Publications & Outputs

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Journal articles

Barton, D., & McCulloch, S. (2018). Negotiating tensions around new forms of academic writingDiscourse, Context and Media, special issue on Digital Academic Discourse.

McCulloch, S., Tusting, K., & Hamilton, M. (2017). The role of networked learning in academics’ writing. Research in Learning Technology, 25.

McCulloch, S. (2017). Hobson’s choice: The effects of research evaluation on academics’ writing practices in England. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 69(5), 503-515, in special issue on the Reward System of Science.

Tusting, K. P., & Barton, D. P. (2016). Writing disciplines: producing disciplinary knowledge in the context of contemporary higher educationIbérica: Journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes32 (Fall 2016), 15-34.

McCulloch, S., & Tusting, K.P. (under review). “Historians don’t set out to change people’s lives”. Chapter in McArthur, J. & Ashwin, P. Locating Social Justice in Higher Education. Bloomsbury.


Bhatt, I. (2016). “Challenging methods for literacy research.” Paper 0163 of reviewed proceedings for the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference, Newport.

McCulloch. S., Bhatt, I., & Tusting, K. (2016). “‘Historians don’t set out to change people’s lives’: To what extent are notions of social justice shared across the academy?” Paper 12 of reviewed proceedings for Higher Education Close Up Conference, Lancaster University.

Tusting, K., McCulloch, S., & Hamilton, M. (2016). “Academics’ experiences of networked professional learning.” In Cranmer, S., Dohn, N. B., de Laat, M., Ryberg, T. & Sime, J. A. (eds.). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning, Lancaster University, UK (pp. 422-431). ISBN 978-1-86220-324-2.


Blogs / media

McCulloch, S. (2017). “Managing academic writing: How managerialism puts pressure on academics’ writing practices“, London Metropolitan University, Take5 blog, (24 April 2017).

McCulloch, S. (2017). “The importance of being REF-able: Academic writing under pressure from a culture of counting“, Accelerated Academy series, LSE Impact Blog, (9 Feb 2017).


Invited talks

McCulloch, S. (2017) “What lies beneath: Under the surface of academics’ writing practices.” Preston Linguistics Circle, University of Central Lancashire (7 December 2017).

Bhatt, I. (2017). “Showing your workings in qualitative research.”  Keynote speaker at Resonances: Quality and Reflexivity in Qualitative Research, University of Leeds (17th May 2017).

Tusting, K., & McCulloch, S. (2017). “Academics’ writing practices in the contemporary HE workplace: strategies and boundaries.” Paper presented at Northumbria University, Newcastle (15 March 2017).

Barton, D. (2017). “What it’s like to be an academic these days, as revealed by changing writing practices”. Seminar paper, University of Reading (22 Feb 2017).

McCulloch, S. (2016). “The impact of ‘research excellence’ measures on academics’ writing practices in the UK.” Lecture at Opening the Black Box of Quality: Reflecting on Scholarly Practice in the Social Sciences and Humanities: International Doctoral Summer School at Klagenfurt University (6 Sept 2016).

McCulloch, S. (2016). “When you became a professor, you could profess something: Academic writing practices in three disciplines”. Research seminar at Stockholm University (14 March 2016).

Barton, D. (2015). “How the digital world is changing academics’ writing lives”. Invited Keynote Plenary paper at Digital Humanities conference, Open University of Hong Kong (December 2015).

Tusting, K. (2015). “Academics’ writing practices in contemporary university workplaces: Negotiating tensions and setting boundaries”. Centre for Language Education Research seminar series, University of Leeds (11 Nov 2015).


Talks and conference papers

Tusting, K., Barton, D. & McCulloch, S. (2017) “I’m really rubbish at email.”  Paper presented at BAAL, University of Leeds (2 Sept 2017).

McCulloch, S. (2017). “Positioning writing in the contemporary academic workplace.” Paper presented at the Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes, Oslo (9 June 2017).

McCulloch, S. (2016). “Writing that counts or writing that is counted?” Paper presented at the Accelerated Academy Conference, Leiden (1 Dec 2016).

Bhatt, I. & Tusting, K. (2016). “Learning to write as an academic.” Talk presented at Educational Research Seminar, Lancaster University (9 Nov 2016).

Barton, D., Bhatt, I., Hamilton, M., & Tusting, K. (2016). “Academics’ changing writing practices – international implications.” Paper presented at the Centre for Global Higher Education research seminar series, Lancaster University (13 Oct 2016).

Barton, D. (2016). “What annoys you about technology? Academics’ stance on writing technology.” Paper presented at the Association of Internet Research (AOIR) Annual conference, Berlin (October 2016).

