-being through the systematic application of knowledge derived from psychological theory and evidence. Work should be based on the fundamental acknowledgement that all people have the same human value and the right to be treated as unique individuals.
  2. The skills, knowledge and values to develop working alliances with clients, including individuals, carers and/or services, in order to carry out psychological assessment, develop a formulation based on psychological theories and knowledge, carry out psychological interventions, evaluate their work and communicate effectively with clients, referrers and others, orally, electronically and in writing.
  3. Knowledge and understanding of psychological (and other relevant) theory and evidence, related to specific client groups, presentations, psychological therapies, psychological testing, assessment, intervention and secondary prevention required to underpin clinical practice.
  4. The skills, knowledge and values to work effectively with clients from a diverse range of backgrounds, understanding and respecting the impact of difference and diversity upon their lives. Awareness of the clinical, professional and social contexts within which work is undertaken and impact therein.
  5. Clinical and research skills that demonstrate work with clients and systems based on a reflective scientist-practitioner model that incorporates a cycle of assessment, formulation, intervention and evaluation and that draws from across theory and therapy evidence bases as appropriate.
  6. The skills, knowledge and values to work effectively with systems relevant to clients, including for example statutory and voluntary services, self-help and advocacy groups, userled systems and other elements of the wider community.
  7. The skills, knowledge and values to work in a range of indirect ways to improve psychological aspects of health and healthcare. This includes leadership skills and competencies in consultancy, supervision, teaching and training, working collaboratively and influencing psychological mindedness and practices of teams.
  8. The skills, knowledge and values to conduct research and reflect upon outcomes in a way that enables the profession to develop its knowledge base and to monitor and improve the effectiveness of its work.
  9. A professional and ethical value base, including that set out in the BPS Code of Ethics and Conduct, the DCP statement of the Core Purpose and Philosophy of the profession and the DCP Professional Practice Guidelines.
  10. High level skills in managing a personal learning agenda and self-care, in critical reflection and self-awareness that enable transfer of knowledge and skills to new settings and problems and professional standards of behaviour as might be expected by the public, employers and colleagues.

NINE core competencies are defined as follows:

2.2.1. Generalisable meta-competencies

  1. Drawing on psychological knowledge of developmental, social and neuropsychological processes across the lifespan to facilitate adaptability and change in individuals, groups, families, organisations and communities.
  2. Deciding, using a broad evidence and knowledge base, how to assess, formulate and intervene psychologically, from a range of possible models and modes of intervention with clients, carers and service systems. Ability to work effectively whilst holding in mind alternative, competing explanations.
  3. Generalising and synthesising prior knowledge and experience in order to apply them critically and creatively in different settings and novel situations.
  4. Being familiar with theoretical frameworks, the evidence base and practice guidance frameworks such as NICE and SIGN, and having the capacity to critically utilise these in complex clinical decision making without being formulaic in application.
  5. Complementing evidence based practice with an ethos of practice based evidence where processes, outcomes, progress and needs are critically and reflectively evaluated.
  6. Ability to collaborate with service users and carers, and other relevant stakeholders, in advancing psychological initiatives such as interventions and research.
  7. Making informed judgments on complex issues in specialist fields, often in the absence of complete information.
  8. Ability to communicate psychologically-informed ideas and conclusions to, and to work effectively with, other stakeholders, (specialist and non-specialist), in order to influence practice, facilitate problem solving and decision making.
  9. Exercising personal responsibility and largely autonomous initiative in complex and unpredictable situations in professional practice. Demonstrating self-awareness and sensitivity, and working as a reflective practitioner within ethical and professional practice frameworks.

2.2.2. Psychological assessment

  1. Developing and maintaining effective working alliances with service users, carers, colleagues and other relevant stakeholders.
  2. Ability to choose, use and interpret a broad range of assessment methods appropriate:
    • to the client and service delivery system in which the assessment takes place; and
    • to the type of intervention which is likely to be required.
  3. Assessment procedures in which competence is demonstrated will include:
    • performance based psychometric measures (e.g. of cognition and development);
    • self and other informant reported psychometrics (e.g. of symptoms, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behaviours);
    • systematic interviewing procedures;
    • other structured methods of assessment (e.g. observation, or gathering information from others); and
    • assessment of social context and organisations.
  4. Understanding of key elements of psychometric theory which have relevance to psychological assessment (e.g. effect sizes, reliable change scores, sources of error and bias, base rates, limitations etc.) and utilising this knowledge to aid assessment practices and interpretations thereof.
  5. Conducting appropriate risk assessment and using this to guide practice.

2.2.3. Psychological formulation

  1. Using assessment to develop formulations which are informed by theory and evidence about relevant individual, systemic, cultural and biological factors.
  2. Constructing formulations of presentations which may be informed by, but which are not premised on, formal diagnostic classification systems; developing formulation in an emergent transdiagnostic context.
  3. Constructing formulations utilising theoretical frameworks with an integrative, multi-model, perspective as appropriate and adapted to circumstance and context.
  4. Developing a formulation through a shared understanding of its personal meaning with the client(s) and / or team in a way which helps the client better understand their experience.
  5. Capacity to develop a formulation collaboratively with service users, carers, teams and services and being respectful of the client or team’s feedback about what is accurate and helpful.
  6. Making justifiable choices about the format and complexity of the formulation that is presented or utilised as appropriate to a given situation.
  7. Ensuring that formulations are expressed in accessible language, culturally sensitive, and non-discriminatory in terms of, for example, age, gender, disability and sexuality.
  8. Using formulations to guide appropriate interventions if appropriate.
  9. Reflecting on and revising formulations in the light of on-going feedback and intervention.
  10. Leading on the implementation of formulation in services and utilizing formulation to enhance teamwork, multi-professional communication and psychological mindedness in services.

2.2.4. Psychological intervention

  1. On the basis of a formulation, implementing psychological therapy or other interventions appropriate to the presenting problem and to the psychological and social circumstances of the client(s), and to do this in a collaborative manner with:
    • individuals
    • couples, families or groups
    • services / organisations
  2. Understanding therapeutic techniques and processes as applied when working with a range of different individuals in distress, such as those who experience difficulties related to: anxiety, mood, adjustment to adverse circumstances or life events, eating difficulties, psychosis, misuse of substances, physical health presentations and those with somatoform, psychosexual, developmental, personality, cognitive and neurological presentations.
  3. Ability to implement therapeutic interventions based on knowledge and practice in at least two evidence-based models of formal psychological interventions, of which one must be cognitive-behaviour therapy. Model specific therapeutic skills must be evidenced against a competence framework as described below, though these may be adapted to account for specific ages and presentations etc.
  4. In addition, however, the ability to utilise multi-model interventions, as appropriate to the complexity and / or co-morbidity of the presentation, the clinical and social context and service user opinions, values and goals.
  5. Knowledge of, and capacity to conduct interventions related to, secondary prevention and the promotion of health and well-being.
  6. Conducting interventions in a way which promotes recovery of personal and social functioning as informed by service user values and goals.
  7. Having an awareness of the impact and relevance of psychopharmacological and other multidisciplinary interventions.
  8. Understanding social approaches to intervention; for example, those informed by community, critical, and social constructionist perspectives.
  9. Implementing interventions and care plans through, and with, other professions and/or with individuals who are formal (professional) carers for a client, or who care for a client by virtue of family or partnership arrangements.
  10. Recognising when (further) intervention is inappropriate, or unlikely to be helpful, and communicating this sensitively to clients and carers.

2.2.5. Evaluation

  1. Evaluating practice through the monitoring of processes and outcomes, across multiple dimensions of functioning, in relation to recovery, values and goals and as informed by service user experiences as well as clinical indicators (such as behaviour change and change on standardised psychometric instruments).
  2. Devising innovate evaluative procedures where appropriate.
  3. Capacity to utilise supervision effectively to reflect upon personal effectiveness, shape and change personal and organisational practice including that information offered by outcomes monitoring.
  4. Appreciating outcomes frameworks in wider use within national healthcare systems, the evidence base and theories of outcomes monitoring (e.g. as related to dimensions of accessibility, acceptability, clinical effectiveness and efficacy) and creating synergy with personal evaluative strategies.
  5. Critical appreciation of the strengths and limitations of different evaluative strategies, including psychometric theory and knowledge related to indices of change.
  6. Capacity to evaluate processes and outcomes at the organisational and systemic levels as well as the individual level.

2.2.6. Research

  1. Being a critical and effective consumer, interpreter and disseminator of the research evidence base relevant to clinical psychology practice and that of psychological services and interventions more widely. Utilising such research to influence and inform the practice of self and others.
  2. Conceptualising, designing and conducting independent, original and translational research of a quality to satisfy peer review, contribute to the knowledge base of the discipline, and merit publication including: identifying research questions, demonstrating an understanding of ethical issues, choosing appropriate research methods and analysis (both quantitative and qualitative), reporting outcomes and identifying appropriate pathways for dissemination.
  3. Understanding the need and value of undertaking translational (applied and applicable) clinical research post-qualification, contributing substantially to the development of theory and practice in clinical psychology.
  4. The capacity to conduct service evaluation, small N, pilot and feasibility studies and other research which is consistent with the values of both evidence based practice and practice based evidence.
  5. Conducting research in respectful collaboration with others (e.g. service users, supervisors, other disciplines and collaborators, funders, community groups etc.) and within the ethical and governance frameworks of the Society, the Division, HCPC, universities and other statutory regulators as appropriate.

2.2.7. Personal and professional skills and values

  1. Understanding of ethical issues and applying these in complex clinical contexts, ensuring that informed consent underpins all contact with clients and research participants.
  2. Appreciating the inherent power imbalance between practitioners and clients and how abuse of this can be minimised.
  3. Understanding the impact of differences, diversity and social inequalities on people’s lives, and their implications for working practices.
  4. Understanding the impact of one’s own value base upon clinical practice.
  5. Working effectively at an appropriate level of autonomy, with awareness of the limits of own competence and accepting accountability to relevant professional and service managers.
  6. Capacity to adapt to, and comply with, the policies and practices of a host organisation with respect to time-keeping, record keeping, meeting deadlines, managing leave, health and safety and good working relations.
  7. Managing own personal learning needs and developing strategies for meeting these. Using supervision to reflect on practice, and making appropriate use of feedback received.
  8. Developing strategies to handle the emotional and physical impact of practice and seeking appropriate support when necessary, with good awareness of boundary issues.
  9. Developing resilience but also the capacity to recognize when own fitness to practise is compromised and take steps to manage this risk as appropriate.
  10. Working collaboratively and constructively with fellow psychologists and other colleagues and users of services, respecting diverse viewpoints.

2.2.8. Communication and teaching

  1. Communicating effectively clinical and non-clinical information from a psychological perspective in a style appropriate to a variety of different audiences (for example, to professional colleagues, and to users and their carers).
  2. Adapting style of communication to people with a wide range of levels of cognitive ability, sensory acuity and modes of communication.
  3. Preparing and delivering teaching and training which takes into account the needs and goals of the participants (for example, by appropriate adaptations to methods and content).
  4. Understanding of the supervision process for both supervisee and supervisor roles.
  5. Understanding the process of providing expert psychological opinion and advice, including the preparation and presentation of evidence in formal settings.
  6. Understanding the process of communicating effectively through interpreters and having an awareness of the limitations thereof.
  7. Supporting others’ learning in the application of psychological skills, knowledge, practices and procedures.

2.2.9. Organisational and systemic influence and leadership

  1. Awareness of the legislative and national planning contexts for service delivery and clinical practice.
  2. Capacity to adapt practice to different organisational contexts for service delivery. This should include a variety of settings such as in-patient and community, primary, secondary and tertiary care and may include work with providers outside of the NHS.
  3. Providing supervision at an appropriate level within own sphere of competence.
  4. Indirect influence of service delivery including through consultancy, training and working effectively in multidisciplinary and cross-professional teams. Bringing psychological influence to bear in the service delivery of others.
  5. Understanding of leadership theories and models, and their application to service development and delivery. Demonstrating leadership qualities such as being aware of and working with interpersonal processes, proactivity, influencing the psychological mindedness of teams and organisations, contributing to and fostering collaborative working practices within teams.
  6. Working with users and carers to facilitate their involvement in service planning and delivery.
  7. Understanding of change processes in service delivery systems.
  8. Understanding and working with quality assurance principles and processes including informatics systems which may determine the relevance of clinical psychology work within healthcare systems.
  9. Being able to recognise malpractice or unethical practice in systems and organisations and knowing how to respond to this, and being familiar with ‘whistleblowing’ policies and issues.

