Invited research seminars and lectures
Alex Metcalfe, ‘The Muslims of Medieval Italy’, University of Colorado, Boulder. April 2019.
Hervin Fernández-Aceves, ‘A Byzantine register or a Latin chartulary? The textual sources of Medieval Sardinia’, Lancaster University. November 2019.
Alex Metcalfe, ‘Byzantine Sardinia and the Arab Conquests’, Edinburgh University. November 2019.
Hervin Fernández-Aceves, ‘Toxic Historiography and a Made-Up Medieval Past: The Forgeries of Arborea’, Lancaster University. February 2020.
‘Tunisia in the Global Middle Ages: Gold Routes and Silver Supply in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods.’ A panel discussion with Alex Metcalfe, ‘On the source and supply of silver dirhams in early ʿAbbāsid Tunisia’; Hervin Fernández-Aceves, ‘The making of medieval Tunisia and Sardinia: Parallel or divergent histories?’ and Marco Muresu, ’The minting of gold coinage at Byzantine Carthage: Its rise and fall?’. Respondent: William E. Granara, Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature at Harvard University. Tunisia Office of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University. 27 June 2022.
Tom Birch, ‘Staters, denarii, dirhams and sceattas: 10 years of archaeometric research into silver coinage from the ancient Greeks to the Vikings’. Rencontres Interdisciplinaires sur les métaux (RIMS), 1st December 2023, CNRS Université Paris, Nanterre.
Alex Metcalfe: ‘Medieval Sardinia’: Lancaster University Brown Bag Seminar, 25 October 2023.
Hervin Fernandez-Aceves: ‘Repatriando a un medievalista malinchista y provinciano: ¿Es posible en México la investigación libre de la Edad Media?’, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico City, 20 October 2023.
Luciano Gallinari, ‘Da al-Idrisi alle Memorie patrie: la Sardegna tra Storiografia e Psichiatria (XII-XIX secolo)’, held in the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Cagliari, 2023, 18 April.
Luciano Gallinari, ‘Da al-Idrisi alle Memorie patrie: la Sardegna tra Storiografia e Psichiatria (XII-XIX secolo)’, held in the Doctorate Course in Historical Studies of the Universities of Florence and Siena; 2023, 14 March.
Conference papers
Giovanni Serreli, ‘Siamo stati giudicati La Sardegna giudicale tra originalità e tradizione’, Cagliari, Ex Vetreria, 5 May 2019.
Hervin Fernández-Aceves, ‘Reading, Connecting, and Visualising the Condaghes: The Networks of Medieval Sardinia’, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, 5 July 2019.
Hervin Fernández-Aceves, ‘Moving from Byzantine to Latin: a Comparative Proposal for the Study of the Sardinian ‘Condaghes’, Society for the Medieval Mediterranean 6th Biennial Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 9 July 2019.
Marco Muresu, ‘The coin as an archaeological ‘settlement marker’ to reconstruct the organization of Byzantine Sardinia (VI-XI cent. AD)’, VI International Numismatic and Economic Conference “Pecunia Omnes Vincit” (Krakow, Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, 31 May–1 June 1 2019).
Thomas Birch (with M. Mrnjić, G. Barfod, G.A. Hagen-Peter, S.M. Sindbæk, and C. Lesher), ‘Identification of silver surface enrichment in historical silver coins – a method improvement and a study of trace element behaviour,’ Archaeometallurgy in Europe (AIE) V, 19–21 June 2019, Miskolc, Hungary.
Marco Muresu, ‘Barbarikinoi, Barbaricini? Riflessioni storiche e archeologiche su un dubbio ancora irrisolto (secoli V-VI)’, Storia della Barbagia. Primo appunto, Gavoi, Sardinia, 9 November 2019.
Hervin Fernández-Aceves, ‘Mapping the networks of Medieval Sardinia’, Digital Humanities Research Forum, Lancaster, UK, 13 November 2019.
Marco Muresu,‘Santa Igia come “città della complessità’, Città tra mare e laguna: da Santa Gilla a Cagliari. Aspetti archeologici, geologici, storici, insediativi e sociali (Cagliari, 19-20 January 2022).
Marco Muresu, ‘Nuovi studi sulla chiesa di S. Maria (Villasimius-Cagliari)’, XII Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Cristiana “Archeologia Cristiana in Italia. Ricerche, metodi e prospettive (1993-2022)” (Rome, 20-23 September 2022).
Marco Muresu, ‘The Byzantine Fibulae of Sardinia’, Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine fibulae. An International e-conference in honour of Dr Maurizio Buora (Izmir, Tukey, 12-13 May 2022).
