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Academic publications


Putland, E. and Brookes, G. (2024). ‘Visualizing dementia and stigma: a scoping review of the literature’, Visual Communication 0(0):

Putland, E. and Brookes, G. 2024. ‘Dementia stigma: representation and language use’, Journal of Language and Aging Research, 2(1): pp.5–46. doi: 10.15460/jlar.2024.2.1.1266. Also view at:


Brookes, G. (2023). ‘Killer, Thief or Companion? A Corpus-Based Study of Dementia Metaphors in UK Tabloids’, Metaphor and Symbol, 38(3): pp. 213-230, doi: 10.1080/10926488.2022.2142472

Putland, E., Chikodzore-Paterson, C. and Brookes, G. 2023. ‘Artificial intelligence and visual discourse: a multimodal critical discourse analysis of AI-generated images of “Dementia”’, Social Semiotics, online first, pp.1-26. doi: 10.1080/10350330.2023.2290555.


Brookes, G., Atkins, S. and Harvey, K. (2022). ‘Corpus linguistics and health communication: using corpora to examine the representation of health and illness’. In: A. O’Keeffe and M. McCarthy (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics (2nd edition). London: Routledge, pp. 615-628.

Putland E. (2022). ‘The (in)accuracies of floating leaves: How people with varying experiences of dementia differently position the same visual metaphor’, Dementia, 21(5): pp.1-17. doi:10.1177/14713012211072507


Brookes, G., Putland, E. and Harvey, K. (2021). ‘Multimodality: Examining Visual Representations of Dementia in Public Health Discourse’. In G. Brookes and D. Hunt (eds.) Analysing Health Communication. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 241-269.

Wider publications by our team

Brookes, G., Harvey, K., Chadborn, N. and Dening, T. (2018). ‘“Our biggest killer”: multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British press’, Social Semiotics, 28(3): pp.371-395.

Harvey, K. and Brookes, G. (2019). ‘Looking through dementia: what do commercial stock images tell us about aging and cognitive decline?’ Qualitative Health Research, 29(7), 987-1003.

Putland, E. (2022). Representing dementia: A qualitative analysis of how people affected by dementia situate themselves in relation to different dementia discourses. PhD thesis. University of Nottingham, UK.

Putland, E. (2022). Representing dementia: Insights from people affected by dementia. A self-published PhD summary document for study participants and other interested parties.