[End of extract]

BPS DClinPsy Standards Document

Post contract fees

Please note that this policy only applies to trainees whose contracts ended between 08/01/2018 and 20/06/23

Full-time trainees on the programme are employed on a three year NHS contract. For part-time trainees this is adjusted according to the trainee’s full time equivalent. If a trainee intercalates from study, for maternity leave for example, then the contract date is extended to cover the period of intercalation. It is anticipated that trainees will meet all the conditions for the award of DClinPsy by the end of their contract. However, for some, there remain elements of the award to complete following the conclusion of the NHS contract. Typically, this completion can occur within three months of the end date of the NHS contract. However, if a trainee has yet to meet all conditions for award after three months from the end of contract, they will be liable to pay additional fees to cover any continued training. There are two different contexts where additional fees may be applied:

  1. Incomplete academic submissions

    Full-time trainees, who have not completed the required academic submissions, will be charged £230 for the first year from Dec 1st of the scheduled year of graduation. Any trainees who have yet to complete at the end of this first year are charged a further £465 from the following December. Trainees who enter a third year of study after the end of their NHS contract are charged a further £930 in post contract fees.

    Bespoke pathway trainees will be charged from three months after their contract ends (in accordance with the time they have spent intercalated). That is during intercalation “the clock stops”. The fee will be as above for these students once they have completed their contracts.

    The DClinPsy post contract fees should not be confused with “writing up fees” as per University documentation. DClinPsy trainees are not liable for “writing up fees”.

  2. Incomplete clinical experience

    Trainees require a minimum of five Supervisors Assessment of Trainee (SAT) forms, rated as satisfactory, in order to meet clinical conditions for the award of DClinPsy. In the situation where this is not the case trainees will be given the option to sign an honorary contract with Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust in order to complete their placement experience. If an honorary contract is required for three months or less following the end date of their training contract there will be no additional fee to pay. Following this, a fee of £265 per every three additional months will be charged.

    It may be the case that an individual is required to both complete academic submissions and gain additional clinical experience in order to fulfil the conditions for the award of DClinPsy. In this situation they will be liable to pay both sets of fees as outlined above.

    Trainees cannot qualify for the award of the DClinPsy if any fees have yet to be paid.

Trainee involvement in selection

Trainees are vital to our inclusive selection process and take on a range a roles as colleagues on the DClinPsy programme. It is expected that trainees serve as selectors alongside programme staff and community stakeholders each year with dedicated teaching and training sessions provided to support trainees in their roles.

Although not all trainees can sit on a panel each year, the programme requires all trainees to make themselves available for at least one day to support selections panels when requested, and this is a requirement of their employment as a Trainee Clinical Psychologist.

Policy on the use of continuing professional development (CPD) funds

Staff actively encourage trainees to develop professional interests and expertise via various means including attendance at external conferences, online training and accessing personal therapy. Therapy for continuing professional development differs from therapy that would be indicated by an occupational health referral. The latter concerns therapy accessed to address issues around capacity to practice whilst the former pertains to enhancing practice. To discuss further the first point of contact is Claire Anderson, Clinical Tutor,

There is a formal procedure for determining use of your funds, to maintain equity in the distribution of funding and to ensure financial accountability.

Applications should be submitted to Katherine Thackeray, Programme Administrator.

  • Trainees joining from 2022 onwards are entitled to a £500 budget over three years, this budget is called a ‘Training Budget’. This budget can be used for activities of the trainee’s choice, such as attendance at external conferences, online training, accessing personal therapy and must also cover research related expenses. Please see the research expenses section of the handbook for more detail on example expenses. £100 of this budget is ring fenced for the payment of experts by experience; this will pay for up to 5 hours of involvement in research in an advisory capacity (further information on the payment structure for this element). Plans for involving experts by experience should be discussed with your supervisor and cost implications agreed in advance.
  • Trainees in the 2019, 2020 and 2021 intakes are entitled to £400 over the three years. This budget can be used for activities of the trainee’s choice, such as attendance at external conferences, online training, accessing personal therapy and must also cover research related expensesPlease see the research expenses page of the handbook for more information on example expenses.
  • Money unspent at the end of training remains within the programme budget. It is not possible for money to be spent after the completion of the three years training, or for it to be used for books as these can be requested or accessed through the library. If the activity exceeds the budget the trainee is required to cover the excess.
  • Only in exceptional circumstances will programme staff allow attendance at a conference or non-programme activity if this involves missing part of the DClinPsy teaching programme (such as one-off conferences that are of specific relevance to the trainee’s individual learning needs, or events where the trainee will be presenting). If trainees wish to attend an event which clashes with DClinPsy teaching, they must agree to this with their individual tutor pair. In addition, the trainee should send apologies, in advance to the lecturer scheduled to deliver the teaching, assuming it has been agreed that they can miss that session. Ongoing commitments, such as personal therapy sessions should be scheduled within study time.
  • All trainees must submit the details of the CPD activity, and costs of attendance to the Programme Administrator. An application form (see appended) should be completed for each activity. Research related expenses, including expert by experience involvement, should be approved through the Research Coordinator instead.
    • Details should include promotional literature if applicable, dates of the event, and whether the trainee has gained the relevant approval (e.g. from a placement supervisor) to attend the event.
    • All rough costings must include, where relevant, fees and for conferences only travel accommodation and subsistence.
  • The Programme Administrator will organise the approval system and consult with tutor pairs as required.

2017 and 2018 intake:

The CPD entitlement depends on programme finances at the time of your entry to the programme: trainees joining in 2017 or 2018 are entitled to £300 over the three years.


Lancaster University is a member of Vitae, so all staff and students have access, they just need to sign up using their university email. For some of the events this means a discount rather than free access, but the resources on the website are open access.

Vitae login page
About vitae
Application to access programme CPD funds

DClinPsy policy on use of mobile devices whilst driving

Using mobile phones in any capacity whilst driving leads to dramatically increased number of driver errors, andresults in a four-fold increase in the likelihood of being involved in a road traffic accident (e.g. Violanti & Marshall, 1996). The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA – 2004)  assessed the risk of using  mobile phones whilst driving and concluded that using hands free technology impaired  driving performance and that “the risk of being involved in a collision was four times higher when using a…hands-free phone than when not using one”. A more recent review of the research also suggests that a driver’s performance whilst using a mobile phone with hands-free technology is rarely any better than when holding the device (Lipovac, Ðeric, Tešic, Andric & Maric, 2017). The evidence indicates that use of a mobile phone whilst driving is more dangerous than holding a conversation with someone who is present in the car (e.g. Ishigami & Klein, 2009).

Lancaster University policy states that staff must not use hand-held mobile phones and similar devices whilst driving, including whilst in a stationary vehicle with the engine running. In line with the research evidence this DClinPsy policy goes further, and directs all staff and trainees during their working day not to either initiating or respond to calls on hand-held devices whilst driving even if a hands-free function is available, except in exceptional circumstances.

Furthermore, staff and trainees should not participate in phone conversations with another party who is driving, even if hands-free technology is in use. If when making or receiving a mobile phone call a trainee or staff member is informed or suspects the other party may be driving, then they should clarify this and immediately suspend any call which would breach this policy until the other party is no longer driving.

Ishigami, Y., Klein, R. (2009). Is a hands-free phone safer than a handheld phone?, Journal of safety research 40 (2), 157-164, ISSN 0022-4375.

Krsto Lipovac, Miroslav Đerić, Milan Tešić, Zoran Andrić, Bojan Marić (2017). Mobile phone use while driving-literary review. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour (47), 132-142.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (2004). The Risk of Using a Mobile Phone While Driving. Birmingham: ROSPA Retrieved from

Violanti, J., Marshall, J. (1996). Cellular phones and traffic accidents: an epidemiological approach. Accident, analysis & prevention 28 (2), 265-70.

Other useful references  from the charity ‘Brake

Asbridge M1, Brubacher JR, Chan H., Cell phone use and traffic crash risk: a culpability analysis, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Briggs et al. (2016) ‘Imagery-inducing distraction leads to cognitive tunnelling and deteriorated driving performance’, Transportation Research Part F, 38: 106-117.

Gaspar, J. et al (2014), Providing views of the driving scene to driver conversation partners mitigates cell-phone-related distraction

McEvoy, P. et al (2005), Role of mobile phones in motor vehicle crashes resulting in hospital attendance: a case-crossover study, University of Western Australia

Strayer, D. et al (2015), Measuring cognitive distraction in the automobile III, University of Utah, for AAA Foundation for traffic safety, 2015

TRL (2008) The effect of text messaging on driver behaviour: a simulator study

Teaching, learning and assessment strategy

Curriculum Guidance

The curriculum is informed by a wide range of guidance, which includes the following:

  • HCPC Standards of Education & Training
  • HCPC Standards of Proficiency
  • Standards for the accreditation of Doctoral programmes in clinical psychology (BPS document)
  • BPS accreditation through partnership handbook
  • BPS accreditation through partnership additional guidance for clinical psychology training programmes: The Ten Essential Shared Capabilities
  • BPS Generic Professional Practice Guidelines
  • BPS Division of Clinical Psychology Professional Practice Guidelines
  • Clinical Psychology – a quick guide to the profession and its training
  • Clinical Psychology: The core purpose and philosophy of the profession (BPS Division of Clinical Psychology)
  • BPS Division of Clinical Psychology Good Practice Guide :Service User and Carer Involvement within Clinical Psychology Training
  • BPS Division of Clinical Psychology Good Practice Guidelines: Training in Forensic Clinical Psychology
  • BPS Division of Clinical Psychology Good Practice Guidelines for UK Clinical Psychology Training Providers for the Training and Consolidation of Clinical Practice in Relation to People with Learning Disabilities
  • BPS Division of Clinical Psychology Good Practice Guidelines for UK Clinical Psychology for Training Providers – Training and consolidation of clinical practice in relation to children and young people
  • BPS Division of Clinical Psychology Good Practice Guidelines for UK Clinical Psychology Training Providers for the Training and Consolidation of Clinical Practice in Relation to Older People
  • BPS Division of Clinical Psychology Good Practice Guidelines for UK Clinical Psychology Training Providers. Training and Consolidation of Clinical Practice in Clinical Health Psychology.
  • BPS Division of Neuropsychology Competency Framework for the UK Clinical Neuropsychology Profession.
  • NHS National Service Frameworks
  • NHS Knowledge & Skills Framework
  • QAA Benchmark statement Healthcare programmes – Clinical Psychology.
  • Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, ‘Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education’
  • Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, ‘A framework for higher education qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland’
  • National Qualifications Framework in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and associated regulations
  • The Children Act 2004
  • Selection of Clinical Psychologist Trainees Job Analysis Final Report
  • Lancaster University DClinPsy programme vision statement
  • Input from stakeholders (including local employers, trainees, service users and carers, Health Education England) through the programme’s stakeholder events, and stakeholder representation on programme policy groups.
  • Current NICE guidance. In relation to Risk, teachers are required to explicitly teach the NICE Guideline on Self harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence.

Curriculum Strategy & Aspirations


The programme strives to provide a holistic experience of training that enables trainees to develop an integrated set of skills that meet the programme learning outcomes. It aims to provide a balanced and developmental set of clinical, academic and research experiences throughout the three years of training.


The clinical component aims to produce clinicians with a breadth of experience and a range of transferable as well as some specialist skills. To this end clinical experience is gained in service delivery systems that offer a coherent clinical context, oriented towards a population defined by age (e.g. child, adult, older people), by special needs (e.g. learning disabilities, serious mental health problems, health-related problems, substance abuse) or by a service delivery focus (e.g. psychological therapy). In addition, clinical experience is gained in a range of service contexts (primary, secondary and tertiary care, in-patient, out-patient, community), with service delivery models ranging from independently organised work through to integrated inter-professional working. Placement experiences within third sector and other contexts where there is a focus on community mapping and engagement are also increasingly being developed and undertaken by trainees.

The programme aims to promote a diverse range of clinical psychology practice and give trainees exposure to a wide variety of therapeutic models. The programme encourages flexibility in approach, adapting working to meet the needs of individual clients and in integrating theory into practice. The programme aims to produce clinicians who have a keen awareness of context, diversity and power issues, who are able to collaborate and work effectively with colleagues but who are able to work as drivers rather than simply followers of NHS policy. The programme aims to produce clinicians who understand the relationship between clinical psychology and the wider health and social policy agenda whilst also having an awareness of the current needs and realities within the health service.


The academic component provides an integrated curriculum supporting the training. The research training has sufficient time devoted to it to enable trainees to conduct research at a doctoral level and to be in a position to contribute to the knowledge base of the profession.

