Last Updated on 16/09/2021

What is it?

It is an opportunity for the programme to directly assess the practical application of psychological knowledge and clinical skills through the use of a standardised role play approach. The implementation of this assessment ensures that the programme is adhering to guidance laid out in the British Psychological Society (BPS) Accreditation Criteria (2014).

How does it work?

Trainees are asked to take part in a standardised role play scenario (SRPS) with a simulated client (played by an actor). The SRPS is in two parts.

The first part is a simulated initial assessment session which lasts for 12 minutes. During this time trainees are expected to do the following:

  • Appropriately open the session with the client (e.g. introduce self, introduce role, inform client of confidentiality, gain consent to proceed)
  • Ask appropriate questions to explore the reason for the client is attending
  • Develop a rapport with the client
  • Be prepared to address/manage any issues/challenges which may arise (e.g. risk)
  • Close the session appropriately (e.g. not ending abruptly)

The second part is a simulated formulation session which lasts for 17 minutes with a 3 minute reflection on performance following on. During this time trainees are expected to do the following:

  • Appropriately open the session as if it is several sessions into the series of appointments
  • Share/collaboratively develop a formulation which is based on or significantly draws from one (or more) recognised evidence based psychological approach
  • Maintain the rapport with the client
  • Be prepared to address/manage any issues/challenges which may arise
  • Close the session appropriately (e.g. not ending abruptly)
  • Comment and reflect on own performance and clinical competence

Trainees will be given an initial referral letter to read before entering the first simulated session. Trainees will be given background information for the simulated client after the Initial Assessment session and will be given a minimum of an hour to prepare for the simulated Formulation session. Trainees can either pre-prepare a formulation or can develop one with the client in the session.

The simulated role plays are video recorded for assessment purposes.

A schedule for the assessment day will sent out to trainees in advance of the assessment day.

What happens if I am ill on the day?

If you are ill you will need to submit a sick note signed by your GP as it is classed as an examination day by the University. Please alert us to your sickness absence in the usual way (i.e. call the absence phone).

What happens if I am late on the day?

If you are going to be late, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting the programme office. Depending on scheduling we will try and reschedule your slot on the same day. If this cannot happen we will reschedule the assessment as soon as is practically possible.

What will happen if I ‘freeze’ on the day?

If you come so anxious you ‘freeze’ or are unable to enter into the simulation process, time will be allowed for you to regain your composure before making a second attempt. If you are unable to enter the simulation process at the second attempt, advice will be sought from the Chair of the Exam Board or their deputy as to how to proceed.

Fitness to practise/professional behaviour concerns arising during the assessment process.

If a trainee engages in behaviour which would raise questions about their fitness to practise OR behaves in a way which could be considered to be gross professional misconduct, this will be brought immediately to the attention of the Clinical Director or their deputy as to how to proceed.

What are the competencies being assessed?

  • Skills of engagement and rapport
  • Communication skills
  • Professional behaviour
  • Session management
  • Psychological knowledge and application
  • Being respectful of difference
  • Resilience

Further description and details of the competencies being assessed can be found in the indicator booklet for examiners.

How is it assessed?

Recordings of the Initial Assessment simulated session and the Formulation simulated session for each trainee will be put together in a video ‘bundle’ for examiners. Each video ‘bundle’ will be viewed by two internal examiners who will independently collect evidence of behavioural indicators and give a rating per competence before comparing evidence and ratings with the second examiner and agreeing final ratings and feedback.

This assessment is subject to the usual external examiner ratification processes and Exam Board processes of the DClinPsy.

What do I need to prepare?

The content of the assessment process is designed to be a simulation of clinical work undertaken with a client. The trainees will have had experience of the facets of the assessment through the Communication Skills training sessions and theory to practice sessions within the teaching programme and should be familiar with the features of the simulated role plays through practice on placement (e.g. how to open and close a session, how to explain the role of a trainee clinical psychologist, how to gain informed consent, how to ask exploratory questions, how to work with a client on a formulation/apply psychological knowledge/understanding). Trainees therefore should not need to undertake any specific preparation, however trainees may wish to consider the following:

  • Re-famliarise self with the 5P’s approach to formulation as a starting point
  • Refresh yourself in terms of your ‘patter’ about introducing psychology, confidentiality and trainee role
  • Think about some good opening assessment questions
  • Consider how you might address/manage any issues/challenges if they come up e.g. risks
  • Think about how you are developing your style in relation to working with a client on formulation e.g. do you want to pre-prepare a formulation to take into the simulated formulation session, or would you prefer to develop/co-create the formulation live in the simulated session

You may bring reference materials with you to support your development of a psychological understanding of the client’s presentation during the 60 minute preparation time. You may also use the COW lap tops in the base room to access reference materials. However, please be aware that you cannot take reference materials into the simulated formulation session with you, unless it is something which you have developed specifically (e.g. formulation diagram). You can take pens/paper/appropriate creative supports into the simulated session with you. If you are unsure please ask the tutor facilitator in the base room on the day.

DACS-SRPS instructions to markers
DACS-SRPS marker booklet
DACS-SRPS trainee feedback form