Dr Bryan M. Williams, BSc MSc PhD FHEA
Lecturer in Biometrics and Human Identification
Lancaster University

Dr Bryan M. Williams is a Lecturer in Biometrics and Human Identification with the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University and honorary Lecturer in Ophthalmic Imaging with the University of Liverpool; he also holds an honorary contract with Royal Liverpool University Hospital for research in medical imaging. He obtained a PhD in mathematics from the University of Liverpool in 2015 and worked as a research associate at Universität des Saarlandes before returning to Liverpool as a research associate to work on medical device development. His research focusses on the development of automated image enhancement, analysis and processing techniques for medical and biometric applications. He is leading the ERC-funded research project H-Unique, which aims to automate the identification of suspects from images of their hands.

Invited Talks
Sue Black: Guest lecture for SCC361 Artificial Intelligence
Student Feedback: “The guest lecture from Susan Black has to be one of the best lectures throughout the degree, being both informative and giving a good understanding of just how much of AI is used in the real world.”
Introduction to AI in Ophthalmology
Royal College of Ophthalmology Annual Congress, UK.
Webinar Series: Introduction to AI for Ophthalmology
A gentle introduction for AI for ophthalmic clinicians

Recent Publications
Weakly Supervised Co-training with Swapping Assignments for Semantic Segmentation
Yang X, Rahmani H, Black S, Williams BM. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17891. 2024 Feb 27.
A Probabilistic Attention Model with Occlusion-aware Texture Regression for 3D Hand Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
Jiang Z, Rahmani H, Black S, Williams BM. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023 (pp. 758-767).
An Investigation on ECG-based Cardiological Diagnosis via Deep Learning Models
Meehan A, Zhang Z, Williams B, Jiang R. In Recent Advances in AI-enabled Automated Medical Diagnosis 2022 Oct 20 (pp. 304-316). CRC Press.
Visualizing water inside an operating proton exchange membrane fuel cell with video‐rate terahertz imaging
Alves‐Lima DF, Williams BM, Schlegl H, Gupta G, Letizia R, Dawson R, Lin H. Fuel Cells. 2022 Oct 17.
Robust Brain Age Estimation based on sMRI via Nonlinear Age-Adaptive Ensemble Learning
Zhang Z, Jiang R, Zhang C, Williams B, Jiang Z, Li CT, Chazot P, Pavese N, Bouridane A, Beghdadi A. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2022.
Graph-context Attention Networks for Size-varied Deep Graph Matching
Jiang Z, Rahmani H, Angelov P, Black S, Williams BM. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022 (pp. 2343-2352).
Data-Driven Sentinel-2 Based Deep Feature Extraction to Improve Insect Species Distribution Models
Phillips J, Zhang C, Williams B, Jarvis S. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2022 May (pp. EGU22-5632).
Hand-Based Person Identification using Global and Part-Aware Deep Feature Representation Learning
Baisa NL, Williams B, Rahmani H, Angelov P, Black S. In 2022 Eleventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA) 2022 Apr 19 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Artificial intelligence-based earlier detection of glaucoma via retinal images
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Bryan M. Williams Award Amount: £20,000 Project Start Date: 01/09/2023 Project End Date: 31/08/2024
Biometric-based artificial intelligence to identify suspects of serious crime in large datasets
Joint ESRC-EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Bryan M. Williams, Hossein Rahmani, Sophie Nightingale Award Amount: £15,000 Project Start Date: 01/09/2021 Project End Date: 31/08/2022
H-Unique: In Search of Uniqueness – Harnessing Anatomical Hand Variation
ERC Award Amount: £2,000,000 Project Start Date: 01/09/2019 Project End Date: 31/12/2024

Latest News
H-Unique Demo at CVPR
Bryan M. Williams – Organiser, SpeakerXinyu Yang – SpeakerHossein Rahmani – ContributorAndrei Banica – ContributorSue Black – Contributor
Weakly Supervised Co-training with Swapping Assignments for Semantic Segmentation
Yang X, Rahmani H, Black S, Williams BM. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17891. 2024 Feb 27.