The programme seeks to provide an environment that encourages the pursuit of knowledge that informs clinical practice. The body of knowledge and contexts within which clinical psychologists work is broad, and so the programme’s assessments aim to provide trainees with some degree of choice in terms of the subject matter they present whilst still ensuring that trainees who complete the assessed components of the programme will have shown competencies that indicate that they meet the HCPC Standards of Proficiency.

Service Users

Service user involvement is considered a vital aspect of the curriculum. Service users not only provide regular contributions to the teaching delivered, but are also involved in a number of other roles including acting as consultants as trainees develop their research project ideas, and, shortly, involvement in the planning and strategic development of learning and teaching as member of teaching strand teams.

Delivery of learning and teaching experiences

Teaching and learning on most of the programme is designed specifically for clinical psychology trainees. To ensure that teaching is as relevant as possible to current practice and is based on the most up-to-date evidence, much of the teaching is delivered by practising clinical psychologists. Teaching is also delivered by other health and social services professionals, as well as users of services and other experts by experience. The majority of teaching on communication skills, research skills and personal development and reflection is delivered by members of the programme staff.

Programme staff work in small teams to plan and co-ordinate teaching within the nine thematic ‘strands’ that run throughout the three years of training, and these staff liaise closely with external teachers to ensure the learning experience for trainees is coherent and consistent. Learning and Teaching activities are designed to work towards the programme’s Learning and Teaching Vision. The programme also runs occasional ‘good practice in teaching’ workshops for all those who teach for the programme.

The DClinPsy is approved by university as a programme using the ‘standard’ (face to face) mode of delivery, and for this reason and for reasons of best pedagogic practice given the content, the vast majority of teaching is delivered by face-to-face means only. Within this the format of teaching is varied, adopting a broad range of approaches, often within a single teaching session. Teaching is mostly delivered in ‘whole day’ (5 hours) or ‘half day’ (2.5 hours) sessions which will usually include a combination of delivery modes including such elements as didactic presentations, small and large group discussion, workshop exercises, role-play and use the use of audio-visual materials as appropriate. The programme issues guidance to teachers on the production of teaching materials to maximise their accessibility to any trainees with visual impairment or dyslexia.

Guidance on document and slide preparation

Quality assurance of teaching


The quality and appropriateness of teaching is monitored in several ways. When planning the teaching programme, strand teams and teachers agree a plan for each teaching session which takes account of the content and methods to be used, and indicates which learning outcomes each of these aim to focus on addressing.

Peer Observation

The programme uses a system of peer and stakeholder observation of teaching.

There are minimum requirements for permanent staff members to be peer-observed regularly, and staff are encouraged to discuss feedback they have received during their annual appraisal. A sample of teaching delivered by external teachers is also peer observed each year. Feedback from the peer review process is collated and disseminated by the curriculum tutor for the programme.

More information is available in the Peer observation guidelines.

Trainee feedback

Following teaching sessions, feedback is obtained in several ways, and is reviewed and acted upon by strand co-ordinators. Please note that the processes for trainee feedback are currently under review  and that new processes  will be  put in place during the Michaelmas 2023 term.

Learning and teaching vision

Our vision

We aspire to have a teaching and learning programme where…

  • There is constructive alignment between the assessments undertaken by trainees and the teaching and learning programme. Teaching on the programme should focus on the competencies assessed as part of the training programme, and be aligned to the assessment exercises on the programme.
  • The teaching programme is coherent as a whole, well-co-ordinated and without unintended repetition.
  • The teaching and learning experience is flexible and personalisable, in a way that ensures the core elements required for competency development are present, whilst wherever possible allowing flexibility to allow different pathways and choices as to how the required competencies are developed.
  • The format of learning and teaching is primarily determined by best pedagogic practice relating to the topics being taught.
  • Taking account of the above, there is where possible a reduced amount of traditional formal contact teaching. This will allow more time for other forms of learning including problem-based learning, structured self-directed learning, and specific placement and other practice experiences.
  • The architecture of the programme fosters and requires a self-directed ‘adult learner’ approach from trainees
  • Learning sessions deal with content in general, and theory in particular, in a way that makes it clear how it is transferable across setting, research and clinical areas, and into placement and other practice contexts.
  • There are increased opportunities for cross-cohort contact and learning.
  • The learning programme is paced to create a varied learning experience which includes times when there is less contact teaching.
  • There are clear links and where possible a fusion between the teaching and learning of clinical and research skills.

We aspire to have trainees who…

  • Are adult learners, taking primary responsibility for their own learning throughout the programme.
  • Have time and space within the programme to plan and execute their own learning, self-direct, and also plan their self-care as part of training.

We aspire to have teachers who are…

  • From a more diverse range of backgrounds and expertise, including not only practising clinical psychologists but also a wider variety of other professionals and non-professionals, including service users and other stakeholders, including trainees themselves.
  • Are conversant with the programme’s values and vision for teaching
  • Produce teaching plans in collaboration with the strand teams relating to their session(s).
  • Skilled and knowledgeable in terms of available methods of teaching and learning and can make use of and / or access technological tools such as Moodle
  • Are familiar with current best practice in pedagogy.

We aspire to have learning sessions where…

  • There is a conscious awareness of the process as well as the content of learning experiences, and there are learning outcomes targeting both of these elements.
  • In contact teaching there is a focus on skills in the process of practice rather than primarily on developing declarative knowledge.
  • In contact teaching and other group activities there is a focus on action and ‘learning in motion’.
  • The ethos of learning sessions is grounded in the values held by the programme.
  • It is clear how the skills and competencies learned can be transferred to a range of contexts.
  • It is clear how the learning experiences relate to the broader competencies the programme aims to develop in trainees.
  • The experiences trainees have had in practice to date are made best use of within the learning session.
  • There is the potential in as many cases as possible for the learning experience to be used as part of a formative or summative assessment process.
  • There are regular reviews and development of the learning experiences by a range of stakeholders including service users.

Some example features of teaching that we consider may help with meeting this vision.

  • The intended learning outcomes the programme identifies and trains towards needs to be consistent with what is required in the current and future job role and match with the vision held by trainers.
  • A mechanism needs to be in place that facilitates clear and explicit linking of the programmes’ overall learning outcomes and competencies to the aims of individual learning experiences.
  • Building into the system information about teaching sessions and other learning experiences where the learning outcomes for both the content and process of session is identified, and it is made clear how the learning will be transferable.
  • Considering the use of a portfolio approach to assessment
  • Include teaching on ‘life skills’ and on working as an adult learner early in the programme, and having systems in place to monitor and direct self-directed learning throughout the programme.
  • Embed an expectation of adult learning into the architecture of the programme. For example, if learners have been asked to study a specific text prior to a contact teaching session, design the session such that they will not be able to make good use of or engage in the session if this task has not been completed first.
  • Increase the amount of structured reading / and learning outside of formal teaching, creating protected times for this, directing trainees to specific sources, and making more resources available online (including audio and video sources). Identifying content or knowledge-heavy areas of the current teaching and changing this so that it can be delivered by such non-contact methods.

Deadlines, extensions and exceptional circumstances

Deadlines and extensions

Trainees can find the fixed deadlines for all assignments with the programmes’ Assignment Submission Plan. All assignments need to be submitted by the agreed deadline to avoid negative consequences. The consequences of late submission and the process for obtaining an extension is detailed on the following page:

Changes via Individual Training Plan meeting

Deadlines for individual trainees may also be moved to a subsequent fixed deadline for that assignment during an individual training plan meeting if both of the trainee’s individual tutors are in agreement and this is approved by the directors. If trainees are aware of any extended circumstances out of their control which might result in them being able complete assessed work to their normal standard of academic performance then they should discuss this with their individual tutors at the earliest opportunity so that any necessary reasonable adjustments can be made.

Exceptional Circumstances

If subsequent to a submission being made or a deadline being missed a trainee identifies such circumstances then they may request that exceptional circumstances are taken account of.

Assessment submission points

Policy regarding deadlines for submission of assessed coursework

2018 cohort and onwards

Introduction & aims of the policy

This policy was developed with the following aims in mind:

  • To bring us in line with best practice – most degree programmes at Lancaster University and Clinical Psychology programmes across the country have a clear deadline policy.
  • To clarify what constitutes grounds for an extension and formalising a process for obtaining an extension. This will also enable us to clarify the consequences of late or non-submission without an extension.
  • To provide a consistent policy that would be fairer to trainees and also would be seen to be fairer.
  • To set clear and reasonable boundaries around deadlines that mirrors the expectations that trainees are likely to have placed upon them in the workplace.
  • To ensure that trainees are meeting the competencies of good time management and professional behaviour in their academic as well as placement activities.
  • To reduce the number of extensions requested by trainees, and as a result reduce the workload for the programme team.
  • To help reduce the culture of submission ‘at the last minute’. This has contributed to many of the extension requests that had previously been made by trainees as a result of circumstances that should be avoided by appropriate time management. Reducing this culture will not only help trainees develop more helpful habits for their professional careers, but may also resolve any difficulties which could arise around teaching attendance near deadlines.

Scope of the Policy

The policy applies to the submission of all coursework on the programme excluding the Thesis.

Supporting Trainees and Encouraging Early Submission of Work

The programme wants trainees to feel supported, and if any trainees find themselves struggling with a piece of assessed work for any reason, they are encouraged to approach their individual tutors at the earliest opportunity to discuss this and obtain help and support from the programme. Having to continue to devote time to an assessed piece of coursework beyond the normal deadline can create substantial additional pressure for the trainee and disrupt their path through training. This deadline policy, therefore, has strict boundaries relating to the submission of work, and significant penalties for the late submission of work. In order to avoid trainees failing due to late submission, staff should encourage trainees at every opportunity to plan to submit their work well in advance of the deadline.

Single Extensions

Deadline date is less than a week away. Trainees can ask for an request an extension the week of the deadline date up until, and including, the Wednesday before the Friday deadline. Trainees will not be able to request an extension after the Wednesday before the deadline. If after the Wednesday (i.e. Thursday), the trainee will need to go through the exceptional circumstances process if appropriate.

Trainees  should speak to speak to their individual tutor pair regarding an  extension request. The individual tutor pair will help the trainee to decide if they want to apply for a single extension or require an Individual Training Plan adjustment. A tutor will then  make the request if appropriate via Teams and this  will be considered at the weekly directors’ meeting for approval. If the request is being made at short notice (i.e. after 10am on the Tuesday or on the Wednesday prior to the deadline) the  tutor should also alert the directors to the request  via email to ensure it is considered. In all cases the programme directors will either 1) not grant an extension; 2) grant a single extension- 1 week; 3) grant a single extension- to next deadline.

Individual Training Plan (ITP)

In some instances, a single extension may not be sufficient for a trainee. This is when there is a significant interruption to training, which is likely to affect more than one deadline. At these times, trainees and their individual tutors should discuss a revised overall deadline schedule at an ITP meeting. This is an alternative to obtaining an extension and takes account of the trainee’s overall progress through the programme. The revised deadlines schedule must be approved at the Directors’ meeting prior to it taking effect.

The Process of Submission of Work

Written work must be submitted online via the programme’s Moodle submission mechanism. The exact details of what constitutes a ‘complete’ submission for each assignment can be found in the programme’s “Guidance on Assignment Submission” information. At all times, it is the responsibility of the trainee to ensure that they make a complete submission.

Trainees should note that submissions which exceed the specified word limit will not be accepted. After the deadline has passed, submitted work will be checked, and any work which is over the maximum word count or declares that it is, will be returned to the trainee with no extension to the deadline. The trainee will be required to re-submit a version of the work that is within the word limit. This submission will then be late, and considered in accordance with the ‘Consequences of Late Submission’ section below. Please note that the maximum word count for each piece of assessed coursework is as specified in the assessment handbook of the programme. There is no leeway above this limit. The inclusion/exclusion of tables and figures from the word count varies from assignment to assignment and individual guidance is available in the handbook.

If a trainee is on sick leave on the due date of a piece of work and has not already submitted the work nor has an approved extension, they must submit their work by no later than 9.30am of the day AFTER the end of their period of sick leave (not including weekends). They must also submit a doctor’s note covering the sickness period to the DClinPsy programme office within one week of the submission of the coursework (even if the sickness was for only one day). This reflects the university’s position on assessment.

Consequences of Late Submission

Moodle automatically classifies any submission that is after the deadline as late. Under all other circumstances than those listed above, work that is submitted late without an approved extension shall be dealt with as follows. If a complete submission of the work is up to three calendar days late, then:

A concern will be raised about the trainee’s behaviour. Concerns can lead to fitness to practise or disciplinary procedures being implemented.