Marco Muresu, ‘I sigilli arcontali della Sardegna, tra Bisanzio e i Giudicati’. L’Italia Meridionale nel Medioevo. Un centro politico, culturale ed economico (Secoli V-XIII) (Amalfi, Centro di Storia e Cultura Amalfitana, 9-11 December 2021).
Marco Muresu, ‘Identity, Community and ‘Language of Power’ in Byzantine Sardinia: burials in nuraghi (seventh – ninth c. CE)’. International Congress of Classical Antiquities (Rome, Università “Tor Vergata”, 22-24 November 2021).
Marco Muresu, ‘The Byzantine Seals of Sardinia: Rise of the Archontes’. International Congress of Medieval Studies (Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, 13-16 May 2021).
Marco Muresu, ‘Ipotesi di ricostruzione di una rete difensiva nel territorio della Sardegna bizantina. Dati dalle sepolture di militari’, La difesa militare bizantina in Italia (sec. VI-XI) (15-18 April 2021; on line).
Marco Muresu, ‘Lo sviluppo locale e gli itinerari turistico culturali: una tematica di ricerca’, closing event of the third edition of the Project Elini Paese Museo, sponsored by the Comune di Elini and fund by Fondazione di Sardegna (23 January 2021).
Marco Muresu, ‘Coastal and Inland Landscapes of Sardinia between Byzantines and Fatimids. A Matter of Continuity through the Magnifier of Coinage and Amphorae (6th-11th centuries CE)’, Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting (New Orleans, 5-8 January 2023).
Alex Metcalfe, ‘Long-term historiographies – Muslim expansion in the western Mediterranean and the case of medieval Sardinia’. Usages du passé islamique médiévcal et orintalisme dans l’Europe méridionale di XIXe siècle : une histoire transationale (Italie, Espagne, Portugal, France). Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (9–10 February 2023).
Tom Birch, “Rome’s diplomatic mission in the North: archaeometallurgical results from Eggers type 92 bronze cauldrons”. Archaeometallurgy in Europe (6th International Conference), 11th-14th June 2024, Falun (Oral) – with R Andreasen, M Leen Jensen, M Taube, T Grane.
Tom Birch, “Provenancing of Icelandic Viking Age slag: combining strontium isotopes and trace elements”. Archaeometallurgy in Europe (6th International Conference), 11th-14th June 2024, Falun (Oral) – with KU Møller, R Andreasen.
Tom Birch, “The Damhus Hoard: new insights into some of the earliest Viking silver coinage”. Archaeometallurgy in Europe (6th International Conference), 11th-14th June 2024, Falun – with H Horsnæs, R Andreasen, C Feveile, S Merkel, J Kershaw, R Naismith, JC Moesgaard.
Tom Birch, “Romerrigets diplomatiske mission i Norden – Arkæometallurgiske resultater fra Eggers type 92 bronzekar”. Organisationen af Danske Museer – Kultur-, naturhistorisk- og kunstfagligt orienteeringsmøde, 15th-16th November 2023, Munkebjerg Hotel, Vejle (Oral) – with R Andreasen, RB Jensen, M Leen Jensen, M Taube, T Grane.
Tom Birch, “Proveniensbestemmelse af slagge fra Island”. Organisationen af Danske Museer – Kultur-, naturhistorisk- og kunstfagligt orienteeringsmøde, 15th-16th November 2023, Munkebjerg Hotel, Vejle (Poster) – with KU Møller, R Andreasen.
Tom Birch, “Sporing af Guld?” Organisationen af Danske Museer – Kultur-, naturhistorisk- og kunstfagligt orienteeringsmøde, 15th-16th November 2023, Munkebjerg Hotel, Vejle (Poster) – with R Andreasen.
Tom Birch, “Variationer over et tema – romerske bronzekar af Eggers 92 i detajler”. Organisationen af Danske Museer – Kultur-, naturhistorisk- og kunstfagligt orienteeringsmøde, 15th-16th November 2023, Munkebjerg Hotel, Vejle (Poster) – with R Andreasen, Rikke Brok Jensen, M Leen Jensen, M Taube, T Grane.
Tom Birch, Materially (dis)connecting Roman contacts in Southern Scandinavia: using lead isotope and chemical analyses to monitor for variation and to interpret the origins of the Eggers type 92 bronze basins”. Materialising Roman Diplomacy (Workshop), 25th-26th January 2023, Danish Academy in Rome (Oral) – with R Andreasen, RB Jensen.
Alex Metcalfe, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, ‘Long-term historiographies – Muslim expansion in the western Mediterranean and the case of medieval Sardinia’. Usages du passé islamique médiévcal et orintalisme dans l’Europe méridionale di XIXe siècle : une histoire transationale (Italie, Espagne, Portugal, France). 10 February 2023.