Artificial intelligence-based earlier detection of glaucoma via retinal images
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account Bryan M. Williams Award Amount: £20,000 Project Start Date: 01/09/2023 Project End Date: 31/08/2024
A Probabilistic Attention Model with Occlusion-aware Texture Regression for 3D Hand Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
Jiang Z, Rahmani H, Black S, Williams BM. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023 (pp. 758-767).
An Investigation on ECG-based Cardiological Diagnosis via Deep Learning Models
Meehan A, Zhang Z, Williams B, Jiang R. In Recent Advances in AI-enabled Automated Medical Diagnosis 2022 Oct 20 (pp. 304-316). CRC Press.
Visualizing water inside an operating proton exchange membrane fuel cell with video‐rate terahertz imaging
Alves‐Lima DF, Williams BM, Schlegl H, Gupta G, Letizia R, Dawson R, Lin H. Fuel Cells. 2022 Oct 17.
Robust Brain Age Estimation based on sMRI via Nonlinear Age-Adaptive Ensemble Learning
Zhang Z, Jiang R, Zhang C, Williams B, Jiang Z, Li CT, Chazot P, Pavese N, Bouridane A, Beghdadi A. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2022.

Curriculum Vitae
Section 1: Contact Details, Qualifications and Experience
1.1 Personal Details
School of Computing and Communications
Lancaster University
C40 Infolab21
South Drive
United Kingdom
b.williams6 ‘at’ lancaster.ac.uk
1.2 Further / Higher Education
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
Lancaster University
Oct 2021 – Dec 2022
PhD in Applied Mathematics
University of Liverpool
Nov 2010 – Oct 2014
Variational Optimisation to address blind image deconvolution in retinal fundus imagery
MSc Mathematical Sciences (Distinction)
University of Liverpool
Sep 2007 – Sep 2008
BSc Pure Mathematics (2:1)
University of Liverpool
Sep 2004 – Jul 2007
1.3 Other Relevant Training / Qualification
- Professional memberships: IMA, IEEE (member, 2016 – present), AFHEA
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (May 21)
- PDR Training, Apr 2021
- Associate Teacher Programme (Sep 20)
- Introduction to Teaching at Lancaster (Sep 20)
- Online Teaching (Sep 20)
- Media and Social Media Workshops (Various 2019-20)
- Recruiting the Best, Sep 2019
- Human Materials Training, Nov 2018
1.4: Employment Record
Lecturer in Biometrics and Human Identification, Lancaster University, Sep 2019 – Present
- Research in Computer Vision, Forensic Biometrics, Medical Imaging and Diagnostics
- Teaching in Computer Science, including artificial intelligence, optimisation and data science
- Lead of €2.4million H-Unique project
- Lead of Imaging and Computer Vision Lancaster (iCVL) research group
- Co-lead for Security Lancaster Biometrics
Honorary Lecturer in Ophthalmic Imaging, University of Liverpool, Sep 2019 – Present
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Liverpool, Aug 2015 – Aug 2019
- Research in medical image segmentation, reconstruction and diagnostics, particularly related to ophthalmology, optical coherence tomography and retinal fundus imaging.
- Supervision of final year undergraduate projects, MRes projects and PhD Students.
- Lead of EVS PDRA Group, co-lead and co-founder of KIND Outreach Group and Junior Science Lab.
- Host of MIUA2019 conference
Honorary Contract for Clinical Research, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Dec 2018 – Present
- Honorary contract to facilitate research between University of Liverpool and Royal Liverpool University Hospital.
Research Fellow, Universitat des Saarlandes, Jan 2015 – Apr 2015
- Projects in focus fusion, blur detection, selective deblurring and super-resolution.
Teaching Assistant, University of Liverpool, Nov 2010 – Jun 2015
- Marking of assignments of degree and master’s students as well as providing tutor support with modules relating to finance, statistical modelling, programming and solutions to differential equations.
IT Manager, Jarvis Employment and Training Group, Sep 2008 – Nov 2013
- Responsible for management and implementation of IT services and support across organisation (2009-2011). Consultation RE ongoing IT support, arising issues (2011-2013).
