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Talks and events

Academic conferences

(Ordered by most to least recent)


Putland, E. and Slocombe, F. (2025). Responding to risks from ecological and social crises: Representations of air pollution, social isolation and dementia in the UK news. Imagining Dementia Futures conference. University of Manchester, UK. 22.01.25-24.01.25.


Putland, E. and Brookes, G. (2024). Eyes, vision and dementia: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of AI-generated images and character descriptions of people with dementia. Dementia in Film, Media and Culture Symposium, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK. 31.05.2024.

Putland, E. (2024). What do you associate with “dementia”? Representing dementia in popular media, AI outputs and in conversation with people affected by dementia. Invited talk. University College London (UCL), UK. 12.03.2024.


Brookes, G. and Putland, E. (2023). Public Communication about Dementia: Identifying and Challenging Stigma. 8th Global China Dialogue: Governance for Global Health. Invited talk. The British Academy, London, 08.12.23.

Putland, E. (2023). Who is a person with dementia? A multimodal critical discourse analysis of a non-profit campaign and conversations with people affected by dementia. BAAL 2023: Opening Up Applied Linguistics. The University of York, UK, 23.08.2023-25.08.2023.

Brookes, G. (2023). Corpus Linguistics and Health Care Communication. Invited talk, Seoul National University, Korea, 10.07.2023.

Brookes, G. (2023). Metaphorical Representations of Dementia in the UK Press. COMET Conference, University College Cork, Ireland, 22.06.2023.

Brookes, G. (2023). Dementia metaphors in British tabloids: A corpus analysis. International Consortium for Communication in Healthcare, Australian National University, 14.02.23-15.02.23.


Putland, E. (2022). Expanding expertise: Exploring how people affected by dementia respond to visual and verbal dementia representations. BAAL 2022: Innovation and Social Justice in Applied Linguistics. Queen’s University Belfast, UK. 01.09.22-03.09.22

Brookes, G. (2022). Dementia metaphors in the British press: A corpus-based study. ICAME 43: International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English. Anglia Ruskin University, UK. 27.07.22-30.07.22.

Brookes, G. (2022). Killer, thief or companion? Dementia metaphors and stigma in the British press. COMET: Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 13.07.22-15.07.22.

Brookes, G. (2022). Killer, thief or companion? A critical analysis of dementia metaphors in the British press. CADAAD: Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines. University of Bergamo, Italy. 06.07.22-08.07.22.

Brookes, G. (2022). Panellist: Gender and Health Inequalities. Annual Workshop of the BAAL Language, Gender and Sexuality Special Interest Group. Nottingham Trent University, UK. 29.04.22.