Investigates female characters’ linguistic features in three animated Disney princess films from the 1990’s. Includes a quantitative analyses of the linguistic features of the princess’ speech whilst also providing qualitative analyses to consider these features in context through excerpts from the scripts. This study would be useful for those who are interested in stereotypical feminine … Continue reading Al-Yasin and Rabab’ah (2021) Female Disney characters’ linguistic features in the 1990’s
Tag: Pocahontas
Bertović (2019) Gender differences in Disney princess movies
Examines the speech of male and female characters and how language features have changed over time in six Disney films from 1950-2016. There is qualitative analysis of specific linguistic features across each film with script excerpts being provided where appropriate. Politeness/impoliteness features are also examined. Quantitative analysis provides a general insight into how language use … Continue reading Bertović (2019) Gender differences in Disney princess movies
Kirjavainen (2013) Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the bluntest of them all?
Examines differences in female language use of the protagonists in ten Disney princess films from 1937-2010. Considers how their use of language has changed over time. Mostly detailed quantitative analysis of linguistic features, presented in diagrams and figures. Some contextual examples are given. Useful for those interested in how female protagonists’ language use has shifted … Continue reading Kirjavainen (2013) Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the bluntest of them all?
Li-Vollmer and LaPointe (2003) Gender transgression and villainy in animated film
Covers the presentation of male villains from ten animated feature films as queer or transgressive in their performances of gender. Areas examined qualitatively include the villains' physical attributes, costuming and props, body language, activities, and dialogue, as well as more general queering of the antagonists. This article will be useful if you are interested in … Continue reading Li-Vollmer and LaPointe (2003) Gender transgression and villainy in animated film
Putnam (2012) Mean ladies
Covers the presentation of male and female Disney villains' gender performances as queer or transgressive. Physical attributes, clothing, and actions the villains are shown performing are considered using qualitative analysis, and the ways in which the villains subvert heteronormative gender expectations are highlighted. This book chapter will be useful if you are interested in how … Continue reading Putnam (2012) Mean ladies
Wiersma (2000) The gendered world of Disney
Examines the presentation of stereotypical gender-roles in sixteen animated Disney films. Traits observed included physical appearance, employment, societal/familial power and character traits. Mostly qualitative analysis, including discussions about relevant scenes/characters that fit particular point of analysis. No detailed linguistic analysis but would be useful for a general overview on how a large sample of Disney’s … Continue reading Wiersma (2000) The gendered world of Disney