- Management and administration of network, PBX system, server management and administration (AD, Exchange, etc).
- 1st Line IT support, hardware support and maintenance. Development and administration of intranet. Further development of existing structures and programmes. Security and CCTV systems. Website development, maintenance and administration.
- Purchasing and liaising with 3rd party support.
- Staff Training.
IT Support Provider, TNS Support Services, Sep 2009 – Oct 2010
- Responsible for development, management and implementation of IT support.
MIS Administrator, Jarvis Training Management, Jul 2007 – Sep 2008
- MIS Administration relating to vocational qualification areas.
- Assistance with budgeting for SFA and local council contracts.
- Developed VBA project to speed up production of reporting and improve quality of learning programmes.
- Development of intranet sub-site to act as e-portfolio system for ILM qualification.
- Development of computerised archive system.
1.5: Teaching Experience and Activity
Undergraduate Level
I redeveloped and delivered SCC022 (Data Science) and SCC361 (Artificial Intelligence). I have supervised 8 undergraduate projects in computer science and engineering. I have also taught for the BSc Mathematics, BSc Electrical Engineering and Electronics.
Postgraduate Level
I have currently supervising 7 PhD students internally and externally. I have supervised 6 MSc and 1 MRes projects and taught for MSc Medical Physics, MSc Bioinformatics.
1.6: Leadership, Professional and Collegial Experience
- Host of the 23rd Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) 2019, Liverpool
- Lead Postdoc in Eye and Vision Science (April 2018 – present)
- Deputy Lead Postdoc in Eye and Vision Science (April 2017 – April 2018)
- Adviser to the Liverpool Ophthalmic Reading Centre (2015 – present)
- Co-founder and joint lead of KIND Outreach Group (2016 – present)
- Co-founder and joint lead of IACD Junior Science Lab (2017 – present)
- Active member and postdoc representative of EDWInA Group (Equality, Diversity and Wellbeing in the Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease)
- Active member and postdoc representative of Postdoctoral Teaching Committee
- Active member and postdoc liaison of Research Staff Association
- Reviewer for scientific and clinical journals including, but not limited to, IEEE Trans Med Img, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, J. Alg Comp Tech.
1.7: Research Experience and Knowledge Exchange Activities
I have strong research expertise in machine learning, image processing, computer vision, and their biomedical applications. My current research is focused on (1) development of AI based image processing theory and algorithms, (2) development of intelligent medical image analysis software applications, and (3) development of novel imaging devices.
Recent and Current Grants as PI
Williams BM, Rahmani H, Nightingale S. Biometric-based artificial intelligence to identify suspects of serious crime in large datasets. EPSRC-ESRA IAA. £15,000. Sep 2021.
Williams BM, Jones S, Foster P and Shen Y. Market Research for the Commercialisation of a Next Generation OCT. InnovateUK. £32k. Aug 2018 – Oct 2018.
Williams BM. Investigation of Deep Learning Approaches to Denoising in Medical Image Analysis. Postdoctoral Independent Research Award. £900. Feb 2017.
Recent and Current Grants as Co-I
Black S, Williams BM, Rahmani H, Angelov P, Hackman L, Rowland C. H-Unique: Harnessing Anatomical Hand Variation. ERC. €2.4million. Jan 2019.
Outreach and Widening Participation
- Co-organiser and speaker at “AI in Ophthalmology” with LJMU and Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry, India.
- Leading outreach effort for H-Unique project, including News articles, television, radio interviews and social media. Total reach of news articles is over 106 million.
- Co-founder and lead of two outreach groups aimed at (i) encouraging disadvantaged children to be interested in science, (ii) contribute to the curriculum.
- Lead organiser for several outreach events, incorporating mathematics, medical imaging, diabetes and associated complications.
- Lead for Patient and Public Interaction activities on Ultrasensitive Optical Coherence Tomography Project.