If a complete submission of work is not made within three days following the deadline, this will constitute a fail, with a mark of zero or fail being recorded for the first submission.

If a trainee considers there are exceptional circumstances that have led to the late submission, they should submit these by the appropriate deadline to the programme’s exceptional circumstances committee, which will consider any such submissions prior to the mark being ratified by the programme examination board.

Obtaining an Extension

For all pieces of assessed work (except the thesis), a single extension would be granted for immediate and temporary issues which have been appropriately reported to the programme. This includes submitting evidence as to the reason for the extension. Examples for a single extension include:

  • Self-certified sickness
  • Caring responsibility resulting in loss of study day
  • Accident/ injury to self of significant other than resulted in loss of study day
  • Adverse Event, which has temporary impact (e.g. flooding)
  • Any other significant life events of a similar degree of severity which are beyond the trainee’s control and are judged by the Directors to have a deleterious effect on their ability to submit work by the current deadline.

Reasons a single extension would not be granted include:

  1. Technology issues
  2. Poor organisation by trainee

Deadline Policy Flow Chart

2017 cohort and earlier

Introduction & aims of the policy

This policy was developed with the following aims in mind:

  • To bring us in line with best practice – most degree programmes at Lancaster University and Clinical Psychology programmes across the country have a clear deadline policy.
  • To clarify what constitutes grounds for an extension and formalising a process for obtaining an extension. This will also enable us to clarify the consequences of late or non-submission without an extension.
  • To provide a consistent policy that would be fairer to trainees and also would be seen to be fairer.
  • To set clear and reasonable boundaries around deadlines that mirrors the expectations that trainees are likely to have placed upon them in the workplace.
  • To ensure that trainees are meeting the competencies of good time management and professional behaviour in their academic as well as placement activities.
  • To reduce the number of extensions requested by trainees, and as a result reduce the workload for the programme team.
  • To help reduce the culture of submission ‘at the last minute’. This has contributed to many of the extension requests that had previously been made by trainees as a result of circumstances that should be avoided by appropriate time management. Reducing this culture will not only help trainees develop more helpful habits for their professional careers, but may also resolve any difficulties which could arise around teaching attendance near deadlines.

Scope of the policy

The policy applies to the submission of all coursework on the programme. Thesis and placement documentation submissions are excluded.

Supporting trainees and encouraging early submission of work

The programme wants trainees to feel supported, and if any trainees find themselves struggling with a piece of assessed work for any reason, they are encouraged to approach their Individual Tutors at the earliest opportunity to discuss this and obtain help and support from the programme. Having to continue to devote time to an assessed piece of coursework beyond the normal deadline can create substantial additional pressure for the trainee and disrupt their path through training. This deadline policy, therefore, has strict boundaries relating to the submission of work, and significant penalties for the late submission of work. In order to avoid trainees failing due to late submission, staff should encourage trainees at every opportunity to plan to submit their work well in advance of the deadline.

Single Extensions

Deadline date is less than a week away. Trainees can request an extension the week of the deadline date up until, and including, the Wednesday before the Friday deadline. Trainees will not be able to request an extension after the Wednesday before the deadline. If after the Wednesday (i.e. Thursday), the trainee will need to go through the exceptional circumstances process if appropriate. When requesting a single extension, the trainee will need to email both programme directors, copying in the Programme Administrator and their tutor team into the email as well. The trainee may choose to request a weeklong single extension or an extension until the next scheduled assignment deadline date. It is the trainee’s responsibility to follow up a response if necessary. Trainees must submit evidence for the extension. The evidence can be submitted after the request but any granted extension will be subject to the receipt of evidence. The programme directors will either 1) not grant an extension; 2) grant a single extension- 1 week; 3) grant a single extension- to next deadline or 4) single extension awarded and a recommendation that an Individual Training Plan meeting is considered by the tutor pair.

Deadline date is more than a week away. If the deadline date is more than a week away, trainees are encouraged to speak to their individual tutor pair. The individual tutor pair will help the trainee to decide if they want to apply for a single extension or require and Individual Training Plan (ITP [see below]). Either option would need to be submitted to the weekly directors’ meeting for approval. The programme directors will either 1) not grant an extension; 2) grant a single extension- 1 week; 3) grant a single extension- to next deadline

Individual Training Plan (ITP)

In some instances, a single extension may not be sufficient for a trainee. This is when there is a significant interruption to training, which is likely to affect more than one deadline. At these times, trainees and their individual tutors should discuss a revised overall deadline schedule at an ITP meeting. This is an alternative to obtaining an extension and takes account of the trainee’s overall progress through the programme. The revised deadlines schedule would need to be approved at the Directors’ meeting.

The process of submission of work

Work must be submitted online via the programme’s Moodle submission mechanism. The exact details of what constitutes a ‘complete’ submission for each assignment can be found in the programme’s “Guidance on Assignment Submission” information. At all times, it is the responsibility of the trainee to ensure that they make a complete submission.

Trainees should note that submissions which exceed the specified word limit will not be accepted. After the deadline has passed, submitted work will be checked, and any work which is over the maximum word count or declares that it is, will be returned to the trainee with no extension to the deadline. The trainee will be required to re-submit a version of the work that is within the word limit. This submission will then be late, and considered in accordance with the ‘Consequences of Late Submission’ section below. Please note that the maximum word count for each piece of assessed coursework is as specified in the assessment handbook of the programme. There is no leeway above this limit. The inclusion/exclusion of tables and figures from the word count varies from assignment to assignment and individual guidance is available in the handbook.

If a trainee is on sick leave on the due date of a piece of work and has not already submitted the work nor has an approved extension, they must submit their work by no later than 9.30am of the day AFTER the end of their period of sick leave (not including weekends). They must also submit a doctor’s note covering the sickness period to the DClinPsy programme office within one week of the submission of the coursework (even if the sickness was for only one day). This reflects the university’s position on assessment.

Consequences of late submission

Moodle automatically classifies any submission that is after the deadline as late. Under all other circumstances from those listed above, work that is submitted late without an approved extension shall be dealt with as follows:

  1. If a complete submission of the work is up to three calendar days late, it shall be penalised by having ten marks deducted from that awarded by the examiners of the piece of work. Examiners shall not be informed as to whether the work they have been asked to mark will be subject to such a penalty.
  2. If a complete submission of work is not made within three days following the deadline, this will constitute a fail, with a mark of zero being recorded for the first submission and any subsequently submitted work being marked as if it were a re-submission. This means that if such late-submitted work is also marked as a fail, then the trainee will have two fails marked against their record and will not be permitted to submit the piece of work again.

If a trainee considers there are exceptional circumstances that have led to the late submission, they should submit these by the appropriate deadline to the programme’s exceptional circumstances committee, which will consider any such submissions prior to the mark being ratified by the programme examination board.

Obtaining an extension

For all pieces of assessed work (except the thesis), a single extension would be granted for immediate and temporary issues which have been appropriately reported to the programme. This includes submitting evidence as to the reason for the extension. Examples for a single extension include:

  • Self-certified sickness
  • Caring responsibility resulting in loss of study day
  • Accident/ injury to self of significant other than resulted in loss of study day
  • Adverse Event, which has temporary impact (e.g. flooding)
  • Any other significant life events of a similar degree of severity which are beyond the trainee’s control and are judged by the Directors to have a deleterious effect on their ability to submit work by the current deadline.

In addition, the following are also considered acceptable grounds for application for an extension for THE SRP ONLY:

  • Issues of delay in data collection which are beyond the trainee’s control. During any such delay, the trainee must be able to evidence having made all possible efforts to continue with aspects of the assignment,

Reasons a single extension would not be granted include:

  • Technology issues
  • Poor organisation by trainee

Public Involvement on the Lancaster DClinPsy programme (LUPIN)

“Involvement is intended to refer to principles and approaches that lead to individuals having real choices … and their voices heard and heeded both individually and collectively” (British Psychological Society, 2010).

Principles Underpinning Public and Service User Involvement on the Lancaster DClinPsy Programme


Research suggests that embedded participation based on a partnership approach is most effective at achieving lasting change. We intend for service users to be key players or partners in the achievement of the vision and aims jointly developed by the programme and service users. We will actively promote the involvement and participation of service users in as many aspects of the programme’s work as appropriate.

Intention to Change

The Lancaster programme has a fundamental intention and commitment to adapt and evolve as a result of service user participation.

Power Relationships

We acknowledge that many service user involvement initiatives have not achieved their stated aims, due to a failure to truly involve users, or through limited or tokenistic involvement, or through professional and organisational resistance. We will seek to minimise, where possible, the effects of power relationships between service users and trainees and members of programme staff.

We aim for service users and carers to be active partners, and for initiatives and the achievement of aims to be as participative and user-led as possible. We acknowledge that this involvement needs to take place within certain constraints (e.g. finance, organisational policy and HCPC & BPS standards and guidance).


The programme will recognise the validity and worth of the unique expertise that service users have developed through experience, and will aim to treat service users and carers as ‘experts by experience’.


Service users and carers are often asked to be more ‘representative’ than any other group of stakeholders in the change management process (SCIE, 2015), and service users who are marginalised from mainstream services can also be found to be under or unrepresented in the participation intended to develop those services.

The Lancaster DClinPsy programme aims to promote the representation of as wide a range of users of services as practical. Service users from a range of services will be invited to be involved in the work of the programme.

Managing Expectations

The programme and service users will aim to be as clear as possible about their expectations and limits of the partnership. The process and impact of service user involvement will be monitored and evaluated on an ongoing basis through trainee, staff and service user feedback.


The programme welcomes the involvement of people regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, or ability. Service users who currently work with the course are a diverse group, and include people who have used mental health services, care for those who use services, or have an interest in mental health professional training.


The Lancaster University Public Involvement Network (LUPIN) aims to increase public involvement in the Lancaster Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology. LUPIN was set up in early 2008 and its members include current and former users of clinical psychology services, carers, members of the public interested in mental health service development, programme staff and trainee clinical psychologists. We are clear that staff members and trainees can also be current or historical service users and/or carers and we welcome this perspective.

LUPIN and the course are working together to make sure that a public involvement perspective is woven throughout all aspects of the DClinPsy programme. This is to improve the experience of training so that trainees learn from the experiences of service users and carers.

Structure, Processes and Methods of Involvement

LUPIN members are involved in a range of work on the programme including selection interviews for trainees, teaching, advising on trainee research projects and membership of programme committees. LUPIN is also linked into various groups both locally and nationally that help to promote the involvement of service users and carers in clinical psychology and wider services.

LUPIN meets as a steering group, which aims to guide the overall strategy. Future strategic aims for LUPIN are currently in development.

Service users have been involved in several aspects of the work of the programme:


Service users (including, but not restricted to, LUPIN members) have contributed to the planning and delivery of teaching sessions and workshops with trainees and clinical psychologists external to the programme. LUPIN members have contributed to the peer observation of teaching sessions to trainees.

Members of service user groups representing other specialities (such as people with learning disabilities) also regularly contribute to teaching on the programme.

Selections and Admissions

LUPIN members are members of the interview panels which select each new intake of trainees. A variety of other service users are also involved in the “video discussion task”, one of the four elements of the recruitment process during selection week.


Trainees are encouraged to involve experts by experience in the planning and management of their individual research projects. Please see the Public Participation in Research Activity guidance.

Programme Management

LUPIN members contribute to the programme development and implementation group meetings and the Programme Board.

Fitness to Practise

LUPIN members form part of the Fitness to Practise panel.

Dedicated resources

The programme will ensure that dedicated time from programme staff is available to support service user involvement in all its aspects. This will include members of the clinical, research and administrative staff. The programme will provide suitable meeting venues, travel expenses, and payment for activities when appropriate.


Programme staff will take responsibility for chairing LUPIN steering group and subgroup meetings. Programme administrative staff will be responsible for keeping and circulating meeting minutes.

Payment for Service User Involvement

LUPIN members are involved in a wide range of course-related activities and we wish to recognise the skills and expertise that are brought to these activities, as well as the time that members give to help us improve and develop the training course.

What types of payment are offered?

Fees.  Payment is offered for all course-related activities in which experts by experience are involved. There are different options available for payment and these are discussed when someone is interested in joining LUPIN. The payment structure is currently under review and will be available for the handbook when finalised.

LUPIN steering group

The LUPIN steering group meets every three months and aims to guide the overall strategy of service user and carer involvement with the course.  The terms of reference for the group are currently being updated.

