The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37) Wednesday July 29, 2015 from 4PM to 5PM. The reading…

A little slideshow with sound to accompany the reading for the July 15, 2015 Mobilities Reading Group meeting, Ceri Houlbrook’s “The Mutability of Meaning: Contextualizing…

http://youtu.be/InbkSd7YjJk Monika Büscher’s reflections on Jean-Luc Nancy’s Being Singular Plural (the Mobilities Reading Group text for April 23, 2015).

I took advantage of the amazing weather last Friday and spent the afternoon by the sea using one of the Mobslab iPads to work on…

A new mobilities research reading group begins on Thursday 19th February at 4.30 in the mobilities lab. Our first reading is Deadly Algorithms by Susan…

A small team from the mobilities.lab experiment (Jen Southern) and Edinburgh University (Chris Speed, Anais Moisy & Chris Barker) tracked, filmed and photographed the Uppies…
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