1.8: Invitations to Speak
- European Association of Biometrics, Germany, Sep 2021
- International invited keynote, Next-Gen Forensics, Australia, Jun 2021
- European Association of Biometrics, Germany, Sep 2020
- Royal College of Ophthalmology Annual Congress, London, UK, May 2021
- British Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Meeting, Plymouth, UK, Mar 2021
- Royal College of Ophthalmology Annual Congress, London, UK, May 2020
- LU Data Science Institute, Lancaster, UK, Oct 2019
- St Paul’s Eye Unit, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK, Dec 2018
- Networc UK Meeting, University of Liverpool, UK, Nov 2018
- Keratoconus Group Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, Sep 2018
- EPSRC Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare Event – Optimisation and Imaging, University of Liverpool, Aug 2017
- Centre for Preclinical Imaging Symposium, University of Liverpool, Jul 2016
1.9: Awards
- Ophthalmology and Vision Prize Research Meeting (Royal Liverpool University Hospital, 2018), 2nd Place
- FHLS Public Engagement Award (FHLS, University of Liverpool 2018)
- Staff Award for Outstanding Contribution to Public Engagement (University of Liverpool, 2018)
- Staff Award for Outstanding Contribution to Public Engagement, Commended (University of Liverpool, 2017)
- Best Poster Prize (LMS Inverse Problems Meeting – Tomographic Reconstructions from Boundary Data, 2014)
1.10: Other Relevant Activities
International collaboration partners from Italy, China, Turkey, Iraq and industrial partners with several Hospital Trusts and AstraZeneca.
Section 2 – Publications and Submitted Papers
I have published 47 full-length refereed journal and conference papers, plus 3 under review. To date, I have 921 citations, h-index 15 and i10-index 16.
My Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=nKCHXTAAAAAJ&hl=en
Under Review
- Coan L, Williams BM, Venkatesh KA, Upadhyaya S, Czanner S, Venkatesh R, Willoughby CE, Kavitha S, Czanner G. Automatic detection of glaucoma via fundus imaging and artificial intelligence: A review. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.05591. 2022 Apr 12. [JOURNAL PAPER]
- Jiang Z, Rahmani H, Boswell-Challand R, Angelov P, Black S, Williams BM. DODN: Deep Orientated Distance-transform Network for Geometric-aware Superficial Vein Centerline Detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. [JOURNAL PAPER]
- Vyas R, Rahmani H, Boswell-Challand R, Angelov P, Black S, Williams BM. Demonstrable and Anatomy-driven Knuckle Identification via Crease Map Segmentation. IJCB. [CONFERENCE PAPER]
Refereed Journal Papers
- Li X, Williams BM, May RK, Zhong S, Evans M, Gladden L, Shen Y, Zeitler A, Lin H. Optimising Terahertz Waveform Selection of a Pharmaceutical Film Coating Process Using Recurrent Network. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. 2022:1-.
- Vyas R, Williams BM, Rahmani H, Boswell-Challand R, Jiang Z, Angelov P, Black S. Ensemble-Based Bounding Box Regression for Enhanced Knuckle Localization. Sensors. 2022 Feb 17;22(4):1569.
- Krishna Adithya V, Williams BM, Czanner S, Kavitha S, Friedman DS, Willoughby CE, Venkatesh R, Czanner G. EffUnet-SpaGen: An Efficient and Spatial Generative Approach to Glaucoma Detection. Journal of Imaging. 2021 Jun;7(6):92.
- Li X, Lawman S, Williams BM, Ye S, Shen Y, Zheng Y. Simultaneous optical coherence tomography and Scheimpflug imaging using the same incident light. Optics Express. 2020;28(26):39660-76.
- Palme C, Ahmad S, Romano V, Seifarth C, Williams BM, Parekh M, Kaye SB, Steger B. En-face analysis of the human limbal lymphatic vasculature. Experimental Eye Research. 2020; 201:108278.
- Lawman S, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Shen YC. Quasi-tomography by free space line field spectral domain optical coherence reflectometry. Measurement Science and Technology. 2020; 31(6):065203.
- Williams BM, Borroni D, Liu R, Zhao Y, Zhang J, Lim J, Ma B, Romano V, Qi H, Ferdousi M, Petropoulos IN. An artificial intelligence-based deep learning algorithm for the diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy using corneal confocal microscopy: a development and validation study. Diabetologia. 2020 Feb;63(2):419-30. [55 CITATIONS]
- Zhang Z, Ikpatt U, Lawman S, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Lin H, Shen Y. Sub-surface imaging of soiled cotton fabric using full-field optical coherence tomography. Optics express. 2019 May 13;27(10):13951-64.
