

Waterton, C., Maberly, S.C., Tsouvalis, J., Watson, N., Winfield, I.J., Norton, L.R. (2015) Committing to place: the potential of open collaborations for trusted environmental governance PLOS Biology, 13(3), e1002081-e1002081.

Tsouvalis, J. and Waterton, C. (2015) ‘On the political nature of cyanobacteria: experimenting with intra-active collective politics in Loweswater, the English Lake District’ Environment and Planning D (In press).

Waterton, C. and Tsouvalis, J. (2015) An experiment with intensities: village hall reconfigurings of the world within a new participatory collective in Chilvers, J & M. Kearnes (eds) Remaking Participation: Science, Democracy and Emergent Publics.London: Routledge-Earthscan. (In press).

Waterton, C., Maberly, S. Norton, L. Tsouvalis, J. Watson, N. Winfield, I. (2015) ‘Loweswater’ in Smith, L and Porter, K and Hiscock, K and Porter, MJ and Benson, D, eds. (2015) Catchment and River Basin Management: Integrating Science and Governance.UK: Routledge. (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) (In press)

Norton, L., Maberly, S., Waterton, C. Watson, N., and Tsouvalis, J. (2014) The relevance of scale to water governance: an example from Loweswater, UK. In Padt, F., Opdam, P., Polman, N. and Termer, C. Scale Sensitive Governance of the Environment. Chichester: Wiley, Blackwell. pp. 73-87.


Mackenzie, A., Waterton, C., Ellis, R., Frow, E. K., McNally, R., Busch, L., & Wynne, B. (2013) Classifying, Constructing, and Identifying Life Standards as Transformations of “The Biological”. Science, Technology & Human Values, 38(5), 701-722

Reynolds, L. & Szerszynski, B. “The post-political and the end of nature: the case of the GMO” in Wilson, J. & Swyngedouw, E. (eds). The Post-Political and Its Discontents: Spaces of Depoliticization, Spectres of Radical Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (forthcoming).

Turnhout, E., Waterton, C., Neves, K., & Buizer, M. “Technocratic and Economic ideals in the Ecosystem Services Discourse, response to Abson and Hanspach”.Conservation Letters. (forthcoming).

Manderscheid, K., T. Schwanen and D. Tyfield ‘Mobilities and Foucault’, a Special Issue of Mobilities. (forthcoming)

Tyfield, D. & J. Urry  ‘Energizing Society’, a Special Issue of Theory, Culture & Society. (forthcoming)

Tyfield, D. ‘Transition to Science 2.0: ‘Remoralizing’ the Economy of Science’, Spontaneous Generations, Special Issue on The Economics of Science. (forthcoming)

Tyfield, D. (forthcoming) ‘Neoliberalism and Science’, in Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: An International Resource, second edition of the Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, Macmillan Library Reference.

Tyfield, D. (forthcoming) ‘The Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy: A Critical Realist Critique’, in R. Bhaskar, K. G. Høyer and P. Naess (eds), Crisis System: A Critical Realist and Critical Environmental Critique of Contemporary Economics, London: Routledge.

Welsh, I. & Wynne, B. (2013). Science, Scientism and Imaginaries of Publics in the UK: Passive Objects, Incipient Threats. Science as Culture. 22, 4

Palsson, G., Szerszynski, B., Sörlin, S., Marks, J., Avril, B., Crumley, C., Hackmann, H., Holm, P., Ingram, J., Pardo Buendía, M. & Weehuizen, R.  (2013).Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene: Integrating the social sciences and humanities in global environmental change research. Environmental Science and Policy. 28, p. 3-13

Tyfield, D. (2013). “Transportation and low-carbon development”. In: Urban, F. & Nordensvärd, J. (eds.). Low carbon development: key issues. London: Routledge. – colaboración internacional

Beck, U., Blok, A., Tyfield, D. & Zhang, J. Y (2013) Cosmopolitan communities of climate risk: conceptual and empirical suggestions for a new research agenda. Global Networks. 13(1) p.1-21

Tyfield, D. (2013). The Demise of Capitalism?: Lessons from an Entropic Perspective on the Current Crises – Review of Robert Biel (2012) ‘The Entropy of Capitalism’ Journal of Critical Realism. 12, 1, p. 112-128

Wynne, B., Waterton, C. & Ellis, R. (2013) Barcoding nature: shifting cultures of taxonomy in an age of biodiversity loss. London: Routledge.

Waterton, C. (2013) ‘Publics expérimentaux? Les affiliations avec les objets qui permettent de mieux comprendre les politiques de participation’, in Dumain, A., Roux, J. and Charvolin, F.(2013) Les Passions Cognitives: l’objectivité à l’épreuve des affects. Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines.

