Stage IV

Planning: Project reflections July 2023

Fabric of the place

Researching in the place, listening to stories and learning about what makes our places special have enriched our research skills and facilitated integration of the research team in the place. Meeting local stakeholders and immersing ourselves in their world has helped us understand the place as a system. Our perspective that we have gained from “simply going there” have impacted on our next steps beyond research and data collection towards impact and action.

Sustainability Policy at a Local Level

As we move towards sensemaking and data analysis, we transform our thinking towards impact on local policy makers. Our research outputs are shaping up to new experimental approach to policy design that will enable more sustainable and localised policy making practices. With the endorsement of the Pentland Centre, we reflect on sustainability challenges and the need for creative and empathetic policy practice resulting in regenerative cultures and responsible futures.

Sustainability Policy at a Local Level – Transforming Tomorrow –