2019 ESP and SOCL200 – Field Trip to Manchester

Collage of photos showing staff and students on the trip


The new second year schedule of events got off to a great start with ESP’s first field trip.  Alongside staff and students from our SOCL200 module, we travelled to Manchester for a walking tour to learn more about the life and work of Marx and Engels 

Marx arrived in Manchester from Germany, and it is here that they conducted much of the research that fuelled their ideas about capitalism and society, resulting in some of the most influential books ever written, including The Condition of the Working Class in England.  The tour took us around key locations and sites of 19th century Manchester, helping us to see the city through the eyes of these early theorists. 

We had a brilliant afternoon… in the words of those who came: 

The history of Engels and Marx was brought alive. The descriptions were vivid enough to imagine Marx walking around’ 

The fieldtrip put Marx into his biographical, historical and political context, and it was fascinating to learn about his relationship with Engels’ 

[we learnt] new, exciting information on Marx’s background and biography’