- MacCormick IJ, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Li K, Al-Bander B, Czanner S, Cheeseman R, Willoughby CE, Brown EN, Spaeth GL, Czanner G. Accurate, fast, data efficient and interpretable glaucoma diagnosis with automated spatial analysis of the whole cup to disc profile. PloS one. 2019 Jan 10;14(1):e0209409. [32 CITATIONS]
- Zhang Z, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Lin H, Shen Y. Differentiating Generic versus Branded Pharmaceutical Tablets Using Ultra-High-Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography. Coatings. 2019 May;9(5):326.
- Al-Bander B, Williams BM, Al-Nuaimy W, Al-Taee MA, Pratt H, Zheng Y. Dense Fully Convolutional Segmentation of the Optic Disc and Cup in Colour Fundus for Glaucoma Diagnosis. Symmetry. 2018; 10(4):87. [124 CITATIONS]
- Al-Bander B, Al-Nuaimy W, Williams BM, Zheng Y. Multiscale sequential convolutional neural networks for simultaneous detection of fovea and optic disc. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2018; 40:91-101. [95 CITATIONS]
- Pratt H, Zheng Y, Harding SP, Williams BM, Coenen F, Broadbent D. Automated Diagnosis of Fundus Camera Images for Diabetic Retinopathy for Treatment Referral. European Journal of Ophthalmology. 2018; 28:7.
- Pratt H, Williams BM, Ku J, Vas C, McCann E, Al-Bander B, Zhao Y, Coenen F, Zheng, Y. Automatic Detection and Distinction of Retinal Vessel Bifurcations and Crossings in Colour Fundus Photography. Journal of Imaging. 2017; 5(1):4. [17 CITATIONS]
- Lawman S, Madden PW, Romano V, Dong Y, Mason S, Williams BM, Kaye SB, Willoughby CE, Harding SP, Shen YC, Zheng Y. Deformation velocity imaging using optical coherence tomography and its applications to the cornea. Biomedical Optics Express. 2017; 8(12):5579-5593. [18 CITATIONS]
- Lin H, Dong Y, Markl D, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Shen Y, Zeitler JA. Measurement of the Intertablet Coating Uniformity of a Pharmaceutical Pan Coating Process With Combined Terahertz and Optical Coherence Tomography In-Line Sensing. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2017; 106(4):1075-1084.
- Zhang J, Williams BM, Lawman S, Atkinson D, Zhang Z, Shen Y, Zheng Y. Non-destructive analysis of flake properties in automotive paints with full-field optical coherence tomography and 3D segmentation. Optics Express. 2017; 25(16):18614-18628. [24 CITATIONS]
- Lawman S, Williams BM, Zhang J, Shen YC, Zheng Y. Scan-Less Line Field Optical Coherence Tomography, with Automatic Image Segmentation, as a Measurement Tool for Automotive Coatings. Applied Sciences. 2017; 7(4):351. [15 CITATIONS]
- Williams BM, Zhang J, Chen K. A new image deconvolution method with fractional regularisation. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2016; 10(4):265-276.
- Williams BM, Spencer JA, Chen K, Zheng Y, Harding SP. An effective variational model for simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation of blurred images. Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2016; 10(4):244-264.
- Lawman S, Dong Y, Williams BM, Romano V, Kaye S, Harding SP, Willoughby CE, Shen YC, Zheng Y. High resolution corneal and single pulse imaging with line field spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Optics Express, 2016; 24(11):2395-2405. [32 CITATIONS]
2015 and Earlier
- Chen K, Harding SP, Williams BM, Zheng Y. A New Study of Blind Deconvolution with Implicit Incorporation of Nonnegativity Constraints. International Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2015: 1-17.
- Williams BM, Zheng Y, Chen K, Harding SP. A new constrained total variational deblurring model and its fast algorithm. Numerical Algorithms, 2015; 69(2):415-441.