Hamilton, M. (2016). “Academics’ writing work: Places, spaces and the dynamics of knowledge creation.2 ECER Dublin, Individual Paper, Network 22: Research in Higher Education (August 2016)

Hamilton, M. (2016). “A sociomaterial approach to academics writing in the contemporary university workplace.” Paper presented at Symposium on Sociomaterial Theory in Educational Research. ECER Dublin, (August 2016).

McCulloch, S., Tusting, K., & Bhatt, I. (2016). “‘Historians don’t set out to change people’s lives’: To what extent are notions of social justice shared across the academy?” Paper presented at the Higher Education Close Up Conference, Lancaster University (10 July 2016).

McCulloch, S., Barton, D. & Tusting, K. (2016). “The role of relationships in academic writing and identity.” Paper presented at the Language, Literacies and Identity Conference, Sheffield University (2 July 2016).

Barton, D. (2016). “The phylogenesis and ontogenesis of academic writing practices and the creation of the digital scholar.” Paper presented at Historicising the digital: Language practices in old and new media conference, Leicester (28 June 2016).

McCulloch, S. (2016). “Holding our disciplinary ground: Disciplinary writing in the age of audit.” Paper presented at the International Writing Across the Curriculum (IWAC) Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan (25 June 2016).

Tusting, K. (2016). “What counts as high prestige writing: Implicit and contradictory value systems in academics’ talk about their writing practices.” Part of the colloquium Regimes of Academic Writing: Towards a sociolinguistics of writing practices in academia, at Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Murcia, Spain (15-18 June 2016).

Tusting, K., McCulloch, S., & Hamilton, M. (2016). “Academics’ experiences of networked professional learning”, Paper presented at the Networked Learning Conference, Lancaster University (10 May 2016).

McCulloch, S. & Bhatt, I. (2015). “Being an academic: The changing writing practices of academics and how this influences professional identity”, Paper presented at the SRHE Annual International Conference on Research into Higher Education, Newport (10 December 2015).

Barton, D. (2015). “What annoys you about technology at work? Affect and academics’ discursive construction of digital writing practices.” Paper presented at Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis conference, Valencia (Nov. 2015).

Tusting, K. (2015). “The place of email in the ecology of academics’ writing practices.” Paper presented to Literacy Research Discussion Group, Lancaster University (13 Oct 2015).

McCulloch, S. (2015). “Being an academic today: The dynamics of knowledge creation in the contemporary University”. Paper presented at “Organisational practices within contemporary landscapes”, Quadrangular conference 2015, Lancaster University (14-15 September 2015).

Barton, D. (2015). “The mediatisation of the literacy practices of academic knowledge production.” Paper presented at the 6th International Language in the Media Conference, Hamburg University (7-9 September 2015).

Tusting, K. (2015). “The university as a workplace: New directions in the study of academic writing”, Paper presented at BAAL, Aston University (2 September 2015).

Tusting, K. (2015). “The new landscape of academic communication: transformations of writing practices in the contemporary university.” Paper presented at Literacy in the New Landscape of Communication: Research, Education and the Everyday, 19th European conference on literacy, Klagenfurt, Austria (13-16 July 2015).

Tusting, K. (2015). “The impact of ‘impact’ on academics’ writing: changing the dynamics of knowledge production?” Paper presented at “Language and Impact”, i-mean 4 (Interaction and Meaning), Warwick University (9-11 April 2015).


Practice-oriented and impact events

Residential writing retreat (2016), Barton Grange hotel, Preston, with invited participants from universities across the Northwest, incorporating project presentations and writing sessions: 12-13 July 2016.

McCulloch, S. (2016). “What do academics do all day?” Paper presented at the ‘Where Next? Transition into further study and employment’ Sharing Practice Event, Lancaster University (6 July 2016).

McCulloch, S. & Bhatt, I. (2016). “Being an academic today: insights from a current project on academics’ writing”, workshop at the Academic Careers Day, University of Manchester (2 June 2016).

Research seminar series Designing the Academic Self on the role of metrics in academic life:

  • “Who does the Internet think you are?” Sharon McCulloch, Diane Potts & Tanya Williamson, Lancaster University (29 January 2016)
  • “How are metrics affecting academics’ writing practices?” Sharon McCulloch & Karin Tusting, Lancaster University (16 February 2016)
  • “What can and can’t metrics tell us?” Masud Khokhar, Sharon McCulloch & Tanya Williamson, Lancaster University (26 April 2016)
  • “Cultures of counting: Metrics through a critical lens.” Paul Ashwin, Lancaster University & James Wilsdon, Sheffield University (24 May 2016)

“Getting Writing Done” workshop sessions, spring 2016, providing an interactive overview of project progress and exploring implications at universities from the North West region:

  • The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) (18 March 2016)
  • Manchester University (22 April 2016)
  • Lancaster University (19 April 2016)