Call for Participation

A growing appreciation of the heterogeneity of older adults has motivated deep reflection on why aging matters to HCI. This workshop aims to promote discussion on the current state of the field of HCI and Aging, emergent areas of interest, and the implications of these changes for computing best practice.

The workshop will be conducted in hybrid format Saturday 11th May (9:00-17:00 PST). The workshop is designed in two parts to allow remote attendees in different time zones to join either the morning or afternoon, but participants are strongly encouraged to join for the full duration. The morning will focus on new directions for HCI and Aging research, and the afternoon will focus on elaborating new principles to guide research and development.

Researchers and practitioners wishing to attend should submit a position paper which can add to discussion by:

i) highlighting a new area of interest or change in the field of HCI and Aging research and tracking its origin and evolution;
ii) proposing a new area of concern/interest and explaining its significance to the field of HCI and Aging; or
iii) proposing one or more principles to guide HCI and Aging research.

Submission of papers

Position papers should be a maximum of 4 pages (excluding references, using the CHI Extended Abstract format), and be submitted by emailing a copy (.docx or .pdf format) to .

Accepted position papers will be published as a collection via An author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and at least one day of the CHI conference.

Early career researchers and developers wishing to attend for their own enrichment but not wishing to submit a position paper are invited to apply for any remaining spaces.