Sandlin and Garlen (2016) Disney, culture, and curriculum

Looks at Disney’s role in teaching ideas on gender, race and class. Chapters which focus on gender (intersectionally), queerness and language include: 4,5,7, 11 & 14. This book would be useful for those interested in the impact of animation on formation of identity and gender roles, as well as the intersection of gender, race and … Continue reading Sandlin and Garlen (2016) Disney, culture, and curriculum

Scheffer-Wentz (2020) Let it Go: A Critical Comparative Analysis of the Modern-Day Female Protagonist Based on Disney’s Frozen and Frozen II

A qualitative comparative content analysis of gender roles in both Frozen I and II. The study of the two films in a broad content analysis of gender through 4 codes of emotion, traditional gender traits, role within the film, and the aesthetic perception of the characters. Language is used to pluck out the occurrences of … Continue reading Scheffer-Wentz (2020) Let it Go: A Critical Comparative Analysis of the Modern-Day Female Protagonist Based on Disney’s Frozen and Frozen II

Shehatta (2020) Breaking stereotypes

Covers the presentation of the protagonist, Princess Merida, in the Disney/Pixar film Brave. A multimodal approach was taken by the researcher, using both visual and linguistic analysis (looking at politeness strategies and face-threatening acts in particular). This article will be useful if you are interested in how femininity relates to politeness in animated films, particularly … Continue reading Shehatta (2020) Breaking stereotypes

Sheikh (2017) Stereotypical gender representations in Chhota Bheem

Explores stereotypical gender representations in both male and female characters in children’s animation Chhota Bheem. Looks at gender ratios of characters, physical characteristics and language of selected dialogues. Largely qualitative analysis, with a focus on the linguistics of chosen dialogues from the programme and how they reflect hegemonic gender stereotypes through critical discussion. This paper … Continue reading Sheikh (2017) Stereotypical gender representations in Chhota Bheem

Shimada (2011) Representations of girls in Japanese Magical Girl TV animation programmes from 1966 to 2003 and Japanese female audiences’ understanding of them

Provides a cultural context of the Shojo genre and japanese feminism. Textually analyses 6 different animations - Sally the Witch (1966-68), The Secrets of Akko-chan (1969-70), Meg the Little Witch (1974-75), Magical Angel Creamy Mami (1983-84), Sailor Moon (1992 -2000) and Magical Doremi (1999-2003). Focus on the traits, behaviour and language used in relation to … Continue reading Shimada (2011) Representations of girls in Japanese Magical Girl TV animation programmes from 1966 to 2003 and Japanese female audiences’ understanding of them

Sliepushova (2020) Father-child discourse in Family Guy

Examines the differences in language use in father-son/daughter discourses in the animated series Family Guy. Applies a corpus-based analysis of the series’ scripts from seven episodes from 1998-2005, focusing on a direct and detailed linguistic comparison between the father’s predominant language use directed towards his son contrasted with his daughter. This paper would be useful … Continue reading Sliepushova (2020) Father-child discourse in Family Guy

Stecher (2023) Animating Gender: A Medium Drawn to Transness

Applies transgender theory to animation as a medium. Focuses mostly on character design, and the gendering of non-human characters but also contains a chapter on the impact of voice on gender representation which may be useful for those interested voice tone, pitch etc. in animated characters. Stecher, D. (2023). Animating Gender: A Medium Drawn to … Continue reading Stecher (2023) Animating Gender: A Medium Drawn to Transness

Sundqvist (2005) Gender specific language in animated movies

Studies 10 pragmatic features in the films Antz and Finding Nemo in relation to gender specific language - talkativeness, interruptions, tags and hedges, discourse and topics, gossip, voice, standard and non-standard language, profanity, politeness and verbal irony and figurative speech. This study would be useful for those interested in statistical analysis of gender representation and … Continue reading Sundqvist (2005) Gender specific language in animated movies