June 11, 2019


  • Published edited collections and monographs

Alex Metcalfe, Hervin Fernández-Aceves, and Marco Muresu (eds), The Making of Medieval Sardinia, [The Medieval Mediterranean Series, vol. 128] (Leiden, 2021). 516 pages.

Marco Muresu, La moneta ‘indicatore’ dell’assetto insediativo della Sardegna bizantina (secoli VI-XI) (Perugia, 2018). 568 pages.

Alex Metcalfe, I musulmani dell’Italia medievale. Traduzione di F. Barone; presentazione di F. Maurici (Palermo, 2019). 346 pages.


  • Published research articles

Marco Muresu, ‘I reperti metallici in Sardegna’, in D. D’Orlando, F. Doria, L. Soro (eds), Archeologia urbana a Cagliari. Scavi in via Caprera 8 (2014-2015). (Cagliari, 2019), pp. 611–646.

Giovanni Serreli (with F. Lai, M. Perra and G. Uccheddu). ‘Il castrum di Cuccuru Casteddu di Villamar: note preliminari / The castrum of Cuccuru Casteddu at Villamar: preliminary notes’, in Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea, 5/2 (2019), pp. 5–38.

Thomas Birch (with V. Orfanou, A. Lichtenberger, R. Raja, G. Barfod, G. Lesher, I. Schulze, and W. Schulze), ‘From nummi minimi to fulūs – small change and wider issues: characterising coinage from Gerasa/Jerash (Late Roman to Umayyad periods)’, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11/10 (2019), pp. 5359–5376

Marco Muresu, ‘L’assetto dei quartieri portuali delle città bizantine del Mediterraneo orientale.’ in R. Martorelli (ed.), Know the Sea to Live the Sea. Conoscere il mare per vivere il mare (Perugia, 2019), pp. 99–125.

Hervin Fernández-Aceves, British School at Rome Award: Power and society in medieval Sardinia. Research Report, in Papers of the British School at Rome, 87 (2019), pp. 361–362.

Hervin Fernández-Aceves, ‘La Cerdeña Medieval vista desde la modernidad. Un epítome historiográfico de la supuesta conectividad mediterránea’, in QVADRATA. Estudios Sobre educación, Artes Y Humanidades, 1/1 (2019), pp. 10–29.

Marco Muresu, ‘I metalli’ in D. Gandolfi (ed.), La ceramica e i materiali di età romana. Classi, produzioni, merci e consumi. Aggiornamenti (Bordighera, 2019), pp. 171–184.

Luciano Gallinari, ‘The Catalans in Sardinia and the transformation of Sardinians into a political minority in the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries’, Journal of Medieval History, 45/3 (2019), pp. 347–359.

Marco Muresu, ‘Il possibile ruolo del castrum di Sant’Antioco (Sardegna, Italia) nel conflitto tra Bizantini e Mauri in Nord Africa tra la prima e la seconda metà del VI secolo’, Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, 21 (2020), pp. 177–211.

Thomas Birch (with K. Westner, H.E. Höfer, H.-M. Seitz, F. Kemmers, and S. Klein), ‘Retracing Magna Graecia’s silver: coupling lead isotopes with a multi-standard trace element procedure’. Archaeometry, 62/1 (2020), pp. 81-108.

Thomas Birch (with G. Żabiński, J. Gramacki, A. Gramacki, E. Miśta-Jakubowska), A. Disser, ‘Multi-classifier majority voting analyses in provenance studies on iron artefacts’, Journal of Archaeological Science, 113 (2020), pp. 1–15.

Thomas Birch (with V. Orfanou, R. Raja, A. Lichtenberger, C. Eger, G. Barfod, and C. Lesher), ‘Copper-based metalwork in Roman to early Islamic Jerash (Jordan): Insights into production and recycling through alloy compositions and lead isotopes’, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 33 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102519.

