Submit to us!
Want to submit something?
This is exactly the page for you – here, we specify the requirements for submissions, who to contact about further questions, and some other common FAQs.
Find below:
Information about our most recent publications
Details for submitting to our current issues
Submitting any content to the Video Essays team, Podcast team, or Interviews team.
Q1. So… What even is the Journal?
The journal is a collaborative project put together by Lancaster University students and the CUT TO team – each term, students submit work according to our guidelines (explained below) that covers a wide range of film-related topics, such as film reviews, critical readings, articles, important film events, obituaries for famous filmmakers who have passed away. We also accept student-made work, such as in our “featured screenplays” segments.
Q2. When and where is the finished issue published?
Here, on this website! Under our menu tab “Our Work,” there’s a page named “Published Issues” which gets updated with a free pdf copy of each issue we create. When we publish more, those will be there! (Look out for them!) Currently we publish only once per term – three times an academic year. This might change though!
Q3. How do I keep up?
On our home page, we link some of our socials. Mainly, we’re active on our Instagram, where we post updates, our calls for submissions, parts of our “Learning Cinema” series, and our “Filmmaker Of Focus” series. Apart from that, we’re also active on twitter, and on this website!
You can also find more information from our linktree, which allows you to access all of our relevant links in one place.
There are two things that anyone who would like to submit needs to do before they should submit to our email.
– Read our submissions guidelines below, which highlights the different submissions we accept; This includes all the details necessary for the writers to write articles which have the biggest possibility of being accepted, like:
– Suggested maximum word count,
– Article types,
– Harvard Referencing Style,
– Images & Image citing,
– Important or impactful quotes highlighted to use as article pull quotes, etc.
– And fill in our submissions form below, which allows us to certify that your work is:
– Your own, written by you, and not plagiarized,
– Assessed (along with the name of the tutor who assessed it), if it is a piece of previously completed coursework for a film-related course,
– Appropriate for upload to our YouTube channel, if it is a short film or Video Essay.
And allows the CUT TO team to:
– Liaise with you on edits to your work to make sure you are satisfied with the changes,
– Keep your work for the Video Essay team if rejected for the main journal, or for a future publication, if it is written work
– Keep and compile short films submitted for uploading at other times, or to be featured in Instagram posts, etc.
View the submission guidelines in full, and download the submissions form from the buttons below.
If you have any general questions about CUT TO (not including requests to join our team and interviews), these can be sent by email to any member of the CUT TO Administrative team, including:
To avoid confusion, please also title your emails with “Enquiry about Cut To” or something similar as these are Lancaster University Student emails.
If you’re thinking of submitting a written piece of work, then any questions you might have, or your submission itself (along with the form) should be attached to your email and sent to our submissions email, where our editorial team will be in contact with you at:
If you would like to join any team, collaborate with us for events, or tell us about any ideas and requests you have for our social media content, then your enquiry should be directed to our Advertisements and Marketing team, who will be in contact with you at:
Finally, if you would like to hold an interview with our interview team, and be featured in an upcoming published piece, your requests and questions should be sent to the Interviews team, who will be in contact with you at: