Stage I

Diagnosis: Place-based challenges and opportunities: December 2022 – February 2023

Review the recently published strategic framework for Lancashire – Lancashire 2050 and map out future scenarios for Lancaster based on insight analyses related to the strategic framework priorities with a particular focus on transport challenges.

Expected outputs:
Pilot an open innovation approach for the discovery stage of a research project; establishing a committed and trusting community of stakeholders who are enabled to contribute without restrained feelings through design-led facilitation.
Map our four future scenarios based on critical uncertainties identified by stakeholders in mixed group discussions.

The future scenario planning approach has been adopted to test an alternative planning tool in order to develop more resilient plans for the future and to test any existing strategies against future trends. The scenario approach is based on actual facts and insights drawn from the participating stakeholders and from publicly available data prepared by the research team.

20 stakeholders have been drawn from the following groups:
Lancaster Business Improvement District
Lancaster City Council
Lancashire Country Council
Lancaster Chamber of Commerce
Luneside Studios
Connected Places Catapult
Lancaster University

Stage 1 Report

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