

Patrick Crogan, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies at the University of the West of England in Bristol, scholar of technoculture, author of Gameplay Mode: War, Simulation, and Technoculture (2011).

Derek Gregory, Peter Wall Distinguished Professor and Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, author of multiple works interrogating social and spatial dimensions of conflict, currently completing a book titled The Everywhere War (forth).

M. Shane Riza, command pilot and former instructor at the U.S. Air Force Weapons School, author of Killing Without Heart. Limits on Robotic Warfare in an Age of Persistent Conflict (2013).

Jutta Weber, Professor of Media Studies, University of Paderborn; feminist philosopher, media theorist and science and technology studies scholar.

Christiane Wilke, Associate Professor in Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University, Canada. She has been researching legal responses to state violence and is working on a project about visuality, photography, and international law.