Support, Training and Development

Reasonable adjustment will be made for those who are disabled in any way by society in order for service users to participate in programme activities. This includes, for example, accessible meeting venues, and aids and adjustments for visual, cognitive or hearing impairments.

The level of involvement by service users in programme activities is dependent on personal choice, and the programme does not have specific expectations of how much time people need to commit.

Through discussion at LUPIN steering group meetings the programme aims to meet any specific and relevant training and development needs that are highlighted through the work. For example, to date, this has led to arranging a training session for LUPIN members to understand policy and legislation on Equality and Diversity.


We are keen to encourage trainee representation on the LUPIN steering group. We are also keen to recruit more members of the public and service users to LUPIN. We would encourage trainees, whilst on placement, to publicize LUPIN.

LUPIN If you are interested in becoming involved please get in touch with the staff team who facilitate LUPIN: –

Zarah Eve:

Anna Duxbury:

Suzanne Hodge:

Useful documents

Public participation in research activity

Equality scheme

1. Values

The Lancaster DClinPsy Programme is committed to celebrating the diversity of all those associated with it: trainees, staff, members of our Public Involvement Network (LUPIN), teachers, supervisors and assessors, the Learning Together Group and others. This commitment is underpinned by an emphasis on inclusivity and equity. Learning experiences provided and facilitated by this programme, and the quality of our professional relationships, are informed by this overarching principle.

2. The Policy Landscape

The DClinPsy Equality Scheme is in development, pending the appointment of an EDI Lead. It will be based on the policies of our stakeholders, below, but will show actions and plans specific to the DClinPsy Programme:

For more detail on legislation governing equality policies, precise definitions of terms and equality policies and strategies at an institutional level, please follow the links above.

3. Dimensions

Both LSCFT and Lancaster University organise their equality strategies around six equality strands:. The Equality Act 2010 specifies nine protected characteristics which cannot be used as a reason to treat people unfairly: race and ethnicity, disability, gender, age, religion/belief, sexual orientation,  gender reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, and pregnancy and maternity. The Act says that socio-economic factors must be considered, in terms of strategy, by public bodies but does not specifically include higher education institutions in this. The Lancaster DClinPsy regards equality of outcome regardless of socio-economic background as important, however, and we are taking steps to monitor and improve this aspect of our selection process. The BPS’s human rights statement reflects the values of the Lancaster DClinPsy Programme by changing the emphasis of their equality strategy from diversity to inclusivity:

“generally, human rights, social inclusion and social equity must be promoted, as there is clear evidence that these issues are intimately related to healthy, supportive communities which support high levels of personal and psychological well-being”

The Lancaster DClinPsy aims to support high levels of psychological wellbeing in those associated with the programme by ensuring that our activities support their inclusion and full contribution.

4. Programme Structure

The Lancaster DClinPsy Inclusivity Development and Implementation Group (IDIG) is chaired by Clare Dixon and comprises: members of the programme team, trainee representatives from each year of training and a number of members of LUPIN. This meets 6 times a year and makes recommendations to the Operational Management Group (OMG). The OMG makes decisions which may be implemented or discussed by the Inclusivity DIG.

The Anti-Racism Accountability Group (ARAG) was set up in 2020 in a response to the ongoing systemic racism within our course, the profession, and wider society. We wanted to ensure that on the DClinPsy there is a group that is embedded in the course’s process and structure that can hold the course to account on anti-racist practice.

The ARAG sits above the Development and Implementation Groups (DIGs) and guides and hold them account to anti-racist practice. The group, which consists of trainees from the global majority, and staff, meet monthly.

5. Widening Participation in the Profession

Clinical Psychology is not a diverse profession, in terms of the six equality strands. For example, in 2022, 77% of total applicants were white, with 12% of Asian origin, 5% Black and 4% mixed ethnicity. 79% of applicants were female, 76% under 30 years of age, 79% heterosexual and 83% identified themselves as not-disabled.

Undergraduates on UK psychology degree courses match this profile closely so the issues begin earlier than selection for training. In order to encourage applicants from underrepresented groups the Lancaster DClinPsy has taken a number of steps to widen participation:

  • Outreach. The IDIG works to encourage applicants from a variety of underrepresented groups to apply to the Lancaster DClinPsy programme for clinical training. The aim is a match between the membership of the Clinical Psychology profession and the general population. The IDIG disseminates information about how to become a clinical psychologist to sixth form schools and colleges that have been identified as having students from underrepresented groups. Widening participation is a standing item on the IDIG agenda and is discussed regularly. Members of this group attend careers fairs, speak to students about the programme and promote diversity and inclusivity. Some members of the group also volunteer with Inspiring the Future.
  • In July 2022 we delivered a live, online presentation for GCSE and A Level psychology teachers in collaboration with AQA, with the aim of providing information on a career in clinical psychology, current activities to improve equity of access to training for marginalised groups and Lancaster’s selections and admissions process.

6. Admissions

The admissions process

The DClinPsy Programme changed its admissions procedures in 2005 in order to widen participation to the profession. Previously, applicants were selected for interview by rating their relevant previous experience, academic qualifications and references. This privileged those who were able to study for further degrees and/or take a number of poorly paid jobs or voluntary work. This is much easier where family/other financial support is available so we stopped rating experience and academic attainment. We now ask all applicants to take a short online test of deductive reasoning as the first stage of our selection process. There is evidence that the results of general mental ability tests predict success in complex careers at a postgraduate level. Competencies established by job analyses and a competency mapping exercise are assessed during the selection event(s).

Applicants declaring a disability

Applicants with a disability are encouraged to contact the programme in advance of the screening phase of our selection process so we can provide appropriate support in all their contacts with us. When students declare a disability at any stage of the programme, they are offered support tailored to their needs. The Lancaster DClinPsy Programme is committed to making reasonable adjustments to supporting candidates with a disability in achieving the HCPC’s standards of proficiency for practitioner clinical psychologists. Please see the HCPC’s Disabled Person’s Guide to becoming a Health Professional.

In 2022, 14% of Lancaster applicants disclosed a disability at application stage. 17% of applicants invited to interview declared a disability, and 16% of those accepting places declared a disability.

Applicants for clinical training at Lancaster will continue to be surveyed after the event and particular attention paid to adjusting arrangements for those declaring a disability which support them in demonstrating their competence and values.

Data review

Data are provided by the Clearing House in Clinical Psychology each year. These show the profile, in terms of equal opportunities, of all applicants to the Lancaster DClinPsy at each stage of the admissions process: application, written task and selection event. We can see the profile of those who accepted places. A review of the data for the 2022 intake can be found in the online handbook. This data is used to highlight areas where we can improve in relation to inclusive selections and admissions.


Many selectors are Clinical Psychologists, which is not a diverse group in terms of the nine equality strands identified within the Equality Act, 2010. There is a danger that applicants similar to selectors will be privileged and steps are taken to mitigate against this possibility. Applicants are rated using a competency-based framework and all selectors are trained in its use each year. Current trainees are full members of selection panels, alongside clinical psychologists and a member of the staff team. Members of Learning Together NorthWest Ltd (a local training consultancy which works to build awareness of learning disabilities), are part of the selection process, as are members of the public involvement network associated with the programme (LUPIN).  Selectors rate applicants on a number of competencies, available on our website.

In 2022 we surveyed our selectors’ demographic details: – 16% of our selectors were male, and 3% non-binary/third gender; 1% were transgender; 11% were non-heterosexual; 13% were disabled under the Equality Act; 41% had lived experience of mental health difficulties; 30% came from an economically deprived background; and 4% were Asian, 3% mixed ethnicity and 1% Black. Increasing, the diversity of our selection panels is a priority. In 2017 and 2018, selection panels were audio recorded as quality assurance to mitigate against any impact of unconscious bias. In 2020 and 2021 we approached EDI leads from local NHS Trusts and other organisations to engage potential selectors from the global majority. This is an ongoing process and will inform selector training in future years.

7. Widening participation in the Programme

Public involvement

In 2008, the LUPIN group was established to facilitate the influence of service users and carers on the activities of the Lancaster DClinPsy. Since then, LUPIN members have had an important role in shaping teaching and selection procedures. Their role in supporting research is developing and LUPIN members have been invited to all programme Development and Implementation Groups as full members.

Flexible working patterns for trainees

A number of trainees have atypical working patterns and paths through training. This may be due to pregnancy, family commitments, or to manage chronic health conditions. Applications for extra funding from Health Education England are submitted when required.

The programme now offers an accredited part time training pathway alongside the full time route. In 2020, 2 trainees became the first to take up this opportunity, and in 2021 we had 4 trainees accept an offer to train part time.

Flexible working for staff

Many DClinPsy staff work part time or have flexible working arrangements e.g. annualised hours, to enable their full participation in the DClinPsy programme whilst undertaking other activities e.g. a clinical role or raising a family.

Reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments to working life are made in negotiation with staff and trainees as it becomes apparent that they are needed to facilitate their full involvement in the programme and their maintenance/attainment of the HPC standards of proficiency. Many trainees do not declare a disability at the point of selection but find it useful to signal their need for adjustments during training. The programme works closely with the university Disability Service and Trust HR partners.

8. Inclusive Teaching

Please see Inclusive Teaching handbook page for more information.

9. Practice Placements

Trainees discuss barriers and drivers for inclusivity in relation to the service and how connected it is with the local community with their placement supervisors at the start of placement; reflections are documented within the placement contract.

A review of the way diversity is audited as an element of clinical experience on placement led to changes in the use of placement documentation. The Placement Audit Log Book is a record of all experiences on a practice placement and includes open-ended questions intended to prompt thinking around inclusivity issues on placement.

Trainees are asked to reflect on service-user involvement in the service, and about how their thinking around inclusivity issues has developed over the course of the placement. Clinical Tutors who lead the Placement DIG routinely review trainees’ Placement Audit Log Books at the end of each placement to check for any relevant placement quality issues, such as trainees feeling excluded on placement. Additionally, Clinical Tutors enquire about placement inclusivity issues during placement reviews and Individual Trainee Progress meetings with trainees.

10. Trainee support

The DClinPsy Programme values the contributions of all trainees and works to support them in reaching their full potential. Trainees are supported by their tutor pair, buddy system, programme staff, personal mentors, placement providers and colleagues. Trainees who feel excluded due to identification with a marginalised group can use the opportunities offered to help them address these issues and challenge barriers to inclusion. For example, each trainee is offered a small number of individual cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) sessions as part of the training experience (‘personal reformulation’ sessions) during their training. In addition to the opportunity to reflect on individual values and behaviour, the experience of receiving therapy is somewhat akin to that of a service user and provides an insight into the power imbalances which can occur inadvertently in therapy. In 2020 we set up a reflective space for trainees who experience racism. A reflective space for trainees with a disability and/or lived experience of mental health difficulties was set up in 2022, as was a similar space for LGBTQIA+ trainees.

11. Equal opportunities data

You can view the information on the applicants for Clinical Psychology training across the UK compared to Lancaster on our Admissions Equal Opportunities page.

12. Links to Policy & Resources

Lancaster University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Stratgey
LSCFT’s equality and diversity web page
HCPC’s Equality and Diversity Policy
BPS Declaration on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Association of Clinical Psychologists (ACPUK) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Context and Strategy for Clinical Psychology
Equality Act (2010)
HCPC’s guidance: ‘A disabled person’s guide to becoming a health professional’
Guidance on document and slide preparation
Marking for assignments in relation to a specific learning difficulty


Admissions equal opportunities data

Each year the Clearing House in Clinical Psychology provides data on applicant numbers for each of the UK Clinical Psychology Programmes and for the UK as a whole. They also provide a breakdown of applicants by gender, cultural background, age, disability, number of dependants etc. The programme compares its data to national patterns. Equal opportunities information is also collected from each intake of trainees after appointment. The data are analysed and provide a direction for future actions.

Equal Opportunities Data: Lancaster compared to UK wide courses


The term ‘plagiarism’ relates to the ‘unacknowledged use of someone else’s work, usually in coursework, and passing it off as if it were his/her own’ (Dealing with plagiarism by students; an institutional framework; p.3). It includes collusion, commission, duplication of the same work for more than one assessment, inappropriate acknowledgement of text from another source and submission of another student’s work (regardless of that student’s consent). Fabrication of results relates to the presentation of data or results which have not actually been collected.

This document has been produced to dovetail with the university’s existing framework.


Cases of plagiarism by trainees are rare, but given the programme’s status as a postgraduate professional doctorate, plagiarism has implications  in terms of fitness to practise. It is also important that inadvertent plagiarism can occur through a lack of knowledge of appropriate referencing devices.