Marco Muresu, ‘La Sardegna nel Mediterraneo di VII-VIII secolo attraverso il dato archeologico, numismatico e sfragistico, in Persone, corpi e anime in movimento. Forme di mobilità tra tardoantico e alto medioevo (VI-X secolo)’, in A. Pazienza and F. Veronese (eds), Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Moyen Âge, 132/2 (2020), pp. 355–372.

Luciano Gallinari, ‘Catalans and Sardinians: Opposing Identity Discourses and Fluctuating Political Relationships from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Centuries’, in Memories in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Societies in Europe from c. 1000 to the Present, ed. P. Wiszewski (Turnhout, 2020), pp. 329–347.

Thomas Birch (with F. Albarede, J. Blichert-Toft, L. Gentelli, J. Milot, M. Vaxevanopoulos, S. Klein, K. Westner, G. Davis, F. de Callataÿ), ‘A miner’s perspective on Pb isotope provenances in the Western and Central Mediterranean’, in Journal of Archaeological Science, 121 (2020), pp. 1–14.

Thomas Birch (with M. Hrnjić, G. Hagen-Peter, G. Barfod, S. Sindbæk, C. Lesher) ‘Surface enrichment in ancient silver coins – a non-destructive identification of surface enrichment and trace element fractionation in ancient silver coins’, in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B 478, (2020), pp. 11–20.

Thomas Birch (with K. Westner, H.E. Höfer, H.-M. Seitz, F. Kemmers, S. Klein) ‘Rome’s rise to power: geochemical analysis of silver coinage from the Western Mediterranean (4th to 2nd centuries BCE)’, Archaeometry 62/3(2020), pp. 577–592.

Alex Metcalfe, Hervin Fernández-Aceves, and Marco Muresu, ‘The making of medieval Sardinia: a historiographical introduction’, in The Making of Medieval Sardinia (2021), pp. 1–16.

Hervin Fernández-Aceves, Alex Metcalfe, and Marco Muresu, ‘Discovery, invention and supposition. Three case studies from medieval Sardinia’, in The Making of Medieval Sardinia (Leiden, 2021), pp. 17–41.

Marco Muresu, ‘The coinage of Byzantine Sardinia’, in The Making of Medieval Sardinia (Leiden, 2021), pp. 170–203.

Alex Metcalfe, ‘Early Muslim raids on Byzantine Sardinia’, in The Making of Medieval Sardinia (Leiden, 2021), pp. 126–159.

Luciano Gallinari, ‘The Iudex Sardiniae and the Archon Sardinias between the sixth and eleventh century’, in The Making of Medieval Sardinia (Leiden, 2021), pp. 204–239.

Alex Metcalfe, Muslim contacts with Sardinia: from Fatimid Ifrīqiya to Mujāhid of Dénia, in The Making of Medieval Sardinia (Leiden, 2021), pp. 240–269.

Thomas Birch (with V. Orfanou, S. Sindbæk, C. Feveile, G.H. Barfod, C.E. Lesher), ‘On diverse arts: crucible metallurgy and the polymetallic cycle at Scandinavia’s earliest Viking town, Ribe (8th–9th c. CE), Denmark’, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 (2021), p. 81.

Thomas Birch (with H. Horsnæs and C. Feveile), ‘The History of Silver’, in J. Varberg and P. Pentz (eds), The Raid – Join the Vikings (Copenhagen, 2021), pp. 183–200.

Thomas Birch (with H. Horsnæs and C. Feveile), Togtet – På rejse i vikingernes verden. Nationalmuseet (Copenhagen, 2021). pp. 183-200.

Marco Muresu (with N. Usai), ‘Falsi miti del Medioevo in Sardegna alla prova della ricerca archeologica e storico-artistica’, in T. di Carpegna Falconieri, P. Savy, L. Yawn (eds.), Middle Ages without Borders: an international conversation on medievalism / Moyen Âge sans frontières: conversation internationale sur le médiévalisme, l’École française de Rome (Rome, 2021).

