Hanna Carlsson

I am an interdisciplinary social scientist who uses practice theory to better understand how institutions and organizations can become inclusionary. I am trained in Human Geography but now work as an Assistant professor of Public Administration at Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

The main strand of my work focuses on how local policymakers and health and social care professionals deal with the inclusion of migrants. When researching this topic, I am curious about how the ‘practice landscape’ of the welfare state can transform. Do some ‘central’ sites have particular kinds of influence on the wider landscape? And can changes in ‘peripheral sites, like a small organization or a municipality, circulate through and transform the landscape?

Alongside my work on care, I have an interest in combat sports. Based on my experience as a competitive boxer, I have published on how practice methods and theories can be used to understand how the sport has become more inclusive of women.