Szerszynski, B (2013) Book Review: What Every Environmentalist Needs To Know About Capitalism: A Citizen’s Guide to Capitalism and the Environment, by Magdoff, F. and Foster, J. B. Organization & Environment September 2013 26: 355-357

Tyfield, D. (2013) Review of B. Flyvbjerg, T. Landmann and S. Schramm (eds) (2012) Real Social Science: Applied Phronesis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in Journal of Transport Geography.

Wynne, B (2013), “Global Science, Mexican Maize and Molecular Neoliberalism: shifting foundations of science, innovation and policy for sustainable food and agriculture” (translated in Spanish), in E. Alvarez-Buylla, and A. Pineyro-Nelson, eds., El maiz en Peligro: un Analisis Cientifico, Mexico City: Edicions Cesar Carillo, 2013, pp. 277-310


Szerszynski, B. (2012) The end of the end of nature: the Anthropocene and the fate of the human. Oxford Literary Review. 34, 2, p. 165-184

Birch, K. & Tyfield, D. (2012). Theorizing the Bioeconomy: Biovalue, Biocapital, Bioeconomics or…What? Science Technology & Human Values. 38, 3, p. 299-327

Tsouvalis, J. & Waterton, C. (2012). Building ‘participation’ upon critique: The Loweswater Care Project, Cumbria, UK. Environmental Modelling and Software. 36, p. 111-121

Wickson, F. & Wynne, B. (2012). Ethics of Science for Policy in the Environmental Governance of Biotechnology: MON810 Maize in Europe. Ethics, Policy and Environment. 15, 3, p. 321-340

Schicktanz  S, Schweda M, and Wynne B, (2012), “The ethics of ‘public understanding of ethics’—why and how bioethics expertise should include public and patients’ voices”, Medicine and Health Care Philosophy,  May 2012, vol.15(2):129-39.

Turnhout, E, Bloomfield. B, Hulme. M, Vogel. J, and Wynne. B, (2012), “Listen to the Voices of Experience: the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity Should Learn Lessons from the IPCC”,  Nature Volume:, vol. 488, (23 August 2012), pp. 454-455.

Tyfield, D. & Urry, J. (2012). Greening China’s ‘Cars’: Could the Last be First?Working paper. Lancaster: Lancaster University.

Tyfield, D. (2012). The Economics of Science: A Critical Realist Overview –Volume 1: Illustrations and Philosophical Preliminaries, London: Routledge. 230 pp.

Tyfield, D. (2012) The Economics of Science: A Critical Realist Overview –Volume 2: Towards a Synthesis of Political Economy and Science & Technology Studies, London: Routledge. 210 pp.

Tyfield, D. (2012). A Cultural Political Economy of Research and Innovation in an Age of Crisis. Minerva. 50, 2, p. 149-167

Psarikidou, K. & Szerszynski, B. (2012). Growing the social: alternative agro-food networks and social sustainability in the urban ethical foodscape. Sustainability:Science Practice, and Policy. 8, 1, p. 30-39

Wickson, F. & Wynne, B. (2012). The Anglerfish Deception:The light of proposed reform in the regulation of GM crops hides underlying problems in EU science and governance. EMBO Reports. 13 , 2, p. 100-105

Psarikidou, K. & Szerszynski, B. (2012). The moral economy of civic food networks in Manchester. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food. 19, 3, p. 309-327

Reynolds, L & Szerszynski,B.(2012). “Neoliberalism and technology: Perpetual innovation or perpetual crisis?” in Pellizzoni, L. & Ylönen, M. (ed) Neoliberalism and Technoscience: Critical Assessments. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012, pp. 27-46.

Turnhout, E., Waterton, C. Neves, K., and Buizer, M. (2012) Rethinking biodiversity: from goods and services to “living with”. Conservation Letters 6 (2013) 154–161.

Tsouvalis, J, Waterton, Claire, Winfield, I.J. (2012) “Intra-actions in Loweswater, Cumbria: New Collectives, Blue-Green Algae, and the Visualization of Invisible Presences through Sound and Science”. In Gillian Rose and Diviya P. Tolia-Kelly (eds.) Architectures of Visuality. Ashgate. pp 109-132.


Wynne, B. (2011), “Lab Work Goes Social – and Vice-Versa: Strategising Public Engagement”. Science and Engineering Ethics, vol. 17(4), pp.791-800.

Doubleday, R and Wynne, B, (2011) “Despotism and Democracy in the United Kingdom: Experiments in Reframing Citizenship Through Science”, in S. Jasanoff, ed, Reframing Rights: Bioconstitutionalism in The Genetic Age, Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

Wynne, B (2011), “Intolerance: Science Informs, not Defines”, Nature, vol. 471, p.305  17 March 2011.