Marco Muresu, ‘Trasmissione di modelli e tecniche artigianali nell’oreficeria della Sardegna dal medioevo al contemporaneo’, in R. Martorelli (ed.), Ancient and Modern Knowledges. Transmission of models and techniques in the artistic and the handicraft products in Sardinia through the centuries (Cagliari, 2022), pp. 107-129.

Marco Muresu, ‘I sigilli “arcontali” della Sardegna bizantina: una nuova proposta di datazione’, in M. Milanese (ed.), IX Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale (Alghero, 28 Settembre – 2 Ottobre 2022), II (Firenze, 2022), pp. 199-203.

Marco Muresu (with R. Martorelli, and D. D’Orlando), ‘La tomba “bizantina” in loc. San Costantino (Nuraminis, Sardegna): una ricerca in corso’, in M. Milanese (ed.), IX Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale (Alghero, 28 Settembre – 2 Ottobre 2022), I, Firenze 2022, pp. 222-227.

Marco Muresu, ‘Gonnostramatza: l’epoca medioevale’, in R. Cicilloni, M. Cabras, C. Concu (eds.), Gonnostramatza attraverso i secoli: dalla preistoria all’età moderna (Ortacesus, 2022), pp. 129-140.

Marco Muresu, ‘Identity, Community and ‘Language of Power’ in Byzantine Sardinia: burials in nuraghi (seventh-ninth c. CE)’, in A. Cristilli, F. De Luca, G. Di Luca, A. Gonfloni (eds.), Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity 2 (BAR International Series, 3107) (Oxford, 2022), pp. 69-77.

Marco Muresu, ‘Il sistema difensivo’; ‘Le vie di comunicazione: strade, ponti, fiumi e porti’; ‘La Lex Portus’; ‘Le matrici per oggetti in metallo’; ‘La circolazione monetaria’; ‘La zecca di Sardegna’; ‘La società’; ‘Le tombe a camera’, in R. Martorelli, G. Serreli, S. Cisci (eds.), Il tempo dei Vandali e dei Bizantini. La Sardegna dal V al X secolo d.C., (Nuoro, 2022), pp. 82-86, 94-99, 138-139, 156-165, 168-176, 338-339.

Thomas Birch (with L. Lauridsen and M. Alizadeh), ‘Iron and slag’, in S. Sindbæk (editor), Northern Emporium,  Vol. 2, The networks of Viking-age Ribe (Aarhus, 2023), pp. 183-200.

Marco Muresu, ‘Nuovi studi sulla chiesa di S. Maria (Villasimius-Cagliari)’, in M. BRACONI, M. DAVID, V. FIOCCHI NICOLAI, D. NUZZO, L. SPERA, F.R. STASOLLA (eds.), Archeologia Cristiana in Italia. Ricerche, metodi e prospettive (1993-2022), Atti XII Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Cristiana (Roma, 20-23 settembre 2022), II, Quingentole: SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l., pp. 1027-1034; ISBN: 978-88-99547-94-3.

Marco Muresu, ‘Santa Igia come città della complessità’, in R. MARTORELLI, G. SERRELI, M.G.R. MELE, S. NOCCO (eds.), Città tra mare e laguna: da Santa Gilla a Cagliari. Aspetti archeologici, geologici, storici, insediativi e sociali, Atti del Convegno (Cagliari, 19-20 ottobre 2022) = UnicaPRESS/Ateneo. Resoconti, 7, Cagliari: UNICApress, 2023, pp. 151-157; ISBN: 978-88-3312-088-1.

Marco Muresu, ‘Recensione a “V. VON FALKENHAUSEN, Studi sull’Italia bizantina, a cura di M. DI BRANCO, L. FARINA = I libri di Viella, 428, Roma: Viella, 2022, pp. 400”0, in Archivio Storico Italiano, 2023/2, pp. 395-397; ISSN: 0391-7770.

