Find out what ALL members have been up to:
Two new papers on infant curiosity
Curiosity Battery research project website launched
Imagination Cave VR experience at Lancaster Music Festival
Pilot study on effect of educational trips on wonder and curiosity completed
A Student’s Guide to Developmental Psychology out in press
Marina presents at the Marconi Institute for Creativity
Marina and Didar at Cultural Evolution Society conference
Curiosity Battery development project starts!
Marina co-leads Lancaster Evaluation Group
New paper in Royal Society Open Science
Publications with ManyManys network
Marina works with Morecambe Bay Curriculum
Congratulations to Didar and Elena on completing their PhDs
Registered Report out in Developmental Science on information transmission
Leverhulme Trust Research Grant award to develop a curiosity battery
Presenting research on wonder at the International Conference of Possibility Studies
Wonder-full Education Questionnaire: Book Voucher winner announcement
Jean Piaget Society conference presentations
Parenting podcast about curiosity, wonder and creativity
Contributions to ManyBabies: new preprints
Elena and Didar present at BCCCD’23
Internship experience report on running studies on children’s teaching
New paper on the effect of synchrony on learning
Children aged 6-9 invited to take part in study of information sharing
New grant to study children’s teaching
Wonder in the classroom – new online study for teachers
Children’s Experience of Wonder – new online study
Didar’s Registered Report in-principle acceptance received
Elena presents at The Active Child workshop
Members of the lab present at LCICD 2021
Psychological Review paper published: ABC of social learning
Marina presents at MK40 workshop
Marina presents at the LU Research Showcase
Elena presents at LU PGR conference
Contributing to ManyBabies Demographics
Registered Report in-principle acceptance received
Marina presents at the virtual SRCD Biennial Meeting
Malcolm Wong awarded 1+3 ESRC scholarship
Marina presents at the virtual SPSP convention
Lab members attend BCCCD conference
ALL welcomes Elena and Freya as MSc students