E-learning on what constitutes plagiarism (and why it is important not to engage in it knowingly or accidentally) is included in the induction to the programme. If trainees at any stage in their training need advice on whether text which they are producing constitutes plagiarism or not, they can discuss this informally with a member of staff. Trainees are also encouraged to use the university’s resources on avoiding plagiarism. The programme is committed to providing every opportunity for uncertainties and ambiguities to be clarified before the formal assessment stage. Consequently, this does mean that, should plagiarism be detected in a trainee’s work, lack of knowledge or uncertainty about whether this constituted plagiarism will not be considered an adequate or mitigating justification.

The university makes use of a number of practices  to detect plagiarism:

  1. Turnitin plagiarism detection software is routinely used to check all written submissions before they are sent to markers. This software checks both against published work and past coursework submissions so that any reliance on work submitted by previous trainees can be detected. This includes trainees or students on other programmes nationally.
  2. Guidance on plagiarism is sent to all markers of assessed work. This includes advice on what to do if plagiarism is suspected. It is the markers of assessed work who have the primary responsibility to detect plagiarism;
  3. Plagiarism is discussed at marker training workshops;
  4. Suspected plagiarised texts will also be checked using other databases such as Google Scholar and, if necessary, hand searching through relevant articles.

Where there are concerns around falsification of data, trainees must be willing to provide evidence of appropriate data collection.

Investigation process and sanctions

Where plagiarism is believed to be present in any piece of work authored by a trainee then a concern will be raised regarding this behaviour. The result of the concern meeting may be a referral to the the Division of Health Research’s Academic Officer for scrutiny. Should this happen, the Academic Officer will call a meeting with the trainee to discuss the alleged plagiarism. The trainee will be informed that a representative from either the LU students’ union or a colleague is welcome to attend this. The Academic Officer will then decide whether plagiarism has occurred. If it has, then a letter attesting to this will go to the registry and will be attached to the trainee’s file. The trainee will then be asked to respond to this letter to indicate how they will work to ensure that future work does not contain plagiarism. This letter will also be kept on file.  The Academic Officer may also recommend to the programme that a further concern or Fitness to Practise procedure be considered with respect to the trainee as a result of the plagiarism.


Trainees only have the right of appeal upon failure of the whole DClinPsy programme.

Where a recommendation from the programme’s Exam Board has been made that the trainee fails the programme, the trainee’s case is automatically referred by the Chair of the Exam Board to student registry, who will offer them the right of appeal. More details are available in the university appeal process. However, an appeal to the University can only be heard on specific criteria, for example that there were either extenuating circumstances that had not previously been made known or procedural irregularities. Appeals are not allowed on the basis of errors in academic judgement.

More detail on this is available in the University’s Manual of Academic Regulations and Procedures (MARP).

All decisions made by the  university’s Standing Academic Committee are binding on Boards of Examiners.

Subsequent to this, the final avenue for appeal against exclusions is via the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for students in higher education.

Advice on the various levels of the appeals procedures can be sought from trainees’ tutor team, mentor or a student union representative.


Office of the Independent Adjudicator for students in higher education
Manual of Academic Regulations and Procedures (MARP) Academic Appeals

Exceptional Circumstances Committee

The remit of the programme’s Exceptional Circumstances Committee is to consider submissions by a trainee relating to events outside their control which may have resulted in them failing to complete assessed work to a standard of academic performance that might reasonably have been expected on the basis of their performance elsewhere during their study. The committee, which meets monthly, considers any submissions and reaches a judgement on whether the circumstances have been detrimental to a trainee’s academic performance. If so, it proposes a remedy for consideration by the Exam Board. The current Chair of the committee is Dr Euan Lawson, Senior Clinical Lecturer in General Practice, Lancaster Medical School. Other committee members are the clinical director, the chair of the pastoral development and implementation group, the chair of the examination board and the programme assistant – academic. If any of these members are unable to attend a meeting then their deputy may attend in their place. On each deadline date a request for any documentation is circulated to trainees. Any exceptional circumstances forms relating to a given assignment must be submitted within two weeks of that assignment submission. Exceptional circumstances cannot be submitted for an assignment submission that has not yet been made – in this situation the trainee should instead seek a deadline extension. Any queries regarding the administration/scheduling of the committee can be addressed to the Programme Assistant – Academic.

Some guidelines for submission of exceptional circumstances

  1. On the monthly deadline date a request for any documentation is circulated to trainees
  2. This documentation should comprise an exceptional circumstances form and supporting documents evidencing the medical condition or other adverse personal events for consideration as amounting to exceptional circumstances
  3. Circumstances likely to be considered ‘detrimental and requiring a remedy are only those that have not previously taken into consideration in terms of support for and adjustments to a particular assignment submission. Examples are:
    • Significant illness experienced by the trainee
    • Significant illness of an individual for whom the trainee has a caring responsibility
    • Death of a family member
    • Family breakdown
    • Significant unexpected life event
  4. Trainees must provide appropriate evidence to support their exceptional circumstances. This often takes the form of doctor’s notes or discharge letters.
  5. Trainees are advised to discuss their exceptional circumstances with their clinical and/or research tutor prior to submission. These staff members can advise on an appropriate submission and what would be considered sufficient supporting evidence.

Exceptional Circumstances form for students

Concerns about the programme (for trainees)

As a programme team, we endeavour to undertake our duties in a respectful and ethical way, however there may be times when trainees wish to raise concerns about any aspect of the Programme and the following document outlines the procedures for doing so.

Trainees’ experience of training, their feedback and ideas for improvement are key elements of the programme. Trainees are represented on DClinPsy committees and development and implementation groups in order for their views about DClinPsy process/policy/assessments to form part of the strategic development of the programme. There are also two cohort tutors for each year group, including those on a ‘bespoke’ / part time pathway. Cohort tutor meetings are a regular forum for open dialogue about trainee’s experience of the DClinPsy and an opportunity to address any concerns about process/policy/assessment.

Where issues concern an individual member of staff then we would expect both trainees and staff to be committed to resolve any issues in an informal way, through discussion, mutual respect and understanding. If this does not achieve resolution then trainees should seek the support of their individual tutor pair. The tutor pair will discuss an action plan with the trainee and if appropriate facilitate further discussion with the staff member in question. Where this is not possible, or where the concern is regarding a member of the individual tutor pair, then the concern can be raised with the Directors. Again, all efforts will be made to resolve the issue without recourse to formal processes. If the issue concerns any of the Directors then the trainee should seek the advice of their individual tutor team.

Where all efforts to tackle the issue informally have not led to resolution that the trainee is satisfied with then the next step is to consider a formal complaints procedure. There are two separate routes for doing so: –

Any trainee wishing to consider a formal complaints procedure can seek the advice of Lancaster University students union and/or the Trainee Advocate.

Trainee feedback

The programme staff value feedback from trainees on all aspects of their experience in training. Some methods of obtaining feedback are very formal, for example after each teaching session trainees are required to provide feedback via an online system. Others can be less formal, such as conversations with teaching coordinators.

With placement activity trainee feedback is given on a form called the Placement Audit Form and this supplements verbal feedback to the programme staff during placement visits. There are more details relating to this in the Placements pages of the handbook.

Placement audit form

Trainees’ views on research are sought during the teaching sessions in the formal way described. However, with research there is considerable individual tuition given by the research team and trainees usually talk very openly about their experience of their research work and their support and liaison with research supervisors.

In addition to the above, trainees are encouraged to talk more generally about their view on training, in informal settings with staff and also within the more formal context of the various programme committees. There are also the individual training plan meetings, which occur at least twice a year, and the end of training interview which, again, provide useful forums for feedback.

Feedback is received and acted upon (as appropriate) following discussion in the placement and teaching reviews, and then in the appropriate development and implementation groups. The way the programme has decided to act upon trainee feedback is detailed at Programme Board meetings. The programme feels it important that the way feedback has been used is communicated to all providers of feedback, including trainees.

University student complaint procedure
LSCFT grievance procedure

Peer observation guidelines

The key elements of the DClinPsy peer & stakeholder observation system are outlined below. This should be used in conjunction with the teaching observation feedback sheet.


  • The peer & stakeholder observation system is based on the idea that anyone can observe anyone else.
  • The aim of observation is to help develop the process of learning and teaching (use of teaching aids, interactive/didactic style, and achievement of learning outcomes) and is not about advising on the content of the session.
  • The aim of observation is: to help individual teachers develop their skills and sessions; to help us develop a better understanding of teaching across the programme, and to share best practice.
  • Being observed during teaching is intended to be helpful development-focused process rather than something that should be seen as judgemental or anxiety-provoking.

Organisation of the peer observation system

  • Peer observation of teaching will be co-ordinated by the Curriculum Tutor and by the programme assistant for teaching.
  • Every member of the programme team engaged in teaching in a given academic year should be observed. In addition, at least 10% of external teachers should be observed every year.
  • If an external teacher requests to be observed, the course will do their best to facilitate this.
  • External teaching sessions are nominated for observation by strand team leads or others via the Curriculum Tutor. When selected, the teachers of those sessions should be informed with as much notice as possible and sent information about the peer observation process.
  • All programme staff are expected to conduct observations of teaching. The number of observations each staff member will be required to conduct will be calculated according to need, but is anticipated to be in the region of at least three observations per academic year for a full time staff member.
  • Other stakeholders of the programme are also encouraged to become observers, and the programme provides training in conducting observations to those interested. Newly trained observers will be invited to shadow and /or conduct their first observations in tandem with a member of programme staff.
  • Observations should last for a minimum of one hour.

The process of observation & feedback

  1. Prior to the teaching session (on the day or beforehand) the observer and teacher should meet to discuss the observation. The observer should be given a copy of the teaching plan for the session. The pre-observation conversation should include
    • A discussion about which section of the teaching it would be most helpful to observe,
    • The overall context of the teaching and what the teacher is aiming to achieve (including the learning outcomes for the session or observed section), and
    • Some information about what area(s) the teacher would most value feedback in.

    The observer should use the information to complete the first part of the observation feedback sheet.

  2. At the start of the observation, the observer(s) should introduce themselves to the trainees and explain why they are there.
  3. During the observation the observer should not take any active part in the teaching session. They should make notes on the observation feedback sheet.
  4. At the end of the teaching (or at a convenient break after the observation is complete) the teacher and observer(s) must meet so that the feedback on the teaching can be given, and to complete the final page of the feedback sheet.
  5. The observer must then return the feedback sheet to the programme office.

Points to remember when you are debriefing:

  • Focus on behaviour rather than the person.
  • Be specific.
  • Give feedback as soon as possible after the event.
  • Feedback should be confidential unless otherwise agreed.
  • Give positive feedback first.
  • Be aware of the balance between positive and constructive feedback.
  • What is important is how and when you give feedback not just a matter of what you say.
  • Always allow those being debriefed to say something about their session first before you give feedback.
  • Make sure teachers have the opportunity to highlight problems and possible solutions first.
  • Effective feedback should be focused on the amount of information that the receiver can make use of rather than the amount you feel capable of giving.

Peer observation feedback sheet
Peer and stakeholder teaching observation guidelines

Programme vision statement

The Programme

Setting the tone:

  • The programme tries to maintain a friendly, caring and approachable face with its trainees and with all stakeholders who contribute to the training programme. Our vision is to continue in this spirit.

Pursuit of knowledge informing diverse practice:

  • We seek to provide an environment that encourages the pursuit of knowledge that informs clinical practice.
  • The programme is intended to give trainees exposure to a wide variety of therapeutic models and to promote a diverse range of clinical psychology practice.

The changing context of Clinical Psychology:

  • We aim to place emphasis on prevention and community-oriented approaches
  • We wish to give our trainees some idea of the importance of ‘context’ for each client – an awareness that the client operates in relation to their family, work or school colleagues, social group etc.
  • The programme seeks to work beyond NHS policy, to also address health and social care policy, in recognition of the wider role of clinical psychologists in NHS and non-NHS settings. It is understood that graduates are to be exposed to these roles gradually and over time in order to develop the competencies, particularly of leadership and influencing which go with them.
  • In taking on board the relationship between clinical psychology and the wider health / social policy agenda we intend to increase trainee awareness while also making sure that the vision does not outstrip the reality of employment opportunities (i.e., that the changes foreseen within the programme do not move too far ahead of changes in the workplace).