Full-length Refereed Conference Papers
- Jiang Z, Rahmani H, Angelov P, Black S, Williams BM. Graph-Context Attention Networks for Size-Varied Deep Graph Matching. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2022 (pp. 2343-2352). [POSTER]
- Baisa NL, Williams BM, Rahmani H, Angelov P, Black S. Hand-based person identification using global and part-aware deep feature representation learning. In 2022 Eleventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA) 2022 Apr 19 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Alghamdi M, Angelov P, Williams BM. Automated Person Identification Framework Based on Fingernails and Dorsal Knuckle Patterns. In 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 2021 Dec 5 (pp. 01-08). IEEE.
- Vyas R, Rahmani H, Boswell-Challand R, Angelov P, Black S, Williams BM. Robust End-to-End Hand Identification via Holistic Multi-Unit Knuckle Recognition. In 2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) 2021 Aug 4 (pp. 1-8). IEEE. [TALK]
- Williams BM, Ghanbari B, Chen K, Rada L. A Fast Discrete Homotopy Solution Method for Two Problems in Image Deconvolution. In International Online Conference on Intelligent Decision Science 2020 (pp. 583-594). Springer, Cham. [TALK]
- Gao D, Celik N, Wu X, Williams BM, Stylianides A, Zheng Y. A novel deep learning based OCTA de-striping method. In Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2019 (pp. 189-197). Springer, Cham.
- Wu X, Gao D, Williams BM, Stylianides A, Zheng Y, Jin Z. Joint Destriping and Segmentation of OCTA Images. In Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2019 (pp. 423-435). Springer, Cham.
- Al-Bander B, Alzahrani T, Alzahrani S, Williams BM, Zheng Y. Improving Fetal Head Contour Detection by Object Localisation with Deep Learning. In Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2019 (pp. 142-150). Springer, Cham. [18 CITATIONS]
- Chen X, Williams BM, Vallabhaneni SR, Czanner G, Williams R, Zheng Y. Learning active contour models for medical image segmentation. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019 (pp. 11632-11640). [POSTER, 153 CITATIONS]
- Xu Y, Williams BM, Al-Bander B, Yan Z, Shen YC, Zheng Y. Improving the resolution of retinal OCT with deep learning. In Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) 2018; July 9-11 2018; Southampton, UK: Springer 2018.
- Lawman S, Romano V, Madden PW, Mason S, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Shen YC. Supercontinuum ultra-high resolution line-field OCT; experimental spectrograph comparison and comparison with current clinical OCT systems by the imaging of a human cornea. In 2nd Canterbury Conference on OCT with Emphasis on Broadband Optical Sources; March 5 2018; Canterbury, UK: International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018.
- Al-Bander B, Al-Taee MA, Al-Nuaimy W, Williams BM, Zheng Y. A Novel Choroid Segmentation Method for Retinal Diagnosis Using Deep Learning. In 10th International Conference on Developments in E-systems Engineering (DESE 2017); June 14 2017; Paris, France: IEEE, 2018.
- Lawman S, Zhang J, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Shen YC. Applications of optical coherence tomography in the non-contact assessment of automotive paints. In Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X; June 26 2017; International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017.
- Pratt H, Williams BM, Ku J, Coenen F, Zheng Y. Automatic detection and identification of retinal vessel junctions in colour fundus photography. In Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) 2017; July 11-13 2017; Edinburgh, UK: Springer 2017.
- Pratt H, Williams BM, Coenen FP, Zheng Y. FCNNs: Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks. In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) 2017; September 18 2017; Springer 2017. [64 CITATIONS]
- Williams BM, Al-Bander B, Pratt H, Lawman S, Zhao Y, Zheng Y, Shen Y. Fast blur detection and parametric deconvolution of retinal fundus images. In Fetal, Infant and Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis, MICCAI 2017; September 14 2017; Quebec City, Canada; Springer 2017.
