Last Updated on 22/08/2023

Deadlines and extensions

Trainees can find the fixed deadlines for all assignments with the programmes’ Assignment Submission Plan. All assignments need to be submitted by the agreed deadline to avoid negative consequences. The consequences of late submission and the process for obtaining an extension is detailed on the following page:

Changes via Individual Training Plan meeting

Deadlines for individual trainees may also be moved to a subsequent fixed deadline for that assignment during an individual training plan meeting if both of the trainee’s individual tutors are in agreement and this is approved by the directors. If trainees are aware of any extended circumstances out of their control which might result in them being able complete assessed work to their normal standard of academic performance then they should discuss this with their individual tutors at the earliest opportunity so that any necessary reasonable adjustments can be made.

Exceptional Circumstances

If subsequent to a submission being made or a deadline being missed a trainee identifies such circumstances then they may request that exceptional circumstances are taken account of.

Assessment submission points