Improving the programme:

  • We have a commitment to promoting equality, inclusivity and social justice and we encourage trainees’ and teachers’ exploration of these issues.
  • We have a commitment to building a genuine partnership between members of the public and those involved with the programme. It is recognised that there are service users and carers in both these groups.
  • We have a commitment to evaluating the quality of training.
  • We seek to highlight the importance of continual review and improvement of the programme and, similarly, to encourage trainees and graduates to continually reflect on and improve their practice.

Relationship Between the Programme and the Trainees

  • The programme needs to model its aspirations and embody the qualities to which we expect trainees and graduates to aspire.

The Trainees: Humanity, Humility and Expertise


  • Trainees are expected to become competent and confident reflective scientist practitioners, taking a rigorous approach in both clinical and research contexts.
  • Trainees will have the ability to work across the lifespan, to formulate and to work towards increased sophistication of systemic formulations.

Integrating knowledge into practice:

  • Trainees will have the ability to understand, use and develop the evidence base; and the ability to integrate ideas and practices from various models in a coherent way that fits the needs of the particular client in the particular context.
  • Trainees will be able to manage the inevitable uncertainties of practice while continuing to assimilate new learning.

Excellence and innovation:

  • Trainees are hoped to become qualified clinicians who: challenge traditional ways of working and look for new solutions; continually challenge their own assumptions and those of others; and strive for academic excellence.
  • Trainees will be able to evaluate different approaches in terms of best fit with the evidence, the client, and their own personal style.
  • Trainees will be able to work as reflective and reflexive practitioners, questioning what they are learning and how best to apply this in practice, questioning the effectiveness of their own practice, and constantly improving that practice.

Approach to Clinical Psychology:

  • Flexibility is considered an important aspect of trainees’ approach: flexibility to hear and meet the needs of each client, flexibility in integrating theory into practice, flexibility regarding the use of models and evidence.
  • Trainees are to have a commitment to life-long learning.
  • Trainees are to approach issues of inclusivity and social justice with an appreciation of the particular pressures felt by individuals who find themselves in ‘disadvantaged’ groups (for example: those at socio-economic, or political disadvantage).
  • The approach to clients requires: caring and sensitivity to the ‘personal’ world of each client; non-judgemental attitude to clients’ problems; respect for the person as an individual (this means understanding how the problem came about and separating out the person from the behaviour); a recognition that respect can be conveyed in many different ways such as through tone, language and appearance of self; using the language of the client; working in empowering ways; and working with confidence but without arrogance.

Professional Roles and Relationships:

  • Trainees will be able to consult colleagues appropriately, to be flexible, and to work co-operatively with colleagues in a variety of professions.
  • Trainees will recognise the responsible position they are in, work in a constructive and ethical fashion, and be accountable for their work.
  • Trainees are understood to be becoming ‘key clinical leaders,’ i.e., seeking to take up a role wider than working on one-to-one interventions. Through the gradual development of competencies over time, graduates’ roles may encompass: service development and business planning as well as contribution to policy and strategy
  • Trainees are expected to begin developing and working with knowledge of the wider context of clinical psychology, including relevant governmental and European policies.

Training Review Interview

The training review interview is a voluntary discussion between trainees and their clinical and/or research tutor which aims to do the following: –

  1. Consider the trainees’ development over the final few months of placement
  2. Gather feedback from trainees to use when considering improvements to the course: the working environment, culture, processes and systems, management and development
  3. Information gathering – job on qualification, thesis correction status, publication plans etc
  4. Discuss post qualification life – ideas around CPD, mentoring, possible contributions to clinical psychology training post-qualification etc

An opportunity for the training review interview should be offered as near to the end of completion of training as possible. Notes can be taken by the tutor(s) with regards to trainee feedback about the course (point 2) and post qualification plans (point 3) with the trainee’s consent. Any written notes that the trainee consents to may be used anonymously on the course website.

Training review interview form

Employment arrangements

The relationship between the University and the NHS

All staff are employed to work on the clinical psychology programme based at Lancaster University. However, some are employed directly by the university, and some are employed by the NHS (Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (LSCFT)). Irrespective of employer, NHS or University, all programme staff have a base at Lancaster University.

Trainees are employed by the NHS (band 6) and are designated trainee clinical psychologists who have contracts with Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust for a  either a 36 month fixed term period, or a 52 month fixed term period. Trainees are line managed by the Clinical Director. However, at the same time, they are full time postgraduate doctoral students of Lancaster University. The money for the training, including staff and trainees’ salaries, comes from a purchaser of training, in this case NHS England. It is this NHS body that ensures the University has sufficient money to provide training. The formal training contract is currently held between the NHS England and the University.

Crisis management

If trainees are experiencing crises and need extra support outside of the above support systems, they should approach one of their individual tutors in the first instance or, in an emergency, another member of staff who is present within the university.

There are a number of sources of help and various types of provision that can be made. For example, if necessary, you can discuss compassionate leave arrangements with the Clinical Director, or even intercalation periods from the programme. If a trainee is absent for four weeks or more, the university follows an intercalation process which provides a pause in training without affecting a trainee’s registration. This is arranged alongside liaison with the trainee’s employer and includes sickness absences (over four weeks) and maternity leave, as well as other kinds of absence. The university also provides a confidential counseling service; it is usually only a matter of days to obtain an appointment.

Lancaster University counselling service

The employing trust provides assistance in times of crisis and help can be sought from the trust’s human resources department, Well Service Website, and employee assistance programme. In addition, where appropriate, the Clinical Director can refer the trainee to the trust’s occupational health service.

LSCFT Employee Assistance Programme

Health Assured on free phone: 0800 030 5182 or via the On-line Health Portal @ Username: Lancashire, Password: Care.

LSCFT Well Service Website

We are pleased to share with all staff the Staff Health and Wellbeing website. The website has been designed in collaboration with the ICS and provides a holistic repository for staff health and wellbeing information, tools and resources.
This website is accessible to staff, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be used to access immediate support or to find out how you can make positive healthy changes to your lifestyle.

Occupational Health Employee Assistance Program

If you wish to access our Employee Assistance Programme please call 0800 028 0199. This provides 24/7 telephone support, advice and information to help with your mental health and wellbeing. You can receive independent confidential counselling support.

Fitness to practise

Being fit to practise is a prerequisite for an applied psychologist to deliver a service to the public. The following extract is taken from the Health and Care Professions Council’s brochure entitled “The Fitness to Practise Process”:

What is fitness to practise?
When we say that someone is ‘fit to practise’ we mean that they have the skills, knowledge and character to practise their profession safely and effectively. However, fitness to practise is not just about professional performance. It also includes acts by a registrant which may affect public protection, or confidence in the profession or the regulatory process. This may include matters not directly related to professional practice.

What is the purpose of our fitness to practise process?

Fitness to practise proceedings are about protecting the public. They are not a general complaints-resolution process. They are not designed to deal with disputes between registrants and service users. Our fitness to practise process is not designed to punish registrants for past mistakes. It is designed to protect the public from those who are not fit to practise. If we decide that a registrant’s fitness to practise is ‘impaired’, it means that there are concerns about their ability to practise safely and effectively. This may mean that they should not practice at all. Or that they should be limited in what they are allowed to do. We will take appropriate action to make this happen. Sometimes registrants make mistakes that are unlikely to be repeated. This means that the registrant’s fitness to practise is unlikely to be impaired. People sometimes make mistakes or have a one-off instance of unprofessional conduct or behaviour. We will not pursue every isolated or minor mistake. We are responsible for handling fitness to practise cases. These are known as ‘allegations’ and question whether professionals who are registered with us are fit to practise.”

Whilst students (also known as trainees) of the Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) at Lancaster University are not registrants of the HCPC, they are involved in providing a service to the public under supervision on their practice placements. It is therefore incumbent on the programme to ensure that students are fit to practise as student / trainee clinical psychologists, to provide the same safeguards to the public as the above HCPC processes do with respect to qualified clinical psychologists. It is also a responsibility of the programme to inform the HCPC of a student’s eligibility to register as an applied psychologist practitioner, so the programme is therefore required to have an assurance process of its own with respect to ensuring that when students are awarded the DClinPsy, they are also fit to practise and therefore eligible to register (it must also be noted that the HCPC make their own assessment of an applicant’s fitness to practise upon application to the register; this will be informed by our assessment but not limited by it, in that the HCPC may seek further information to make any determination). This is why we have instituted the following fitness to practise procedures.

The Trainee Advocate is a qualified clinical psychologist, independent from the Programme, who is available to offer advice and support to any trainee who is in a position where successful completion of the programme is in question, such as being subject to a fitness to practise investigation or having reached the criteria for academic failure. The Trainee Advocate/trainee discussions are confidential with the usual limitations to confidentiality when safeguarding issues arise. The Trainee Advocate is a member of the fitness to practise panel/committee which meets twice a year to review procedures and is therefore familiar with FtP processes and can offer objective guidance. The FtP committee is a separate entity from FtP panels which are convened specifically when individual fitness to practise concerns are raised. The Trainee Advocate is able to offer assistance throughout the FtP process, including appeals and is also able to signpost trainees to other available sources of support.  The Trainee Advocate position is currently vacant and we are actively seeking someone to fill this role. While it remains vacant we are offering support on a bespoke basis.

Procedures to Address Concerns about Fitness to Practise

Beginning Fitness to Practise Procedures

1.0 These procedures should be followed when a report/correspondence is received by a member of staff of the Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology relating to the fitness to practise of a student on the programme or a prospective student who has been offered a post of student clinical psychologist on the programme. These procedures will also be followed if a member of staff of the programme considers a verbal report from a practice placement provider or another stakeholder to raise sufficient concerns about the fitness to practise of a student, or encounters behaviour that gives such sufficient concern. The Request for Investigation Form provides a structure for reporting concerns about fitness to practise.

1.1 Assessment of whether the report or correspondence potentially requires a referral to the Fitness to Practise panel will be made by the member of staff receiving the report in discussion with another member of staff (working in the domain where the concerns originated e.g. research / clinical or general behaviour). This assessment will be presented to the Clinical Director and will be based on one or more sources of evidence as follows:

  • Written reports by University academic or clinical staff and/or practice staff from placement areas relating to unsuitable or unprofessional behaviour by a student. These reports can come from any area within the programme (clinical, academic, research etc.).
  • Concerns about fitness to practise raised within written examiner reports or feedback on assignments.
  • Allegations from a member of the public relating to unsuitable or unprofessional behaviour by a student or a prospective student who has been offered a post of trainee clinical psychologist on the programme.
  • Reports from other disciplinary procedures or panels where evidence raising concerns about fitness to practise has come to light.
  • Reports received of criminal convictions, cautions or police allegations/investigations (for example, as a result of mandatory DBS [Disclosure and Barring Service] check as a condition of employment).
  • Information from the Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust Self Declaration Form A, regulated or controlled positions, completed as a condition of employment.
  • On rare occasions someone raising a concern may wish to remain anonymous. On these occasions it is challenging for us to fully and fairly investigate and may prevent us from being able to assess the concern at all. This circumstance limits the ability of the trainee concerned to respond, it limits our ability to offer support to those raising a concern and it limits our ability to keep an open dialogue. If someone expressing a concern wishes to remain anonymous, we prefer an initial contact with a member of the staff team so that ongoing dialogue can be maintained. Where possible, we aim to support those raising a concern to disclose their identity. We will undertake a preliminary assessment, including the motivation for anonymity, which can, rarely, be malicious. This assessment will also include the potential seriousness of the concern (i.e., breach of any of the HCPC standards of proficiency, or standards of conduct, performance, and ethics). This would be conducted by a member of staff who has completed Fitness to Practise training.

This list is indicative, not exhaustive.

The Clinical Director will determine whether this assessment constitutes a prima facie case within 5 working days. As part of this decision-making process, the Clinical Director will identify whether any previous concerns relating to fitness to practise have been documented in the student’s personal file. If a prima facie case is determined the Clinical Director will appoint an Investigating Officer to conduct further investigation, which will potentially result in a referral to the FTP panel. Should a situation arise whereby the Clinical Director has identified a potential FTP issue, then a senior member of the Clinical Psychology Programme team, who has sufficient FTP experience will be appointed by the Chair of the FTP Panel to fulfil this function.

The investigation process must be fair, robust, and timely. Due to the dynamic and unpredictable nature of investigations a time constraint will not be set upon this process. It will be completed as quickly as possible: in most instances this will be within 6 weeks but may be longer. The student will be informed that an investigation has started and may be involved in this process.

