Talks / Presentations

Invited talks

Conference talks

Conference posters

Invited talks

  • Emotion, language, and aesthetic perception: The impact of a powerful read, Lancaster Psychology Research Showcase Series, online, June 2021. Watch here
  • Language that conveys emotion, and aesthetic feelings, Departmental Seminar, Psychology Department, Northumbria University, December 2019
  • Emotion, language and aesthetic perception: the impact of a powerful read. Keynote speaker at the Romantic Novelists Conference, Lancaster University, July 2019
  • Metaphor, emotion and the brain. Department of English, Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria, January 2019
  • Neural approaches to the study of emotion evoked by (figurative) language. Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences (CISA), Geneva, October 2018
  • Metaphor, emotion and multilingualism. Creative multilingualism, University of Oxford, May 2018
  • Why are figurative expressions more engaging than their literal counterparts? Psychology Department, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, May 2017
  • Emotional valence and arousal affect written word recognition in an interactive way: behavioural and neurophysiological evidence. Computational Linguistics Lab, University of Pisa, Italy, March 2016
  • Figurative language plays an important role in evoking emotion: neuroscientific evidence. Computational Linguistics Lab, University of Pisa, Italy, March 2016
  • Neuroscientific evidence for a role of figurative language in engaging our interlocutors. Psychology Department, University of Melbourne, August 2015
  • Beyond sweet! A variety of conventional metaphors are more emotionally engaging than literal paraphrases. The University of Hong Kong, August 2015

Conference talks

Conference posters

  • Lu, Y., Cain, K., Yao, B., & Citron, F.M.M. (2024). Effects of culture relatedness on bilingual emotional responses to words: Insights from word norms and event-related potentials (ERPs). Cognitive Science Society Conference (COGSCI), Postillon Hotel and Convention Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 2024
  • Wong, T.C., Citron, F.M.M. (2024). How does culture affect immersion during narrative reading? Cognitive Science Society Conference (COGSCI), Postillon Hotel and Convention Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 2024
  • Wong, T.C., Citron, F.M.M. (2024). Effects of culture on immersion during narrative reading. International Association for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL), Aachen Center for Cognitive and Empirical Literary studies, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, July 2024.
  • Citron, F.M.M. (2020). What makes metaphors more engaging? Insights from neuroimaging and physiological measures. Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL) Virtual Conference, October 2020. View my poster here.
  • Citron, F.M.M., Clarke, H., Liao, Q., & Rasse, C. (2020). The role of literary metaphors in aesthetic appreciation. CogSci 2020 Virtual Conference, July 2020. View the poster here. Access the abstract here.
  • Alexandri, N., Citron, F.M.M., Harper, R., & Fülöp, E. (2019). Effects of reading media on affective responses toward literature. Reading in a Digital Environment – International Conference, Universität Regensburg, Germany, November 2019
  • Citron, F.M.M., Steele, C., Simmons, C.M., Cain, K. (2019). A database of 256 natural stories to investigate processing of figurative and literal emotional language. XPrag, Edinburgh, June 2019
  • Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N., & Goldberg, A.E. (2017). Why are figurative expressions more emotionally engaging? AMLaP, Lancaster, September 2017.
  • Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N., & Goldberg, A.E. (2017). Comprehension of metaphors in bilinguals: a neuroimaging study. Workshop Bi-/Multilingualism and the Declining Brain, Reading, UK, June 2017.
  • Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N., & Goldberg, A. (2016). How does our brain process figurative expressions in a second language? AMLaP, Bilbao, Spain, September 2016.
  • Borelli, E., Citron, F.M.M., Crepaldi, D., Porro, C.A., & Cacciari, C. (2016). Reading pain-related words affects aversive response. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada, Spain, May 2016.
  • Citron, F.M.M. (2015). Neuroscientific evidence for a role of figurative language in engaging our interlocutors. Workshop New Directions in Implicit and Explicit Language Learning, Lancaster University, UK, June 2015.