Fish, R., Austin, Z., Christley, R., Haygarth, P. M., Heathwaite, A. L., Heathwaite, L. A., Latham, S., Medd, W., Mort, M., Oliver, D. M., Pickup, R., Wastling, J. M. &Wynne, B. (2011). Uncertainties in the governance of animal disease: an interdisciplinary framework for analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B – Biological Sciences. 366, 1573, p. 2023-2034

Tyfield. D. (2011). ‘Food Systems Transition and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovation: Implications for a Food Security Research Agenda’, Journal of Experimental Botany62(11): 3701-6.


Waterton, C. (2010). Experimenting with the Archive: STS-ers as Analysts and Co-constructors of Databases and other Archives. Science Technology and Human Values. 35, 5, p. 645-676

Levidow, L., Price, B., Psarikidou, K., Szerszynski, B. & Wallace, H. (2010). Urban Agriculture as Community Engagement in Manchester. Urban Agriculture. 24, p. 43-45.

Szerszynski, B. & Urry, J. (2010). Changing climates: introduction. Theory, Culture and Society. 27, 2-3, p. 1-8.

Szerszynski, B. (2010). Reading and writing the weather: climate technics and the moment of responsibility. Theory, Culture and Society. 27, 2-3, p. 9-30.

Wynne, B. (2010). Strange Weather, Again: Climate Science as Political Art.Theory, Culture and Society. 27, 2-3, p. 289-305.

Ellis, R., Waterton, C. & Wynne, B.  (2010). Taxonomy, biodiversity and their publics in twenty-first-century DNA barcoding. Public Understanding of Science. 19, 4, p. 497-512.

Waterton, C. (2010) ‘Barcoding Nature: strategic naturalisation as innovatory practice in the genomic ordering of things’ in S. Parry and J. Dupré, Nature After the genome. Chichester: Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. pp 152-171.

Tyfield, D. & J. Jin (2010) ‘Low-Carbon Disruptive Innovation in China’, in Tyfield & Jin (eds) Special Issue of Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China on ‘Low-Carbon Innovation in China’ 2(3): 269-282.

Tyfield, D. & Urry, J. (2010) ‘Cosmopolitan China?’, in U. Beck (ed.), Special Issue ofSoziale Welt on ‘Second Modernity – Variations’. [Revised version of Tyfield & Urry (2009)]

Tyfield, D. & Wilsdon, J. (2010) ‘Low Carbon China: the role of international collaboration’, in S. Yao, B. Wu and Z. Wang (eds) Reform, Innovation and Sustainable Development in China, London: Routledge.

Tyfield, D. (2010) ‘Neoliberalism and intellectual property rights: TRIPs and the US patent coalition’, in K. Birch, V. Mykhnenko and K. Trebeck (eds) The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism: The Collapse of an Economic Order?, London: Zed.

Wynne, B, (2010), “Normalising Europe – and the World – Through Science: risk, uncertainty and precaution”, in S. Rodoto and M-C Tallachini, eds., Treatise on BioLaw and Bioethics,  Giuffre Editore, Milan, chapter IV.2, pp.491-514

Wynne, B, (2010), “Foreword”, pp iv-xv, Andrew Feenberg, Between Reason and Experience, Cambridge MA: MIT Press

Tyfield, D. (2010) Review of K. Kuah-Pearce and G. Guiheux (2009) Social Movements in China and Hong Kong: The Expansion of Protest Space, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, in Contemporary Sociology.


Watson, N., Heathwaite, L., Maberly, S., Norton, L., Waterton, C., Tsouvalis, J. &Haygarth, P. (2009). Integrated catchment management and the WFD: Dealing with the complexity and uncertainty of diffuse pollution from agriculture.Tearmann: the Irish journal of agri-environmental research. 7, p. 195-210.

Stengel, K., Taylor, J. E., Waterton, C. & Wynne, B. (2009). Plant sciences and the public good. Science Technology and Human Values. 34, 3, p. 289-312.

Tyfield, D. & J. Urry (2009). ‘Cosmopolitan China?’, British Journal of Sociology, 60(4): 793-812.

Tyfield, D., Y. Zhu & J. Cao (2009). ‘The importance of “International Collaboration Dividend” – the case of China’, Science & Public Policy, 36(9): 723-735.

Tyfield, D. (2009). ‘Raging at imaginary Don Quixotes: Reply to Giraud & Weintraub’, Erasmus Journal of Philosophy and Economics, 2(1): 60-69.

Tyfield, D. (2009). ‘A Surplus of ‘Surplus’?: a review of Life as Surplus by Melinda Cooper’, Science as Culture 18(4): 497-500.

Tyfield, D. (2009) Review of B.J. Cohen (2008) International Political Economy: An Intellectual History, Princeton: Princeton University Press, and R. Albritton (2007)Economics Transformed: Discovering the Brilliance of Marx, London: Pluto, in Millennium 37: 824-827.