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Ethical issues in social media research: current thinking

15th May, 1-4pm, King’s College London




We are holding a half-day event for researchers with an interest in social media research ethics. The workshop will allow the opportunity to hear from established scholars and practitioners in the field talk about various aspects of ethical issues in the context of social media research.

Helen Kara, Head of Ethics at the Social Research Association, will begin the afternoon with her keynote on Social media research ethics in context. This will be followed by Dr Gabrielle Samuel’s presentation on social media research and ‘personal ethics’. Invited speakers will then give short 10-minute talks. This will be followed by a Q&A and panel discussion. There will be plenty of opportunity for delegates to share their own ideas and network in this informal setting.

We are delighted that our range of invited speakers includes:

  • Itzelle Medina Perea, Information School at the University of Sheffield, who will provide key elements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Steve Ginnis, IPSOS, Research Director, Deputy Head of Public Communication Research
  • Wasim Ahmed, Information School, Sheffield University, who will discuss social media research ethics with relation to twitter research
  • Curtis Jessop, Research Director at NatCen Social Research, who will discuss linking social media and survey data
  • Sarah Quinton, Senior lecturer at Oxford Brookes University, who will discuss the blurring boundaries between researchers and participants in social media research
  • Sally Sanger, PhD student at the Information School at the University of Sheffield, who will discuss ethical issues and researching online support group
  • Libby Bishop, Coordinator for International Data Infrastructures at GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, who will discuss the archiving of social media data
  • Brittany Kelley, Teaching Fellow at King’s College London, who will discuss the ethical issues with researching online fanfiction writers

If you would like to attend the event, you can register here. If you have any questions, please get in touch at g.samuel1@lancaster.ac.uk; wahmed1@sheffield.ac.uk; curtis.jessop@natcen.ac.uk. There is no fee for this event. For those without funding, we have a small amount of money to contribute towards the cost of attending.