Marco Muresu, ‘Weapons and lands: framing the military in Byzantine Sardinia (8th-9th c.)’, International Congress “War in Byzantine and Mediterranean Contexts (9th-16th centuries) -History, Archaeology, Philosophy” (on line, 8-10 December 2023). Held by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Masaryk University Brno; Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”; Ibn-Haldun University, Istanbul.
Marco Muresu, ‘I corredi bizantini della necropoli di Tharros’, National Congress “Ferruccio Barreca tra tutela e ricerca a 100 anni dalla nascita” (Cagliari, 1-2 December 2023). Held by Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni culturali; Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le Province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna.
Marco Muresu, ‘”Remember us”. Framing Byzantine culture in Medieval Sardinia between continuity and storytelling’, Conference of the Association Internationale des Études Byzantines (Komisji Bizantynologicznej Polskiego) (Łódź, 25 November 2023). Held by University of Łódź.
Marco Muresu, ‘Jews and Christians’ relations in the rural landscape of Late Antique Sardinia (5th-6th c. CE)’, International Congress “European Association of Biblical Studies Annual Conference” (Syracuse, 10-13 July 2023). Held by European Association of Biblical Studies, Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose “San Metodio” (Siracusa), Fondazione Centro Biblico Emmaus, Comune di Siracusa, Associazione Biblica Italiana.
Marco Muresu, ‘La valle del fiume Mogoro (Sardegna): ricerche territoriali e lettura diacronica del paesaggio tra età romana e altomedioevo’ (with D. D’Orlando); ‘The Military landscape of Classical and Late Antique Sardinia’ (with J.A. Conti), International Congress“Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity III”. (Rome, 29-31 May 2023). Held by Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
Marco Muresu, ‘Sardinia and the Byzantine west. Paradigm shifts and changing perceptions’, International Congress “Fifth Colloquia Ceranea International Conference” (Łódź, 11-13 May 2023). Held by University of Łódź.
Marco Muresu, ‘Coastal and Inland Landscapes of Sardinia between Byzantines and Fatimids. A Matter of Continuity through the Magnifier of Coinage and Amphorae (6th-11th centuries CE)’ (with L. Soro), International Congress “2023 Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting” (New Orleans, USA, 5-8 January 2023). Held by Archaeological Institute of America.
Marco Muresu, ‘L’umile mensa del monaco. Mangiare in convento’, I pomeriggi del romanico – Ciclo di Conferenze 2024, held by APS Itinera Romanica – Amici del Romanico at Oristano (Museo Diocesano Arborense) (contact: Ms. Giuseppina Deligia). Held on il 16/02/2024.
Marco Muresu, ‘Monete, battaglie e identità: raccontare i giudicati tra conoscenza e narrazione‘, La battaglia di Sanluri: riscoperta e valorizzazione del medioevo in Sardegna (contact: Mr Luca Puddu). Held on 30/06/2023.
Hervin Fernandez-Aceves. Organiser, “Festival del Libro Medieval 2023”, Mexico City, October 2023. Fondo de Cultura Económica and Educal.
Hervin Fernandez-Aceves: Weekly guest speaker on a different cultural or historical topic: Radio Morning Show, EXA FM 101.1, Jalisco and Puebla (México). Every Thursday, 2022–2024.
Hervin Fernandez-Aceves: Public reading, w Vladimir Pallares, “Un juego de tronos realmente medieval: Hugo Falcando en latín y español”, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico City, 21 October.
Luciano Gallinari, ‘Tre sorelle e un miracolo: ovverosia la riscrittura dell’origine dei giudici di Torres (XI-XVI ss.)’, International Conference “Dissentire, lottare, trasgredire: “donne contro” nell’Europa medievale, (Palermo, 13-15 November 2023).
Luciano Gallinari, ‘Negotiating a layered Byzantine identity within the Western Euro-Mediterranean area: the interesting case study of Sardinian Giudicati (10th-13th centuries)’, Race’ Divisive Law, and Group Identity in Medieval Europe, held at the Swansea University (UK), 2023.
Luciano Gallinari, ‘Entre Génova, Pisa, los musulmanes y los condes-reyes catalanes: los orígenes de las relaciones directas e indirectas entre Cerdeña y la Península Ibérica en la Edad Media (siglos XI y XII)’, 11th International Medieval Meeting in Lleida, 2023.