- Al-Bander B, Al-Nuaimy W, Al-Taee M, Williams BM, Zheng Y. Diabetic Macular Edema Grading based on Deep Neural Networks. In 3rd MICCAI Workshop on Ophthalmic Image Analysis (OMIA-3); Athens, Greece; Springer 2016. [21 CITATIONS]
- Lin H, Dong Y, Pei C, Williams BM, Markl D, Zheng Y, Elliott JA, Shen Y, Zeitler JA. Studying the Pharmaceutical Film Coating Process with Terahertz Sensing, Optical Coherence Tomography and Numerical Modelling. In 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THZ); September 26-30 2016; Copenhagen, Denmark; IEEE 2016.
2015 and Earlier
- Williams BM, Chen K, Harding SP, Zheng Y. A New Method of Blind Deconvolution for Colour Fundus Retinal Images. In 2nd MICCAI Workshop on Ophthalmic Image Analysis (OMIA-2); October 5-9 2015; Munich, Germany; Springer 2015.
- Williams BM, Chen K, Zheng Y, Harding SP. Mathematical deblurring of images for non-blind and blind restoration. In 25th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference. University of Strathclyde, UK; 2013.
- Williams BM, Chen K, Zheng Y, Harding SP. A blind deconvolution model for images corrupted by gaussian blur. In Essex-Greenwich-Hertfordshire Workshop on Applied and Numerical Mathematics – Multiscale Problems. University of Greenwich, UK; 2012.
- Williams BM, Chen K, Zheng Y, Harding SP. Advanced blur removal methods with applications to retinal imaging for ophthalmology. In Medical Image Understanding and Analysis. July 9-11 2012; Swansea University, UK; Springer 2012.
- Williams BM, Chen K, Zheng Y, Harding SP. Mathematical methods for blind image deblurring. In DITANET Symposium: Quantum Systems and Research(ers) at Accelerators. 2012; Runcorn, UK.
- Williams BM, Chen K, Zheng Y, Harding SP. Mathematical methods and algorithms for restoring retinal images with blur and blind blur. In Ophthalmology Image Analysis Workshop. 2011; University of Liverpool, UK.
Other Publications
- Qu H, Rahmani H, Xu L, Williams BM, Liu J. Recent Advances of Continual Learning in Computer Vision: An Overview. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.11369. 2021 Sep 23.
- Baisa NL, Williams BM, Rahmani H, Angelov P, Black S. Multi-Branch with Attention Network for Hand-Based Person Recognition. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.02234. 2021 Aug 4.
- Williams BM, Burgess PI, Zheng Y. Drusen and macular degeneration. In Computational Retinal Image Analysis 2019 Jan 1 (pp. 245-272). Academic Press. [BOOK CHAPTER]
- Zheng Y, Williams BM, Chen K, editors. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 23rd Conference, MIUA 2019, Liverpool, UK, 2019. Springer Nature. [CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS]
Conference (Extended) Abstracts
- Li X, Williams BM, May RK, Evans MJ, Zhong S, Gladden LF, Shen Y, Zeitler JA, Lin H. Terahertz waveform selection of a pharmaceutical film coating process using a recurrent network. In 2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
- Alves-Lima DF, Schlegl H, Williams BM, Letizia R, Dawson R, Lin H. Observing liquid water build-up in proton exchange membrane fuel cells using terahertz imaging and high-resolution optical gauging. IRMMW-THz 2020 (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
- Li X, Bawuah P, Williams BM, Zeitler JA, Lin H. Studying pharmaceutical tablets mixing process inside a perforated pan-coater using in-line terahertz sensing. IRMMW-THz 2020 (pp. 01-02). IEEE.
- Gu X, Williams BM, Black S. A deep convolutional neural network-based approach for superficial dorsal hand vein pattern matching. EAB-RPC 2020.
- Williams BM, Gu X, Black S. H-Unique-In search of uniqueness-harnessing anatomical hand variation. EAB-RPC 2020.
- Czanner G, MacCormick IJ, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Czanner S, Tatham A, Trucco M, Li Y, Congdon N, Venkatesh KA, Kavitha S. Improved artificial intelligence for glaucoma grading from fundus photographs via uncertainty-informed decision referral. UKÉGSC 2019.
