March 13 seminar: why language matters in environmental communication

Thursday 13th March, 12.-1.30pm, Charles Carter C37/40 Lancaster University

with Arran Stibbe and Paul Chilton

Ecolinguistics – the search for new stories to live by
Arran Stibbe, a reader in ecological linguistics at the University of Gloucestershire will give a whirlwind tour of the many areas that ecolinguistics covers, from the discourse of neoclassical economics to Japanese nature poetry, investigating how language encourages people to protect or destroy the ecological systems that support life.
Download presentation stibbe 2014 ecolinguistics
Analysing Climate Change Denier Discourse

Climate change denial is both a cognitive and verbal act. In this brief talk Paul Chilton, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at Lancaster University, will analyse a denial text in order to show how a well known speaker against climate change manipulates cognitive frames, patterns of argumentation, and other elements in strategic discourse.

Download presentation Chilton 2014_climate change deniers