Other Engagement activities
Marco Muresu (with D. D’Orlando), ‘Continuità insediative e possibili sincretismi devozionali nel paesaggio protostorico della Sardegna: i casi dei nuraghi Cuccurada (Mogoro) e Santu Miali (Pompu) nell’alta Marmilla’. Poster presentation. Cagliari, 21–22 June 2019.
Marco Muresu, ‘Monete frazionate dai contesti funerari della Sardegna bizantina’. Poster presentation. Milan, 16-17 September 2019.
Marco Muresu (with G. Seche), ‘Economia e monete della Sardegna medioevale’, TV programme and interview by Simona Scioni, shown on Sardegna Uno, 18 November 2019.
Alex Metcalfe, book launch event for The Making of Medieval Sardinia (Leiden, 2021) at The John Rylands Research Institute and Library in Manchester, 13 June 2022.
Tom Birch, “Towards open data sharing in archaeometallurgy of iron: The CHIPS database and ongoing projects”. Webinar (Laboratoire Archéomatériaux et Prévision de l’Altération/Archéologies et Sciences de l’Antiquité, CNRS), 11th March 2024 (Participant).
Alex Metcalfe: Conference organinsation: Power, society and (dis)connectivity in medieval Sardinia: Cagliari 2–4 May 2024.
Marco Muresu, Participation in the TV broadcast “Radar” on Videolina (contact: Mr. Nicola Scano). Single episode, duration h 1. On air on 09/11/2023.
Marco Muresu, Guided tours at the catacombs and Romanesque basilica of Sant’Antioco (Sant’Antioco, Carbonia-Iglesias) within the cultural event “VI Giornata delle Catacombe 2023 – Percorsi di Pace”, held by the Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra (contact: prof. Rossana Martorelli, Università degli Studi di Cagliari). Held on 07/10/2023; Guided tours at the Romanesque basilica of Sant’Efisio (Pula, Cagliari) within the event “Pularchàios”, held by Fondazione Pula Cultura Diffusa from 7th September to 7th October 2023 (contacts: prof. Rossana Martorelli, Marco Giuman, Romina Carboni, Università degli Studi di Cagliari). Held on 21/09/2023.
Marco Muresu, Guided tours at the Romanesque churches of San Forzorio and Santa Maria di Cepola (Quartu Sant’Elena, Cagliari) within the event “Focus Romanico. Giornata di valorizzazione e studio sulle chiese romaniche di Quartu”, held by Fondazione Sardegna Isola del Romanico and the Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena (contacts: prof. Rossana Martorelli, Università degli Studi di Cagliari; Ms. Anna Maria Demurtas, Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena). Held on 11/06/2023.
Marco Muresu, Conference “Βαρβαρικινοι, Barbaricini? Un tema di ricerca sulla Sardegna bizantina tra archeologia, storiografia e (dis)continuità”, within the series of events “Chronos. Incontri di archeologia e arte in museo”, held by MuA – Museo e Archivio Sinnai (contact: dr. Valerio Deidda). Held on 06/06/2023.
Marco Muresu, Conference “La Sardegna medievale. Potere, società, (dis)continuità”, within the series of events “Expat4Art”, held by Associazione Amici del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari (contact: dr. Franco Masala). Duration h 1. Held on 23/05/2023.
Marco Muresu, Conference “Sardegna Bizantina: davvero la periferia al centro?”, held by Gruppo Culturale III Millennio Futuro within the activities of the University of the Third Age of Cagliari (contact: Mr. Pietro Corona). Duration h 2. Held on 04/05/2023.
Marco Muresu, Conference “Un castrum bizantino a Sant’Antioco? Storie e vicende di un luogo scomparso”, held by Istituto Italiano Castelli – Sezione Sardegna (Cagliari) (contact: prof. Marcello Schirru, Università degli Studi di Cagliari). Duration h 2. Held on 04/05/2023.
Marco Muresu, Conference “La Sardegna di Bisanzio. L’isola prima dei giudici”, held by Cooperativa Villa Abbas and the Municipality of Sardara (Sud Sardegna) (contact: Mr. Giuseppe Garau). Duration h 2. Held on 25/02/2023.
Luciano Gallinari, Chair of a Round Table entitled ‘Jeux Vidéo, Pratiques plastiques contemporaines et histoire(s)’, Dèpartement Arts Plastiques; centre de recherche RIRRA21 – Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier (France) and the Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea of the Italian CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), 2023.
Awards and prizes
Marco Muresu, Research Award at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection (Jan–Feb 2019).
Marco Muresu, 24th ‘Premio Cimitile’ Prize awarded for the best monograph on Christian and Medieval Archaeology published in Italy (2019).
Hervin Fernández-Aceves, British School at Rome Award (2019).