Marco Muresu, ‘Recensione a “Y.A. MARANO, Le fortune di un patriarca. Grado altomedievale e il “testamento” di Fortunato II = Altomedioevo. Collana diretta da Stefano Gasparri e Sauro Gelichi, 10 (nuova serie), Roma: Viella, 2016, pp. 244”’, in Archivio Storico Italiano, 2023/1, pp. 169-171; ISSN: 0391-7770.

Luciano Gallinari, “La Sardegna giudicale e una storiografia problematica”, in Il tempo dei Giudicati. La Sardegna medievale dal X al XV secolo d.C., Sabrina Cisci, Rossana Martorelli, Giovanni Serreli (eds.), Nuoro: Ilisso, 2023, pp. 26-29, ISBN 978-88-6202-430-3.

Luciano Gallinari, “Culture and Faith as the Main Bonding Factors for a Multi-Ethnic Society? The Manipulation of History in Early Modern Sardinia (Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries)”, in Legal Norms and Political Action in Multi-Ethnic Societies. Cohesion in Multi-Ethnic Societies in Europe from c. 1000 to the Present, III, edited by Przemysław Wiszewski. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023, pp. 225-247, ISBN: 978-2-503-60230-1.

Riede F, Birch T, Andreasen R, Wisher I, Oras E (2023). “Copper-based pigments in the Palaeolithic? Identifying colour traces and revisiting the function of a Final Palaeolithic sandstone artefact from Mülheim-Dietesheim (Central Germany)”, 13th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution Abstracts Aarhus, 21-22 September 2023. PaleoAnthropology 2: 380 https://doi.org/10.48738/2023.iss2.1093.

Lauridsen L, Alizadeh M and Birch T (2023). “Iron and slag”, Sindbæk S (ed) Northern Emporium Vol. 2 The networks of Viking-age Ribe. Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs Skrifter (123). Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, 183-200 https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.7533461.


  • Forthcoming critical edition

Hervin Fernández-Aceves, Alex Metcalfe and Maurizio Virdis, Vernacular documents from medieval Sardinia. Editions and English translations of the Carte volgari, the Condaghe of Sanctu Petru di Silki, the Condaghe of Sancta Maria di Bonarcado, and the Carta de Logu. (Forthcoming 2023).


  • Forthcoming research articles

Thomas Birch and Alex Metcalfe (with Rasmus Andreasen), ‘Provenancing the silver for Islamic dirhams minted in North Africa: lead isotope analysis of late seventh and early eighth-century dirhams’ (forthcoming, 2023).

Thomas Birch and Alex Metcalfe (with Rasmus Andreasen), ‘Was there a trans-Saharan gold route to Carthage and Sardinia in the Byzantine period?’ (forthcoming, 2023).

Marco Muresu, ‘Sardinia and Corsica’, in S. Bühler, S. Rebenich, S. Schmidt-Hofner, J. Weisweiler, Italy in the Fifth Century: Social, Political and Economic Transformations in a Society under Stress, 395-493 CE (Rome–Bari, 2023), in press.

