
As part of the MII Greenland project we will be extending the Ice Flows computer game to include a “Greenland World”.  Ice Flows was launched in 2016, based on the Antarctic Ice Sheet, and has been widely used in schools and universities as an educational outreach tool.  The development of the Greenland World will enable us to communicate the results of the project in a fun, interactive and engaging way.  You can find out more about Ice Flows at www.iceflowsgame.com, or read on below.

Ice Flows:

Ice Flows is a game about climate, ice sheets and a variety of characters with which you play along.  Your task in the Antarctic world is to get a penguin to its dinner, without being eaten itself!  The game is built around a simple computer model of how ice flows, so the player can do their own climate experiments in an engaging way.  The Greenland world will introduce a host of new characters and a bonus level which will communicate the nature of the hydrological system in the Greenland Ice Sheet.



Existing teaching resources are available via the website www.iceflowsgame.com/resources.html, created in association with the Geographical Association.  We will be extending these resources to include material relevant to Greenland as part of this project.

Further outreach:

We will also work with the UK Polar Network to bring these teaching materials, alongside the game itself, into schools.  These sessions will be facilitated by UKPN volunteers.