At the Faculty forums at the beginning of February, student reps gave us lots of feedback on your behalf. Your experience of using the refurbished building has been positive, although there are also some issues that you want us to address.
The Library environment
You said that the library can be messy at times, particularly the group study spaces. We have placed an order for bins for all group study spaces and introduced daily early morning cleaning of the rooms.
Issues with some aspects of the building environment were highlighted, including lights going out when you are studying, and problems with heating and ventilation. The refurbished building still needs some fine-tuning to ensure the optimum conditions, and this is being addressed urgently. Please help us by telling a member of library staff of any specific areas where you have had a problem.
Computers and printers
You asked for clearer information about the availability and use of loanable laptops, computers and printers. We will shortly be introducing an additional laptop loan machine to provide a further 30 laptops. We’ll also be adding more information to these facilities to provide guidance on their use at the point that you need it.
Information and signs
We are reviewing how we use the information screens in the Library to make key information more prominent. We’ll focus information about the building, such as computer and group work space availability, on the touch screen and on the A Floor information screen. We’ll also look at making this available online.
You highlighted that the locations of some subject areas were difficult to find so we’ve introduced some additional signs to make this easier.
Study space
Feedback provided earlier in the year indicated that some areas of the building were too noisy, that there was frustration where others left coats on seats for long periods of time and that we needed more chairs.
We have reintroduced quiet and silent zones, purchased additional chairs and have been working with LUSU to promote considerate study behaviour.
You’ve highlighted that the popularity of the Library and the distribution of study space means that it can be hard to find somewhere to study. We are launching Library Journeys and Intelligent Building projects to look at innovative ways of providing you with information about the building, including study space availability.
Your feedback about the refurbished Library has helped us to make a number of improvements. Please continue to share your experiences with us and work with us to make the Library a great place to study.