M. Muresu, ‘Il deposito monetale del thesaurus’; ‘La ceramica comune con pareti costolate’; ‘Reperti metallici’, in R. Martorelli, D. Mureddu, L. Soro (eds.), Archeologia urbana a Cagliari. Scavi nella chiesa di Sant’Eulalia alla Marina, 2. L’Area del Thesaurus (Perugia, forthcoming 2023).
M. Muresu, D. D’Orlando, ‘Continuità insediative e possibili sincretismi devozionali nel paesaggio protostorico della Sardegna: i casi dei nuraghi Cuccurada (Mogoro) e Santu Miali (Pompu) nell’alta Marmilla’, in Indagare il passato. Giornate di studi di Preistoria e Protostoria in onore di Enrico Atzeni (Cagliari, forthcoming 2023).
M. Muresu, ‘Archeologia del potere nella Sardegna bizantina: una ricerca in corso. I casi di Serri, Uras e Villanovafranca, in Archeologia Medievale. Cultura Materiale, Insediamenti, Territorio (forthcoming 2023).
M. Muresu, ‘Ipotesi di ricostruzione di una rete difensiva nel territorio della Sardegna bizantina. Dati dalle sepolture di militari’, in C. Raimondo, F. Marazzi (eds.), La Difesa militare bizantina in Italia (sec. VI-XI), Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (15-18 Aprile 2021) (Cerro al Volturno, forthcoming 2023).
M. Muresu, ‘I sigilli arcontali della Sardegna, tra Bisanzio e i Giudicati’, in L’Italia Meridionale nel Medioevo. Un centro politico, culturale ed economico (Secoli V-XIII), Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Amalfi, 9-11 Dicembre 2021) (forthcoming 2023).
M. Muresu, ‘The Byzantine Fibulae of Sardinia’, in E.Lafli, A. Çetingöz, G. Kan Şahin, H. Thoen (eds.), Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine fibulae. An International e-conference in honour of Dr Maurizio Buora (Izmir, 12-13 May 2022) (forthcoming 2023).
Birch T, Horsnæs H, Andreasen R, Feveile C, Merkel S, Kershaw J, Naismith R, Moesgaard JC (forthcoming 2024). “The Damhus Hoard: unveiling the origins of some of the earliest Viking silver coinage”. Archaeometry.

Birch T, Metcalfe A, Andreasen R, Jensen RB (forthcoming 2024). “North African Dirhams: silver for the Abbasids” in Ponting M and Butcher K (eds) Metallurgy in Numismatics, Volume 7. Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication. London.

Metcalfe A, Andreasen R, Jensen RB, Birch T (forthcoming 2024). “Lead isotope results from silver dirhams minted at Al-Andalus”, in Ponting M and Butcher K (eds) Metallurgy in Numismatics, Volume 7. Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication. London.

Metcalfe A, Andreasen R, Birch T (in prep, 2024). “Islamic Lead Seals: their historical and geological provenance”. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

Johnston S, Birch T, Gísladóttir G, Sveinsdóttir H, Charlton M, Aldred O, Radivojević M (forthcoming 2024). “Iron Metallurgy in Iceland: An Investigation of Iron Slag from the Höfðagerði Smithy”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

Naum M, Ahlqvist LE, Gidins AA, Haa‘yuups, Birch T. (forthcoming 2024). “A collaborative approach to the analysis of Northwest Coast objects from the Ehlers collection in Denmark”, American Indian Culture and Research Journal.

Birch T, Ahlqvist LE, Bjørnevad-Ahlqvist MP, Andreasen R, Out W, Andersen CS, Albert Hans AA, Haa’yuups, Collison JN, Naum M. (submission in May 2024). “Souvenir art”: Non-destructive analyses of surface colours and wood speciation of Indigenous Northwest Pacific Coast objects in Danish collections. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

Nielsen NH, Chistensen PM, Kastrup M, Olsen J, Larsen JO, Birch T, Møller KU (submission in April 2024).  “Midtjysk jernproduktion i middelalderen og renæssancen”, Danish Journal of Archaeology.

Nielsen K, Birch T, Bergmann Møller S, Andreasen R (submission in May 2024). “GICELIN: et special sværd fra Europas middelalder”. ALABU.

Søndergaard L, Birch T, Andreasen A (submitted). “Fold it – recent finds of figural handles from Roman folding knives in Denmark”, Danish Journal of Archaeology.

Ahlqvist LE, Birch T, Bjørnevad-Ahlqvist MP (submitted). “Seriation of ornamentation on razor blades from the Late Nordic Bronze Age: Chronological shifts in motifs and reassessment of typo-chronology. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.



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