Meet the team

3d printing my friend's brain in bright orange

Dr Hannah J Stewart – Head Pelican

I am a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology. I am a paediatric auditory neuroscientist and am interested in the effect of everyday hearing technology on children with typical hearing and hearing loss. Specifically, on their cognitive development and academic ability. I use neuroimaging techniques to understand the underlying mechanisms of speech and non-speech listening skills. I am also exploring how to bring gaming and virtual reality to paediatric hearing and listening research.

I completed my PhD at the MRC Institute of Hearing Research looking at auditory attention in children. During my PhD I won ERASMUS funding to go to the Rotman Institute in Toronto to work with Dr Claude Alain and learn how to use EEG and MRI. This grew my love for neuroimaging and led me to postdocs at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital with Professor David Moore, where I led the MRI work, and UCL with Professor Stuart Rosen.

My work has been funded by UKRI, EPSRC, MRC, ERASMUS ACN, The Oticon Foundation, RNiD and NSF.

Outside of science I am a big baker, cakes and puddings especially. Lately I have been tearing my house apart and am slowly putting it back together again.

Marianna Muszynska

Research assistant: VR Programmer

I am currently a PhD student at the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development in the Physical Cognition Lab under the supervision of Dr. Ori Ossmy. I am interested in cognitive, neural and behavioural patterns that children with ADHD exhibit while solving problems.  We use embodied virtual reality in the form of cartoon-like games to explore these patterns and individual differences, such as perception-action strategies children use to solve embodied problems or how they adapt to changing environments. 

I have completed my BA in Cultural Studies with Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Lodz, Poland where my research project focused on analysing the impact of screens and other digital effects on the audience during the musical performance. Further I completed my second undergraduate at Birkbeck, BSc in Biomedicine with Biophysics, and finally my MSc in Psychology, also at Birkbeck where I focused on ADHD and its impact on action planning in adults. 

If not science, you can find me either horse riding, running or really badly playing the violin.  

El Smith

Research assistant: James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership

I am a final year undergraduate student in the Psychology Department. I am interested in pursuing an academic career focusing on Developmental Psychology and Neuroscience. I am focused on utilising neuroscientfic methods to  further understanding within childrens development. I am also interested in factors affecting children’s hearing.
Outside of resaerch, I spend my time training as an Aerial Circus Performer. I have been training and progressing for the last 2 years.

Megan Griffiths

Research assistant & EPSRC funded summer intern

I am an undergraduate student of psychology with a particular interest in neuroscience and developmental psychology. Specifically, I am fascinated by the biology of the brain and how it works to allow us to live our lives, from learning language to regulating our emotions and so on. I am also very interested in how atypical development and disorders can be studied in the brain.

In my personal life I enjoy reading fiction and baking. Something particularly delicious that I enjoy making is kladdkaka, a Swedish dessert that is a cross between a brownie and a chocolate cake!

Faye Brookes

Research assistant

I am an undergraduate Psychology student at Lancaster University. Within psychology I have a particular interest in Neuroscience. In my spare time, I am part of the baking society executive and enjoy reading thriller books.

Amelia Simmonds

Research assistant & LuCiD funded summer intern

I am an undergraduate psychology student who’s interested in developmental psychology particularly atypical development. Specifically, the ways in which learning disorders can negatively impact a child’s experience of mainstream education.

When I’m not studying, I enjoy doing trampolining and playing netball. I also love doing jigsaw puzzles particularly challenging ones with over 3,000 pieces.

Erin Rothwell-Wood

Research assistant

I am an undergraduate Psychology student at Lancaster University, with a particular interest in Developmental Psychology and Neuroscience.  More specifically, I’m interested in how adverse childhood experiences can impact our neurobiology.

Outside of psychology, I enjoy playing and watching netball and spending time with my dog, Ziggy and my cat, Lucy.

Dayna Tryer

Research assistant

Holly Amos

Research assistant: James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership

After graduating with my BSc in Psychology, I began working as a Communication Support Worker in a resource base mainstream primary school supporting deaf pupils using BSL (British Sign Language). After 4 years in this role, I then became a research assistant at The University of Sheffield working on ‘The ONE’  which is an Education Endowment Foundation funded project focusing on early maths development and executive function skills in preschool children.  

And now, I am a research assistant here at The University of Lancaster working on the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss which aims to explore the research priorities of children with deafness and hearing loss across the UK. 

I am specifically interested in how we can support deaf children in their learning and development.  

In my free time, I enjoy playing board games with my friends as well as playing video games (particularly on the Nintendo switch!).  

Eeman Patel

Research assistant: James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership

I am a undergraduate psychology student as well as a student ambassador for the Psychology department. I enjoy content creating and meeting new people. I’m passionate about clinical psychology and hope to pursue a career in that.  I also enjoy neuroscience and learning about the complexities of the human brain. Outside of academics, you’ll find me travelling or exploring new places! 

Paediatric Listening, Cognition and Neuroscience

The PELiCAN Lab is associated with Lancaster University’s BabyLab.

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