- Steger B, Palme C, Romano V, Ahmad S, Seifarth C, Williams BM, Zheng Y, Parekh M, Kaye SB. En-face morphometric analysis of the human limbal lymphatic vasculature. IOVS 2019; 60(9):953.
- Zheng Y, Zhao Y, Chen X, Gao D, Bridge J, Zhu W, Williams BM. Fully automatic localisation of the optic disc using YOLO in colour fundus photographs. IOVS 2019 Aug 1;60(11):PB038-.
- Romano V, Borroni D, Geraghty B, Lipari E, Sborgia A, Zheng Y, Kaye SB, Williams BM. In-vivo evaluation of corneal collagen fibrils pattern to detect keratoconus. IOVS 2019 Jul 22;60(9):331-.
- Zheng Y, Yao H, Shen Y, Zhao Y, Williams BM. Fully Convolutional Segmentation of Corneal Limbus and Foveal Blood Vessels in Fluorescein Angiography. IOVS 2019 Jul 22;60(9):177-.
- Pratt H, Williams BM, Broadbent D, Harding SP, Coenen F, Zheng Y. Learning the features of Diabetic Retinopathy with Convolutional Neural Networks. EASDec. [POSTER]
- Qi H, Borroni D, Liu R, Williams BM, Beech M, Zhao Y, Ma B, Romano V, Alam U, Kaye SB, Zeng Y. Automated Detection of Corneal Nerves using Deep Learning. ARVO 2018. [POSTER]
- Borroni D, Beech M, Williams BM, Liu R, Zhao Y, Ma B, Romano V, Alam U, Qi H, Kaye SB, Zeng Y. Building a Validated In-vivo Confocal Microscopy (IVCM) Dataset for the Study of Corneal Nerves. ARVO 2018. [POSTER]
- Brunner M, Romano V, Steger B, Vinciguerra R, Lawman S, Williams BM, Hicks N, Czanner G, Zheng Y, Willoughby CE, Kaye SB. Imaging of Corneal Neovascularization: Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography and Fluorescence Angiography. ARVO 2018. [POSTER, 36 CITATIONS]
- O’Brien F, Williams BM, Pratt H, Barrett-Jolley R. CVS Role of TRPV: from Single Channels to HRV Assessment with Artificial Intelligence. Experimental Biology 2018 Meeting, Orlando, USA. [TALK]
- Zheng Y, Al-Bander B, Williams BM. Automatic Segmentation of the Choroid in EDI-OCT Images using Clustering and Deep Learning. ARVO 2017. [POSTER]
- Zheng Y, Williams BM, Pratt H, Al-Bander B, Wu X, Zhao Y. Computer aided diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration in 3D OCT images by deep learning. ARVO 2017. [TALK]
- Zhang J, Williams BM, Shen Y, Kaye SB, & Zheng Y. Building a New Full-field Optical Coherence Tomography (FF-OCT) for Measuring the Shape and Power of the Corneal Surface. In MRC Festival of Medical Research 2016. [POSTER]
- Williams BM. Centre for Mathematical Imaging Techniques: Aiming to get more out of a single image. Liverpool Centre for Preclinical Imaging Symposium 2016. [INVITED TALK]
2015 and Earlier
- Chen K, Williams BM, Zhang J. On some refined variational models for restoration of blurred images. ICIAM 2015; Valencia, Spain: 2015. [TALK]
- Williams BM, Zheng Y, Chen K, Harding SP. Retinal Fundus Image Deconvolution. Mathematical Imaging with Biomedical Applications Workshop. September 23, 2015; Liverpool, UK: 2015. [TALK]
- Williams BM, Chen K. Image Deconvolution Techniques. In LMS Inverse Problems Meeting – Tomographic Reconstructions from Boundary Data. 2014; University of Leeds, UK. [POSTER, BEST POSTER PRIZE]
- Williams BM. Recent Advances in Image Processing. In Recent Advances in Image Processing. 2013; University of Liverpool, UK. [TALK]
- Williams BM. Mathematical Methods for Blind Image Deblurring. In BMVA/ EPSRC Computer Vision Summer School. 2012; University of Manchester, UK. [POSTER]