Begum (2022) He said, she said

Focuses on how two Disney princess films use language to perpetuate sexist tropes against both men and women. Considers percentage of dialogue spoken by each gender and frequency of certain language features such as commands and interruptions. Data is mostly quantitative with no detailed linguistic analysis of sample extracts. This paper would be useful for … Continue reading Begum (2022) He said, she said

Davis (2007) Good girls and wicked witches

Covers the depictions of human female protagonists and antagonists in Disney’s animated feature films released between 1937 and 2005. Along with providing background information on animation, Disney (the studio and the person) and constructions of femininity in American popular culture, a fairly large number of specific films are examined in depth. These analyses will be … Continue reading Davis (2007) Good girls and wicked witches

Davis (2014) Handsome heroes and vile villains

Covers the depictions of human male protagonists and antagonists in Disney’s animated feature films from 1937 to 2012. A fairly large number of films are each examined in detail, with three chapters on the protagonists (covering heroes in childhood or adolescence, non-aristocratic adults, and royals) and one on the villains. This book will be useful … Continue reading Davis (2014) Handsome heroes and vile villains

Davis (2019) Discussing Disney

Covers a wide range of topics relating to Disney’s history, studio practices, constructions of gender and the ways Disney is discussed in wider society. This book will be useful if you are interested in gaining a greater background knowledge of Disney, and the section on gender (particularly chapters seven, eight and ten, relating to cosmetic … Continue reading Davis (2019) Discussing Disney

Fadina (2016) Fairytale women

Explores how constructions of femininity can be manipulated through the reshaping of the Russian national past i.e. folklore, using a mixture of qualitative and empirical analysis. Focuses on stereotypes of female characters and the normalization of domestic abuse. Covers the history and ideology behind Russian/post-soviet animation, with a focus on women’s place in it. Analyses … Continue reading Fadina (2016) Fairytale women

Fought and Eisenhauer (2022) Language and gender in children’s animated films: Exploring Disney and Pixar

Looks at the representation of speech used by (and about) male and female Disney and Pixar characters and relates this to filmmakers’ choices to support or challenge language and gender ideologies. Combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Fought, C., & Eisenhauer, K. (2022). Language and Gender in Children's Animated Films: Exploring Disney and Pixar. Cambridge: Cambridge … Continue reading Fought and Eisenhauer (2022) Language and gender in children’s animated films: Exploring Disney and Pixar

Wooden and Gillam (2014) Pixar’s boy stories

Explores the masculinities presented in Pixar films, including Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Up and Monsters Inc. Considers the factors that shape male characters in contemporary children’s animation, such as postfeminism, consumerism and competition. There is a focus on the representation of boyhood, in both protagonists and villains. This book would be useful for those interested … Continue reading Wooden and Gillam (2014) Pixar’s boy stories