About AdrianFriday

Adrian Friday is a senior lecturer in the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University and an active researcher with more than 18 years of experience in developing infrastructure to support mobile and ubiquitous computing. His research interests include the challenges of ubicomp deployment, open public display networks, and the application of ubiquitous computing to mitigating climate change. Friday received his PhD in distributed systems support for mobile computing from Lancaster University.

Recent talk on refocusing eco-feedback interventions at ITU Copenhagen

This talk synthesises our recent work on analysing energy use in the home using ‘services’ in everyday life using our quantitative + qualitative method, reprising the argument that eco-feedback and in home energy displays focus the debate on the wrong issues and do not lead to substantial energy savings.  We move on to explore how energy supports cooking and uncover a range of broader design opportunities by considering both the direct and embodied impacts of cooking and how they relate to individuals’ food practices.  (Thoroughly enjoyed the talk, and some excellent questions from the guys at PITLab).


Kaivanto discussing ethics of natural field experiments in UK

Kim stirring debate about the ethics of undertaking ‘minimal risk’ field experiments that participants are unaware of without informed consent (@  UC San Diego Rady School of Management’ Symposium on Deception, Incentives and Behaviour, April 20-21, 2012).

The Ethical Quandary of Natural Field Experiments in Economics: Neither Informed Consent, Nor Deception, Nor Covert Observation!