Emotion, language, and aesthetic perception: The impact of a powerful read, Lancaster Psychology Research Showcase Series, online, June 2021. Watch here
Language that conveys emotion, and aesthetic feelings, Departmental Seminar, Psychology Department, Northumbria University, December 2019
Emotion, language and aesthetic perception: the impact of a powerful read. Keynote speaker at the Romantic Novelists Conference, Lancaster University, July 2019
Why are figurative expressions more engaging than their literal counterparts? Psychology Department, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, May 2017
Emotional valence and arousal affect written word recognition in an interactive way: behavioural and neurophysiological evidence. Computational Linguistics Lab, University of Pisa, Italy, March 2016
Figurative language plays an important role in evoking emotion: neuroscientific evidence. Computational Linguistics Lab, University of Pisa, Italy, March 2016
Neuroscientific evidence for a role of figurative language in engaging our interlocutors. Psychology Department, University of Melbourne, August 2015
Beyond sweet! A variety of conventional metaphors are more emotionally engaging than literal paraphrases. The University of Hong Kong, August 2015
Citron, F.M.M., Liao, Q., Clarke, H., & Rasse, C. (2022). The role of literary metaphors in poetry appreciation. 30th Italian Association of Psychology Conference (all sections), University of Padova, Italy, September 2022
Bolognesi, M., Citron, F.M.M., & Strik-Lievers, F. (2022). Visual and linguistic synaesthetic metaphors in print advertising: An experimental study. 15th Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM) Conference, hybrid online and in person, University of Bialystok, Poland, September 2022
Citron, F.M.M. (2022). Comprehension and affective responses to figurative expressions in a second language, within the Symposium “Emotions in native and foreign language” organised by Sulpizio, S. & Del Maschio, N., 22nd European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP) Conference, University of Lille, France, August 2022
Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N., & Goldberg, A.E. (2020). Cognitive and affective responses to metaphors in first and second language speakers. Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society, University College London, January 2020
Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N., & Goldberg, A.E. (2019). How are metaphors processed by L2 speakers at the neural level? And do they evoke affective responses? Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium, University of Edinburgh, September 2019
Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N., & Goldberg, A.E. (2019). Neural correlates of figurative language processing in proficient L2 speakers and emotional engagement. Conference on Multilingualism 2019, University of Leiden, Netherlands, September 2019
Citron, F.M.M. (2019). Panellist at the roundtable discussion on “Metaphor & Emotion”, at the conference Creative Power of Metaphor, Oxford University, March 2019
Citron, F.M.M., & Goldberg, A.E. (2017). Why are figurative expressions more engaging than their literal counterparts? A possible answer from neuroscientific data. 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC), University of Tartu, Estonia, July 2017.
Citron, F.M.M. (2015). Neuroimaging evidence for a role of figurative expressions in conveying emotion. Christmas Conference 2015, Faculty of Science and Technology, Lancaster University, December 2015.
Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N. & Goldberg, A.E. (2015). Beyond sweet: a variety of conventional metaphors are more emotionally engaging than literal paraphrases. The 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-13), Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, July 2015.
Conference posters
Lu, Y., Cain, K., Yao, B., & Citron, F.M.M. (2024). Effects of culture relatedness on bilingual emotional responses to words: Insights from word norms and event-related potentials (ERPs). Cognitive Science Society Conference (COGSCI), Postillon Hotel and Convention Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 2024
Wong, T.C., Citron, F.M.M. (2024). How does culture affect immersion during narrative reading? Cognitive Science Society Conference (COGSCI), Postillon Hotel and Convention Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 2024
Alexandri, N., Citron, F.M.M., Harper, R., & Fülöp, E. (2019). Effects of reading media on affective responses toward literature. Reading in a Digital Environment – International Conference, Universität Regensburg, Germany, November 2019
Citron, F.M.M., Steele, C., Simmons, C.M., Cain, K. (2019). A database of 256 natural stories to investigate processing of figurative and literal emotional language. XPrag, Edinburgh, June 2019
Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N., & Goldberg, A.E. (2017). Why are figurative expressions more emotionally engaging? AMLaP, Lancaster, September 2017.
Citron, F.M.M., Michaelis, N., & Goldberg, A. (2016). How does our brain process figurative expressions in a second language? AMLaP, Bilbao, Spain, September 2016.
Borelli, E., Citron, F.M.M., Crepaldi, D., Porro, C.A., & Cacciari, C. (2016). Reading pain-related words affects aversive response. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada, Spain, May 2016.