Following the completion of the investigation, the Investigating Officer will consult with at least one other FTP trained member of the faculty to determine whether the concerns reach the threshold for referral to the FTP panel. The Investigating Office will then make the referral if necessary, FTP referral form. A referral will be made if a threshold is reached in relation to any of the following criteria:

The Programme will inform the student in writing that he or she has been referred to the panel, identifying the area of concern on which this referral is based, and explaining the process. Should the Investigating Officer determine that none of the above threshold criteria has been reached, then no referral will be made to the Fitness to Practise panel, but those involved will consider any measures necessary to address the concerns raised. This is because, whilst the Fitness to Practise process may not be appropriate, concerns may still mean that disciplinary or capability processes would still be appropriate, or the concern in question may contribute to considerations of placement or assignment failure. Should such measures be necessary, these will follow other established procedures either within the University (e.g. academic issues) or within the employer, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (e.g. conduct on placement). The Programme will record all decisions about any concerns made at this stage, whether or not they meet the criteria for a referral to be made to the fitness to practise process. All such records will be maintained and made available to the student.

It should be noted that issues highlighted above could lead to dismissal from employment in Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust as a trainee clinical psychologist. The Programme specification highlights that in these circumstances trainees cannot continue to be registered on the Programme and their studies will be discontinued. Therefore, there would be no need for a fitness to practice investigation to take place. However, because staff dismissed from the Trust have a right of appeal, de-registration from the programme would only occur once the appeal had been resolved. In the meantime, registration on the Programme would be suspended, until resolution of the appeal. In the event of a successful appeal against dismissal, a fitness to practice investigation could be instigated in line with the criteria described above.

1.2 Should a fitness to practise concern requiring referral to the fitness to practise panel be identified, at this stage, those making the referral, in conjunction with the Clinical Director, will decide whether it is necessary for the student to be temporarily withdrawn from their practice placement, have their studies suspended within the University and placed on study leave (within the context of their employment within LSCFT). This is in cases where it is felt to be necessary to protect the public and/ or the student until the alleged case of fitness to practise can be heard and a decision ratified by the examination board.

1.3 As part of the programme’s duty of care to the student, where there are sufficient concerns relating to his/her health, a student will be asked to undertake an occupational health review prior to any formal hearing taking place. A student may refuse to undertake such a review, but will be made aware that if they do so not only would the panel be unable to access any mitigating factors that might be identified by such a review, but also that the panel may be concerned that the student was reluctant to ensure that their health was not impeding their fitness to practise. Depending on the outcome of any occupational health review, a decision will be made by the chair of the FTP panel as to what evidence from the occupational health review should be forwarded to a formal hearing. This decision will be made in full consultation with the HR representative from the employing trust. The student will always receive a full copy of the occupational health report.

1.4 It is possible that the programme is advised against instigating a fitness to practise process in case potential legal proceedings against a student are compromised. This situation could potentially be at odds with the panel’s duty to public safety. In this, or a similar situation, a panel shall be convened in order to consider the dilemma and relative risks, take legal advice if appropriate, and decide whether the fitness to practise process should proceed. This is to ensure the ongoing preservation of public safety.

1.5 All correspondence to the student, witnesses and panel members relating to a Fitness to Practise referral, panel meeting or outcomes of a panel will be sent electronically and in accordance with data protection requirements.

Fitness to Practise Panel: Composition & Process

2.0 The panel membership should comprise of:

  • An appointed chair of the FTP Panel, who will be a practising Consultant Clinical Psychologist appointed for a 2-year term. This term may be renewed for further 2-year terms of office as agreed by the FTP Panel.
  • There will be an appointed Deputy Chair or an appointed Deputy Chair Elect who work actively with the Chair with a view to succeeding as Chair in due course.
  • Chair of the DClinPsy programme Examination Board.
  • Another senior staff member of the DClinPsy.
  • An expert by experience appointed to the panel.
  • A qualified and appropriately registered member of a statutorily registered profession employed as a trainer in that profession within the University.
  • A representative from LSCFT Human Resources Department as employing body.
  • A member of Professional services from Lancaster University will be available to the panel but will not necessarily be present on the panel.
  • A Trainee Advocate, a Clinical Psychologist, independent from the programme.

All the above members or their nominated deputies must be present (in person or virtually) for a panel hearing to be quorate, with the exception of the trainee advocate and a member of professional services. In circumstances where a member of the panel is not present, the hearing will be rearranged. A member of the DClinPsy administrative team will also be present to assist with the administration of the panel. All members will have nominated deputies, to be available in case a member is already involved with the expression of concern in question, or unavailable for the panel. The chair of the FTP panel may also co-opt other members to the panel as necessary to review fully the issues of concern in the specific case (for example, an occupational health practitioner or a practice placement provider).

The student has the right to be accompanied by a person of their choice to support them through the process, and they will be advised of this in their letter inviting them to the hearing. This person will be present to support the student during the hearing and will be able to address the panel or represent the student. The panel may direct questions to all parties.

2.1 Hearings will be arranged on a formal basis. A panel will be convened within 40 working days of a referral being made. To aid scheduling, a provisional panel date will be scoped once the investigation has commenced. The hearing will be scheduled to last for a minimum of one day, but some hearings will require additional days to be scheduled. The student will be given a minimum of 20 working days’ notice of the hearing.

2.2 The evidence available to be presented to the panel will be sent to the student to consider a minimum of 15 working days before the hearing is scheduled to begin. The information sent to the student may need to be restricted in light of information governance requirements (e.g. data protection, confidentiality of NHS service users etc.), in which case amended information (e.g. using pseudonyms) which gives sufficient detail to allow the student to defend themselves without contravening the relevant information governance regulations will be provided. Any further evidence that is gathered for presentation to the Fitness to Practise panel subsequent to this will also be shared with the student as soon as it is administratively possible to do so.  The student is also permitted to provide their own written evidence to the hearing. This must be received by the FTP administrator at least 5 working days before the start date of the hearing. In exceptional circumstances, and on provision of a reason deemed satisfactory by the chair of the FTP panel, a student may request the rearrangement of the panel.

2.3 Prior to the hearing process the panel will consider all the written documentation made available to it regarding the referral and described in section 1 above. The panel will have read the documentation in advance of the hearing. A copy of all evidence available to be presented to the panel will be retained in the student’s personal file.

2.4 Both the chair of the panel and the student can request the attendance of witnesses at the panel hearing. The Chair of the panel may request the attendance of those individuals who have been involved in bringing the concerns to the attention of the programme, with comments invited from them to clarify any of the documentation. All witnesses attending will have submitted written statements to the panel, according to the timelines outlined in 2.1 above. Not all individuals who have submitted written statements will necessarily be asked to attend the panel hearing. Witnesses will be invited to attend at least 3 working days prior to the panel hearing. Failure by a witness to attend is not sufficient grounds for a panel not to reach a conclusion.

2.5 Hearings begin with the presentation of the case by the investigating officer. All panel members, the investigating officer, the student and the student’s representative (if applicable) will be present for this part of the hearing. The panel will have the opportunity to seek clarification and ask questions of the investigating officer. Following this, the student and/or their representative will have the opportunity to seek clarification and ask questions of the investigating officer.

2.6 The second part of the hearing is the presentation of the case of the student, in mitigation or defence of the expressed concern about their fitness to practise.

2.7 Following this, the chair of the panel will invite the individual witnesses to join (in person or virtually) the hearing. The panel will have the opportunity to seek clarification and ask questions of each witness.  The student and/or their representative will have the opportunity to seek clarification and ask questions of each witness. Each witness will only be in attendance for the section of the hearing when they are being specifically questioned.

2.8 The content of the entire hearing is confidential and professional rules will be observed. If the content of the meeting involves discussion of clinical practice, then any service users or third parties will be referred to by pseudonyms to preserve anonymity.

2.9 The student would usually be required to attend a fitness to practise panel hearing, though the chair may consent to them being absent if they judge them to have a reasonable explanation for such absence. Whether or not he/she is in attendance, the student may make written submissions in their defence and/ or in mitigation, according to section 2.2 above. This evidence will be considered at the Fitness to Practise hearing.

2.10 In the event that a student, who has been required to attend a hearing under these regulations, fails to do so at the appointed time without reasonable explanation, then he/she may be subject to disciplinary action under University regulations or in the context of LSCFT regulations. The fact of their non-attendance may also be included in the consideration of their fitness to practise, if it is relevant to the case being made.

2.11 Where a student fails to attend, then the Chair of the panel may decide that the panel will hear the case in the absence of the student. If the panel believes that the evidence is sufficiently clear, a decision and subsequent recommendations to the exam board will be made and notified to the student in the usual way. When the student is notified that they have been referred to the exam board, it will be drawn to their attention that the panel can act in this way if he/she does not appear.

2.12 At the conclusion of the hearing the Panel will determine the outcome and the extent and seriousness of the case and make a recommendation regarding any penalty or course of action to the Examination Board.. The student will normally be advised verbally of the recommendation of the hearing at the conclusion of the panel’s deliberations. They will then be sent a letter detailing the recommendation of the panel, including the rationale for this recommendation, within 15working days of the formal hearing. An audio recording of the hearing can be sent to the student on request. In the letter the student will be advised of their right to make a submission to the Examination Board (see 3.1 below).

2.13 The recommendations possible following a Fitness to Practise hearing are as follows:

  • There are no fitness to practise issues and the student is able to progress on the programme. This outcome does not require ratification by the examination board.
  • The student is able to progress on the programme, although fitness to practise concerns remain and are noted and recorded on the personal file. In any future referrals through the regulations these will be taken into account. An action plan and additional requirements to support the student will be put in place if deemed appropriate. This plan will describe in detail the targets that the student has to meet to provide evidence that the concerns have been addressed and progress has been made. This will be considered within a developmental context, e.g., an action plan may be more demanding for a student close to finishing the programme, in comparison to a student at the start of their training. The programme also has a responsibility to communicate these concerns and the attendant action plan with all practice placement providers contributing to the training of the student in question.
  • The student is not deemed fit to practise at this stage. The student may be required to interrupt their studies and/or be required to repeat/restudy an element of the programme to establish their fitness to practise.
  • The case is proven and the student is deemed unfit to practise. The student cannot redeem the situation and is unable to progress on the programme.

All decisions, with the exception of ‘no action’ need to be ratified by the Exam Board.

After a Fitness to Practise Hearing

3.0 The outcome of the hearing and the recommendation of the fitness to practise panel will be considered at the next appropriate Examination Board (allowing time for submission of information by the student (see 3.1 below). However, if an Examination Board is not scheduled within 11 weeks of the hearing, an extraordinary Examination Board will be convened within that time.

3.1 The student will be given at least 20 working days’ notice of the date of the Examination Board. The student can submit any new, relevant information to be considered by the Board alongside the submission of the Fitness to Practise Panel.  Any such submission must be received a minimum of 5 working days before is the Board is scheduled to meet.

3.2 The Examination Board will consider the recommendation of the Fitness to Practise hearing together with any new/relevant information provided by the student. The role of the Examination Board is to consider and ratify the recommendation made in respect of the student’s progress, including any outcomes for the student. The Board must also confirm, to its satisfaction, that due process has been followed at the hearing and that all relevant information has been fully considered.

3.3 If the Board either fails to ratify the recommendation of the fitness to practise panel or considers there to be additional information available that would potentially impact on the recommendation made by that panel, the Board can request that the original Fitness to Practise hearing is reconvened.

3.4 The student should receive formal notification of the Examination Board’s decision and the rationale of this decision. The examination board will also decide how best to communicate this decision, although it must be communicated promptly and within 5 working days of the Board meeting. A copy of any written correspondence will be retained in the student’s personal file.

3.5 Where the Examination Board ratifies a decision indicating that a student is not fit to practise and cannot redeem the situation, the student will be required to withdraw from the programme and will not be eligible for the full final award nor be eligible to apply for professional registration as a Practitioner Clinical Psychologist.

3.6 This set of procedures is consistent with Lancaster University’s own procedures, as set down in the Manual of Academic Regulations and Procedures (MARP). Please see the link for the postgraduate Examination Board Regulations

3.7 In the case of a student lodging an appeal against the decision of the Examination Board requiring him/her to withdraw from the programme on the grounds of fitness to practise, the appeal will be dealt with under the University’s Assessment Review Regulations (MARP E6.5). If the student appeals on the basis of the consequent termination of their contract of employment with the LSCFT, then this will be dealt with by the relevant procedures within LSCFT.

Summary of FTP procedures
FTP Request for investigation Form
FTP Referral Form
HCPC standards of conduct performance and ethics
HCPC guidance on conduct and ethics for students
The HCPC Standards of Proficiency for practitioner psychologists
BPS Accreditation through partnership handbook
Manual of Academic Regulations and Procedures (MARP)

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