Promoting and supporting open-science with PROSPR

A major goal of the LUSTRE project is to promote and support data management skills among psychology students. Since students will form the backbone of early career researchers in psychology in the future, and senior researchers in the successive academic generation- we believe it is important to instill good practices amongst students as early as possible, and embed skill development into their learning environment and experience. By providing students with the opportunity to explore data management among peers, and experience a range of issues connected with data stewardship, we believe that they will be much better placed to discuss and advance open science issues for themselves.


LUSTRE has been developed at Lancaster University by a team who have been interested in both the pursuit of statistical skills (fostered by the availability of examples of relevant datasets) and the pursuit of open science goals. For the latter, the project benefits from being situated within a community group PROSPR, (Promoting Open Science PRactices)