What is CAISS

The Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Social Science (CAISS) hub is a virtual gathering of people who have an interest in the use of technology in society. CAISS covers topics ranging from the use of digital data capture and analysis techniques for social science, including associated issues of ethics and bias, through to the effects of technologies such as the internet and artificial intelligence (AI) on human behaviour.

Who is involved in CAISS

CAISS is a collaboration between the Alan Turing Institute, Dstl, and Lancaster University. The hub aims to develop and engage a broad community of people with an interest in the intersection of technology with society.

What does CAISS do?

CAISS was formed in 2022 and has so far worked on projects to look at bias in social science (including a scoping review and information-gathering workshops), as well as projects examining the use of facial recognition software to analyse the relationship between facial features and individual characteristics of personality.

How do I contact CAISS?

Getting connected to CAISS is easy, for whatever reason.  If you want to be added to the mailing list for our regular newsletter, or if you’re excited to collaborate, contact us through this website, or email direct at